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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Rip them to your PC, then burn a DVD to keep. Easy.
  2. So Colin, gel or mousse? And yes, Bowser and Guy had me laughing in my wierd style so many times my mic had to be muted. Anyone playing tonight? I have no college in the morning, and no homework. Winner.
  3. PGR3 looks awesome. I actually clicked on a pic and thought it was real for a moment.
  4. Sorry, if you get into trouble, just blame it ALL on me. I dont mind.
  5. Sad news indeed. Great comdeian will be missed.
  6. Limericks are awesome. And only 5 lines. Winner.
  7. I would have normally just quoted and posted, but the character limit is holding a gun to my head, forcing me to type...
  8. Emo, i'll fix that asap! Can the next round be tomorrow Meik? 3 in a day would be lots to update, and we dont want to exhaust the round too quickly :P
  9. 5. Bonnie Tyler.
  10. Sorry about my sudden departure. I was starting to play shitty, was pissed off so i thought it best to leave.
  11. Dusty Rhodes. I was going to leave this for CVD, but he wouldn't play Halo last night. The bastard. * *Just kidding Colin.
  12. I have the first book, The Gunslinger, but ive not got into it so far. Just doesnt enthrawl me. I'll try read more hoping the story picks up.
  13. Yeah, i dont see why not.
  14. Sound Garden? Max character length is a shit. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck - if the stupid max limit wasnt there would have posted that before dukka.
  15. Round 11 is yours I was talking to soag last night, and he said he'll post his today hopefully.
  16. Right, ive been through the scores and the new scoreboard is: Scoreboard - after round 6. BlackFox - 5 Meik - 4 gmac - 4 Zatoichi - 3 Monopolyman - 3 Johelian - 3 Eenuh - 2 Noodleman - 2 Zakatu - 2 Arragaun - 2 Haver - 1 Athriller - 2 Tom - 2 Mr_Odwin - 2 Platty - 2 soag - 2 Bowser57 - 2 dukkadukka - 2 Kopo - 1 Bluejay - 1 Tendo's Missus - 1 Shorty - 1 masaki 86 - 1 Ashley - 1 guaglio - 1 Cheapshot - 1 CubeChris - 1 Raining - 1 Oli - 1 Emo - 1 Tys - 1 Twlight Link - 1 Any disputes, please tell me! Although i think its correct! Also, could the quizmasters for any further rounds please put in bold (Just like Athriller!) after there question who won the point - itll make my job much easier! Any more takers for a round?
  17. Round 11 matey
  18. Shit, i must have slipped up somewhere. When i get time (am bored) ill update all. And the scoreboard was not inclusing this round yet!
  19. Sorry! All is corrected!
  20. Scoreboard - coming soon! Anyone else want to do a round?
  21. Sure thing! Check page one for your round
  23. Thanks for that, i always thought BST meant 'British Standard Time' or something stupid.
  24. You didn't click the link, did you?
  25. Partial ecilpse for the UK Should be fun, i should be getting about 50%!
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