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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Just leave it for 6 months, then MSN automatically removes it I think.
  2. The time is nigh for university applicants for the 2006 year, so what are all of you applying for that are intending to go? Where are you applying at? Defering entry? To start the ball rolling... I am applying for medicine at Manchester, Hull/York, Liverpool and Sheffield. Im defering until 2007 so i can earn a bit of cash and travel around (hopefully!) and just take a year off from learning. Go!
  3. Instead of asking us, why dont you use the magic of http://www.google.com to do all your research needs.
  4. Yeah same. But on similar news, me and the Leige comanded our forces to a spectacular winning streak.
  5. The simplar the gadgets are the better. An invisable car - cmon.. Look att he simple stuff - an exploding pen and that original Aston, Sheer class. Bong needs to go back to the roots and focus on a fukcing decent storyline. Just make all the film set in the 70s and 80s. No one can beat an ex-Soviet baddy
  6. I don't see the problem... I would think the storyline is key to a Bond film, and as of late - they have been fucking awful.
  8. I would watch, but im in college. Someone screencap it.
  9. I confess to not being a fan too. Overrated as hell.
  10. I should probably get round to booking some lessons...
  11. Or Moria, you could just click the "show desktop" button
  12. Ahhh, youve been looking for pr0no aye... :P Firefox > Tools > Options > Privacy > and clear teh "saved form information" IE > tools > options > content > autocomplete box > clear That should do it.
  13. New today. 15 character kkthnxplz
  14. .................. :blink:
  15. A pair of Levi's 507s.
  16. For medicine, dentistry, Oxbridge apps. and vetinary courses they make all the difference. Afterall, what else is there to distinguish between kids who can all gain AAA at A-Level?
  17. This is months old ... :P
  18. My friend did that in his personal statement, had i been an Admissions Tutor i would have binned it and presumed they were taking the piss. But knowing him, he'll get in.
  19. I fixed it for you Chris.
  20. I have just wrote an essay entitled "The Potential Conflict between Conservation and Production". And I put 0 amount of jokes in it. Buy c'mon how many jokes are there about rainforests? :/
  21. You bastards have just made me remember i have two essays for tomorrow. Gah!
  22. My subscription runs out on the 10th of November. Boo hoo. And yes, stop playing golf.
  23. 48/70. Some of them were impossible. I would have also like to have seen the correct answer to some of them instantly. EDIT: I was above average for where i live, and of a similar standard to surgeons And i should really get back to my biology essay :/
  24. Best: Having more or less everything at your fingertips. Worst: Probably some illegal stuff like child or snuff porn.
  25. Pictures?! This is now 15 characters.
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