He died becuase of his first chance. If your auntie got the liver transplant she eeded she would have been vunerable to infection, like Best was. Would you like it if everystarted started saying she had another chance but ruined it. Don't think so.
Its not actually his second liver that is causing him to die. Its caused by a lung infected, causing interal bleeding, as a result of immune supressing drugs, for any of you that bothered to read the article...
Hear Hear.
Best was a legend, and how many of you are perfect?
Anyone more shitty comments I'll delete him. I dont care if you think im being a fucking Nazi becuase of it either. He was and is a legend.
Even a Scouser, a Manc's rival, appreciates Best.
I think that's refering to the character limit, and how it should be scrapped. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
Sorry to hear that things aren't peachy atm, just keep your head high and time will sort things out sooner or later
My sister cried. Tehehehe.
Also, i wasnt a fan of Radcliffe int he first couple of films. He did seem to wooden. But i guess he's proven himself. He does alright now. Ben Affleck is worse :P
I wont be online for a while guys.
The room my PC normally lives in is being redecorated, currently the plaster has been ripped off and its coated in dust. So i cant connect my xbox to the PC to play Live.