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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Despite my well known hatred for motion controls I've been in the mood lately to go back and play some of the Zelda games I gave up on pretty quickly back when I had them. Obviously would have prefered to get the Gamecube version but I'm not willing to pay the extra money for that!
  2. Looks like PS Now is getting its subscription pricing at launch. Thats something it really needed for me to make it worth paying for. North America gets $15-a-month PlayStation Now subscription service http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-01-05-north-america-gets-usd15-a-month-playstation-now-subscription-service?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph
  3. I liked both the previous gen pads, 360 one moreso but thats not why I prefer the PS4 pad now. I just think its more comfortable.
  4. Not even sure if I want to subscribe anymore with all the crap they put us to. Plus they're charging us £9.99 now instead of £6.99! Also think there should be a free month for people in the UK as we missed out on last years one.
  5. Dont know how many here are actually interested in speed running but the biannual Games Done Quick charity event is starting later today and running through next week. I've watched it for a few years now and some of the runs are just crazy, either using glitches or running 100%. If anyone is interested you can view the stream here: gamesdonequick.com http://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick And the schedule (which is automatically corrected to your timezone) is here: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule Lots of games I'm planning on watching this year, glad I have the week off work.
  6. That would take away potential sales from the PSTV I would think.
  7. Sainsbury's apparently had it instore after Christmas for £99, might be worth a look.
  8. Yep I prefer the PS4 pad over the One's
  9. I still forget which is the power button and which is the eject!
  10. I havent got around to finishing Danganronpa yet but I did really enjoy what I played of it. Just pissed off at the moment that its not on the PSTV whitelist for Europe despite being on the Japanese and US one As for my biggest gaming regret of 2014, mine is definitely buying an Xbox One. I think its a terrible machine and have barely touched it since.
  11. This years Winter Steam Sale games:
  12. Im gonna try and get back into this next week while ive got the time off work. I just dropped off while other stuff was happening and never went back.
  13. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/01/01/holiday-thank-you/?adbid=550698567065538560&adbpl=tw&adbpr=36969785&emcid=social_20150101_38164967
  14. Got my old joystick out and have been playing the Steam version of Microsoft Flight Simulator X today. I'm downloading DCS World now and I wouldnt be suprised if I didnt own Elite Dangerous and a new flight stick by the end of the day as well! lol
  15. Its been delayed
  16. Not really one for New Year's resolutions myself. I managed to make proper changes with my life this year and I'm planning on doing the same again in 2015, thats enough for me.
  17. Can someone sell me on Fantasy Life? I feel like it looks interesting but the videos and stuff I watch a lot of the time have still left me wondering what I'd be doing in it and for how long etc.
  18. One more purchase for tonight
  19. Went out to check out the sales today with @Goafer ....... They were shite. I only ended up getting a few Blu rays when we decided to go through our local town and they had a couple of cheaper bits: And then when I got home I decided to order myself some other stuff to make me feel better lol:
  20. All the TVs!
  21. I nearly bought that for Vita last night
  22. No, Silent Hill games arent ones I really play either way but I do remember hearing good things about it from the Giant Bomb guys.
  23. I think another reason I hate motion controls so much is that because I completely dont like playing them, I feel like I missed out on some pretty good games from the Wii because I had no interest in putting myself through playing like that. It was like a whole console just passed me by.
  24. Finally got around to buying Attack of the Friday Monsters. Looking forward to playing it.
  25. Wii U The Lengend of Zelda Wind Waker HD - 17:15 Super Mario 3D World - 10:45 Super Smash Bross Wii U - 2:30 Lego City Undercover - 2:29 Super Mario Bros - 2:15 Bayonetta - 1:33 Bayonetta 2 - 0:49 Earthbound - 0:43 Zelda: A Link to the Past - 0:27 3DS Tomodachi Life - 16:48 Persona Q - 7:56 Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright - 2:27 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies - 0:15
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