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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. What kind of work do you do?
  2. God dammit, I want a Halo CGI movie now!
  3. November PS4 Binding of Isaac: Rebirth SteamWorld Dig PS3 Frozen Synapse Prime Luftrausers Vita The Hungry Horde Escape Plan
  4. I think hopefully the PSN downtime will calm down again after a while. Apart from the major events the PS3 was always pretty stable online and I think the PS4 is just struggling because of Destiny and then Driveclub. This is the first time Sony have had the lead platform in an online focused world so all we can really do is hope that they just werent ready for the type of loads they got and will be fixing that as we go on.
  5. I dont know what it is but ive always struggled to have Zelda games keep my interest, 3D ones especially. I've only ever completed A Link Between Worlds and to be fair, I did really enjoy it.
  6. I think this is where my preference for story in games comes back, with that mixing it up enough that I dont mind the same stuff elsewhere. Nintendo do tend to favour gameplay over story and thats where over the years my tastes have changed and its started to clash with the type of games Nintendo release. Not always but more and more as the generations have gone on.
  7. Im happy to pay for something like PS+ that covers a whole range of games from different developers/publishers but I'll never pay for a service that only covers the one.
  8. Oh yeah im sure in 15 years time AC would be very stale but I think the difference is that Ubisoft will have moved on from it long before that. People were already speculating that Watch Dogs was being groomed to take over from the AC franchise. Nintendo do create new IPs as well of course but sometimes it does feel like they dont do enough in that area and we are still getting the old stuff as well. I know a lot of people absolutely loved 3D World but when I played it, I enjoyed it but still couldnt really shake the feeling that this was just 'another Mario game'.
  9. I was going to wait until next month to get this a bit cheaper but I didnt know how long the two pack special edition is supposed to stay on sale for and Ive still got a week or two before all my November preorders start coming in and taking up my gaming time.
  10. Thats been the same for me. I loved Nintendo games but over the generations I havent felt that ive been getting enough new that its worth it. New Super Mario Bros for example has felt like the exact same game over and over again. I've mentioned before that this is why I think story is so important in my enjoyment of games. The AC series doesnt change all that much but with a new story each time it doesnt matter nearly as much.
  11. Nice of them to give multiple keys for Risk of Rain as well so you can give them out for multiplayer goodness.
  12. Im a bit disappointed that theres no Black Widow movie announced
  13. Has anyone actually said the Guardians will be appearing in it or is this just wild and quite frankly, dangerous speculation?
  14. Usually I would agree but its just already making me think that the multi movie build up to this story should be amazing and epic if we are getting two movies out of it.
  15. This should be good, I like Captain Marvel. I expect it'll be more inline with Guardians of the Galaxy as well.
  16. Was just coming to post that myself. I didnt have a chance to complete the game before my PS3 died so Im really happy I'll be able to now on PC. Also in big PC news. X-Wing and Tie Fighter are getting re-released on GOG finally!
  17. Im not suprised the sequel is coming to PS4 instead of Vita. Theres the obvious reasons with the Vita just not selling enough to make it worthwhile but the first game was also supposed to be a PS3 title originally so they were interested in it being a big screen game at one point.
  18. And we're done! Thanks to all of you who watched the streams at various points and especially to those who donated. It looks like we should hit $1000 next week once all donations are added from people who didnt want to use the site itself. The UK team are stupidly tired at the moment so we'll be grabbing a couple of hours sleep before everyone heads home Flameboy and Nintenchris will be going for a few more hours so it'd be great if those of you who are awake could watch and chat to them to keep them going!
  19. Mount Your Friends is up now. Highlight of the stream!
  20. Extra Life pizzas have been ordered!
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