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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. El Bastardos! I tried using my Subway vouchers the other day, but the whole of college also had the same idea, so i couldnt get a buy one, get one - free Anyways, tea tonight was Chillie Con Carne. Pretty tasty, although i didnt warm the rice up that great (everyone else ate before i got home from work ) I'd give it 7/10.
  2. I just take a note of the surrounding and look out for suspicious stuff. I sometime's weigh up chavs in my mind, should i have to fight them. Although the best ploicy is always to run
  3. .... Smart arse
  4. Its living. Otherwise what would be the point in the prodedure at all?
  5. From a physcological perspective, it might totally freak the patients and their familyout. Afterall, they would have a totally different face. However, if they had thei face mangled up in a car accident say, perhaps they would wnt any new face possible. It wont exactly replicate the donor's face due to the different skeletal and muscular scructures.. I think the procedure would work, its been tested. It'll be interesting seeing how this ends up..
  6. :lmao: got.to.fill.up.some.more.characters
  7. That's a rather flattering picture. There are worse ones, far worse. P.S Grebe, do you have those pics from when we all went camping ^_^
  8. Bowser, make your own threads to rival these!
  9. Here's a side profile of me. Woah, its bigger than i thought..and ignore the baldy.
  10. The Omen is a great film. Not especially scary (as in jumpy) but it played mind games with me when i tried sleeping... Sleepy Hollow is a good (if not humourous) film, my brother had nightmares last night becuase fo it.
  11. That site and forum is seriously fucked. Requests for pictures and videos, pictures of rotting corpses..wtf :|
  12. Is it called Milka?
  13. I had a dream last night that i was an appentice on Pipe my Ride UK, and Mad Mike was my boss :unsure:
  14. When do the Wisdoms cometh?
  15. I am a fan. Thankd God for e4 showing them.
  16. Ditto. DivX is the way forwards.
  17. Kieran, get yourself some Paramol. Its so good, it can make you sleepy! Available from all good pharmacies. Then get a dentist appointment. Then stop buying all those fuckign Millions from the Post Office EDIT: When i had toothache that was pretty killer, and also when my stomach glands (i dunno that they existed) were swollen and i couldn't walk through the pain. That hurt.
  18. Ewwwww, anime and computer game music :doh:
  19. I might be visiting Australia soon. But still, i would probably be hundreds of miles away :P
  20. Have you got any mates that would be willing to lend a couple of iPods for the day?
  21. Hehe, Im not going to give up, im just being a grouchy buggar and complaining about it :P
  22. I've joined. My Last.fm site is http://www.last.fm/user/JamesQuinn/ fr those that are interested (please ignore the MJ, my sister is too much of an idiot to use WMP.)
  23. Good on 'ya. Are you applying to do medicine aswell, or do you just do it? Its looks great on your application if you are.
  24. Its actually BlackFox13, the B and F have capital letters
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