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About Dufniall

  • Birthday 05/04/1986

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    the Netherlands
  • Interests
    Gaming, reading, making and listening music
  • Occupation
    Bass player


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    Commodore 64, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid Prime 2
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Samus Aran
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  1. Haha that looks amazing. I did watch the show, in fact it was one of my favourites growing up. Like the direction as well, being an RPG with random encounters but they are action bits instead of being turn-based. Shame it's still a year or so away.
  2. Kinda confirmed by the Birdman himself now: Bring it on! Be it a remaster for 3+4, or Underground 1+2, or a new game. Had a lot of fun with 1+2 Remastered.
  3. First game of the pledge is done: Kirby: Planet Robobot (Nintendo 3DS) A couple of weeks ago I finished the game, and enjoyed it a lot. I've completed the main game, Meta Knightmare Returns, The Arena and the two minigames. The only thing that I didn't do was the True Arena, after two attempts I figured that's a bridge too far for now and I feel like I did everything in the game I wanted. And what a charming game. As in true Kirby fashion the game starts easy enough but has some challenges if you want to find all the collectibles. The main gimmick this time is a robot you can control, who can destroy objects and just deal plenty of damage. It's a fun mechanic that adds some variety to it. The game also has a ton of copy abilities including a lot of movesets. I love the poison one and the versatility that it has. The true star of the game is the stereo 3D though. The game looks gorgeous in 3D and also uses depth a lot, often switching between playing in the foreground to playing in the background. And it's hilarious how Kirby games these days always start out as the cutest thing ever and end in some kind of mental trip (as you can read in Glen's Kirby lore thread somewhere on this site). Anyway, superb game and glad I've played it. Between this and Triple Deluxe I think this is my favourite of the two, and in my Top 3 Kirby (after The Forgotten Land and Kirby's Dream Land). So that's the first pledge game done! Currently picking away at StarCraft Remastered and Hyrule Warriors.
  4. It's a shame almost everything got spoiled by the leaks, and the trailer shows it off in the very generic "look new tech!" kind of way we've seen 100 times before. But without a big new concept to introduce like the Switch had, I guess this at least gets the message to the general public across that it is indeed a true successor to the Switch. Oh, and the "c" on the c-button from the leaks isn't there anymore. The button is there, but the print is not.
  5. And someone on discord (Londragon, you guys still know him) counted 17 different racers in the trailer, so I'm guessing 24 player races is confirmed. And these characters can be found in the trailer: -Mario -Luigi -Bowser -Princess Peach -Princess Daisy -Rosalina -Donkey Kong 2023 -Yoshi -Toad -Waluigi -Toadette -Baby Mario -Baby Luigi -Pauline -King Boo
  6. Thought I'd also join in on the fun and make a pledge. It'll be a good incentive to clean some of the backlog. Hope to get at least a couple off the list before the Switch 2 arrives! Nier: Automata - Has been in my Steam library for a while, started it once but never got around to playing it a lot. Having it handheld on the Steam Deck might help! Resident Evil 3 Remake - I played RE 2 Remake last year and absolutely loved it. The modern take on the classic RE formula worked perfect, and I enjoyed it much more than RE7. So next in line is RE3 Remake, knowing it's not as great as RE2 but excited to play it. Pokémon Ultra Moon - My gaming cabinet is a bit of a mess, so I want to move all my stuff that's older than Switch into storage. But before I can do that I need to finish a couple of 3DS games so they can get shelved. One of those is Pokémon Ultra Moon. It's also the only Pokémon generation I haven't played a game from, so also need to finish it for completion goals! Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered - I finished the first game in this remaster last year, but still need to (and want to!) finish the other ones. 2 and 3 are the games I played a lot when I was a kid, so it'll be fun to replay them in a HD sauce. Command & Conquer Remastered Collection - Another one in my pc backlog, a game I picked up a while ago but never played a lot. Not the biggest C&C fan but I do love Red Alert, so I hope to finish both of them this year. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - The big one. It's been in my backlog for quite some time, but never got around to starting it. I've started it recently but feel a bit overwhelmed by it, also looking at the time it takes to complete it. But the setting is appealing and I also recently started reading the books and I already recognized stuff in the short time I played the game. Time to push through, let's see if I can get this one done by the end of the year. Sonic Frontiers - One from the Switch backlog, picked it up in a sale and played it a little bit but was quite taken aback by the horrible performance. Still, I want to see what SEGA did with open world Sonic. Kirby: Planet Robobot - The other game from my 3DS backlog that I need to finish. Cutting some corners here as I actually completed the story mode last week (and loved it!). But I want to play the Meta Knightmare Returns mode as well. Starcraft Remastered - Another RTS (and another remaster, I've got quite a lot of these on my pledge...) I picked up along the road but never finished. Starcraft is my favourite pc-franchise and I've played this game (and SC2) to death already, but not yet in remastered form. And the expansion Brood War is included as well, which is even better than the main game. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Cutting corners again as I'm already a dozen or more hours into this, and I usually play a couple of levels in between other games. So it's about time this gets done and dusted.
  7. Have you seen the Acer one? They're releasing an 8 inch and a whopping 11 inch one, which looks hilariously big in handheld:
  8. I haven't posted on N-E for a while but I've been meaning to pick it up again, so here we go! Especially with the Switch 2 being announced and released (hopefully!) this year it will be fun to get back into the conversation again with you guys. My first finish in 2025 is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger that I played on pc and Steam Deck. It's an FPS arcade shooter set in the Wild West, and has you chasing down famous villains such as Billy the Kid and Jesse James. The main gameplay is going through pretty linear environments shooting down baddies with your weapon of choice (pistols, shotgun, rifle or dynamite). There is a skill tree that unlocks stuff like being able to dual-wield guns or increase your ammo capacity. The main gimmicks are a sort of bullet time that slows time and highlights targets, and a meter that when full lets you evade deadly shots. For the rest it is pretty straightforward shooting, with some QTEs thrown in the mix. Once in a while you'll have a duel where you face off against someone in a shootout. Here you have to fill two meters by adjusting your control sticks to increase your focus and draw speed. When your opponent draws you'll have to outspeed him which is easier the higher your meters are. It is a fun change of pace but not the best executed part of the game. The campaign is pretty short, around 5-6 hours which is perfect. There's also an arcade mode that is just plain shooting without a story and going for a high score. Speaking of the story, it is nothing too special, but it is told in an original way. Basically the main character is sitting in a bar drinking and telling his tale while you're playing, and the rest of the bar visitors commenting on that. It leads to some funny stuff, like you're shooting down indians and someone comments "wait, there are no indians there" and the enemies suddenly change back to gang members. All in all a fun game, straightforward, nothing complex so it works great as a palate cleanser between or during other games. It's often on sale on every platform so worth picking it up for a quid or 2.
  9. Yeah, I've played it on the Switch indeed! Had to dig it up, but found my 2021 Gaming Diary post: I remember enjoying it quite a lot, so it's a shame to read it probably didn't get a big player base. One of the risks of putting out a game these days with the flood of titles being released every week, especially if you're another 2D pixel action game.
  10. Wait, a mention? Who summoned me back from my non-posting existence? Ah, 'twas Glen! But yeah, I'm on Amsterdam time so I'm usually up for something at your 7pm already. Let me know if people want to play something early in the evening. Although l don't have NSO+, just regular NSO.
  11. Happy birthday!

