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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. To be fair opinions like mine and @Retro_Link that it was a bit meh actually seem to be in the minority, most other people seem to have liked it quite a bit.
  2. Its not necessary to play to understand the story but either way you should still play Arkham Asylum, its a very good game.
  3. To be fair we can see that Sony already started working to turn the Vita around. At the moment its basically becoming some kind of Indie game device and if they can continue to make the deals theyve been getting lately for it then it might be able to carve out a section of the market for itself. Plus we know its planning on being linked a lot more with the PS4 in quite a few ways, including some which would basically turn it into a Wii U pad. The PS4 is the only home console at the moment im optimistic about. I like Sony's approach to gaming and they seem to have been saying and doing all the right things in my eyes with the PS4. Microsoft I wont make my decision on until after the unveiling but its looking very doubtful I would buy their next console. I havent liked the way theyve been taking things in years with the 360 with the dashboard designs and hiding services they shouldnt behind the Gold barrier. Nintendo I'll stick with with the 3DS but as those who read in the Wii U thread, I sold my Wii U the other week and couldnt have been happier that. I should never have bought one and even if it has a stellar E3 and announces loads of games, I think it will continue to struggle.
  4. Thats a shame you wont be joining us. What about just coming on the server anyway but only using vanilla Minecraft stuff? Its not like it used to be with mods where you have to patch everything, this is just downloading one launcher.
  5. Finally got around to starting Fire Emblem this weekend. Im really enjoying it so far but the one thing I hate is the feet (or lack thereof) on the character models.
  6. Sorry about that, must have forgotten to transfer the whitelist across. Done now.
  7. Apologies to those who said they'd like to join me on vanilla Minecraft but I was having some annoying issues with that on the server so I have switched over to the Feed the Beast modpack for the server. You are still welcome to join me on it but you will need to download the launcher from http://www.feed-the-beast.com then choose the YogCraft modpack once you are in it. Its just as simple to load as normal Minecraft but gives you a lot more to do.
  8. Yeah I think I only bought one game from the eShop when I still had my Wii U and I doubt I would have ever spent enough to be able to use the discount. I guess the other 2 things you get with the premium are the regular and charging stands.
  9. I think they also tend to put up that warning that they only have so many copies left when its not true. Ive ordered the last one available of something before and gone back not long after and theyve set it to a higher amount left now.
  10. My delivery estimate is next Thursday and I went for free p&p so that sounds about right. Need to decide what to get next. Im tempted to go for some classic Avengers stuff like the Kree Skrull War or Kovac Saga.
  11. Do you still get that money off scheme through the eshop if you buy the premium?
  12. Now you've got me worried about my order! I ordered the others through Amazon as well so I'll stay positive.
  13. Added to the whitelist Been working on my house today. Need to add some more levels and sections to it but this is what ive got so far
  14. Ok added you
  15. Right guys ive made a new server again. If any of you want to join me on there then just post a message with your Minecraft account name and I'll add you to the whitelist. Hopefully with there being a bit of a game lull until June some of you will have the time to come on. Its only Vanilla Minecraft for now. The server address is:
  16. Yeah I had been hearing a lot of good things about Hawkeye but just never got around to reading it.
  17. Ive had both the original and XL versions of the 3DS, I prefer the XL.
  18. Yeah but not all the new phones are coming with that at the moment, my replacement didnt so I assume theyre still getting rid of the old stock.
  19. Ordered a couple more trades, Marvel this time.
  20. Havent had any issues with the glass on my Nexus 4 scratching or breaking. The only real issue with that glass is that its so damn polished that you put it on any slightly slanted area and it will start to slide. I ended up leaving the back plastic on mine so it stays put.
  21. ShopTo just posted this: Interesting
  22. Any of you read any of the Black Widow solo stuff? Just looking for some new trades to get that I haven't read before.
  23. Some quite interesting TNG facts, hadn't heard some of them before http://www.aintitcool.com/node/62192
  24. Just finished reading Superman: Secret Identity again. Still such a good book, probably one of my favourites. I'm glad DC decided to reprint it, I'd been trying for quite a while to get hold of a copy.
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