    1. Dufniall


      Thanks Ashley!

  12. Well... https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/teraraidbattles/event-mightygreninja.shtml
  13. It should be, but if you have Apple Arcade it's available on there now as well. With some adaptations to single screen of course.
  14. The credits have rolled and Ed Sheeran has been heard in Pokémon Scarlet. Finished the game with these 'mon: The verdict? It's a very tricky one. There is a certain addiction to it and I like having three main objectives. Area Zero was nice but I think they could have integrated it a lot more in the story. Some of the new Pokémon designs are cool. Some QoL changes are useful as well (such as not getting the nickname prompt). However, there are a lot of negatives. The open world is a bit of a mixed bag. Where in for example Breath of the Wild you actually find cool hidden stuff, there never is anything special here. Just the ruins that are always the same, or a TM or item. No amazing rare Pokémon, nothing that triggers me to explore the map. Speaking of, an open world game without the ability to put multiple flags is bad. Where I wasn't bothered in Arceus, the world feels too empty here as well. It's a shame they cut the catching without battling mechanism from Arceus, I loved that. And somehow Arceus runs better. I mean, the game is no looker (except for the Pokémon models), pop in like mad, every single cutscene or transfer has a small stutter, if there are a number of Pokémon in sight in a fight it slows down to a crawl, and at the Psychic Gym Test the resolution just tanked! Battles also feel a lot slower, for example switching in takes quite some time, and when a Pokémon faints and you get the XP, takes too long. I can't believe how bad it runs actually and I thought I could get over it but despite liking bits of it, for me it is (one of) the weakest Pokémon games. Still no voice acting, so here you are in a dramatic scene and mouths are moving and you hear... nothing. Oh, and the Nemona is one of the most annoying NPC's ever! I may go do a bit of the post-game but getting to this point felt like a slog so I'm not sure how far I'll get. The part after completing the 3 main events was the best part of the game so far, but it still couldn't redeem the game from being a non-polished title. Has this been given a half a year to a year extra and we could have had an amazing game. 6.5/10.
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