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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Will be making my 3rd stop off at CEX this Easter holiday with what should be the last of my anime collection to trade in. Hoping they'll finally have cash this time but if not then I expect another retro haul will be in order. As the first trade in was spent mostly towards the Saturn, the second towards the PS1 then I think if I do end up getting credit then this may finally go towards the N64. Probably not as many games for me to get as I wasn't a massive fan of the console but I still really want to play the wrestling games!
  2. I guess the backwards compatibility just isn't a big draw to me. I'm not much of a retro gamer.
  3. Not sure I agree there. With a review all you can get are those initial impressions. You score it based on what you thought at that point, not what you worry you may feel down the line. Being more critical of a game later down the line should never make a mockery of the original impressions because that's what they were feeling when they first played it. There's nothing wrong with changing opinions on something after giving it more thought.
  4. All I will say to anyone taking a look at getting an Xbox One X is really think about the exclusives and if you'd be interested in them. The backwards compatibility stuff is great but the novelty wears off pretty quickly and then you are left with a console that has a lackluster amount of exclusive games and a UI that is one of the worst in gaming. Yes you would get the graphical and power upgrade that the X provides but at least for me, I found that if the other games aren't there either then I never cared enough to stop buying multiformat stuff on PS4 or PC. I know I complain about it a lot but I've given it multiple tries and am left disappointed everytime.
  5. Sounds like it’s doing very well with reviews
  6. For about the 10th time I’m trying to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai again. We’ll see how far I get this time.
  7. ...and exhales
  8. Im right there with you
  9. Well Game Collection just took the money for Yakuza 6. Hoping they manage to get it to me this week so I can play it over the weekend before the release next Tuesday.
  10. How much blurriness do you notice while playing? On the PSVR version there is quite a bit. It doesn't necessarily ruin the experience but it can be a bit distracting.
  11. Games list for SGDQ 2018 is out https://gamesdonequick.com/submission/games-list
  12. Nah, I'm much happier they cant link it to the Kelvin-verse crap.
  13. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!!!!! Croc has arrived!
  14. 2019 Star Trek calendar has a better shot of the Enterprise
  15. Not that I'm using it at the moment after you all reminded me that the PS3 plays PS1 games but CEX have confirmed they've sent out the correct power cable to my for my PSOne.
  16. The battle system, along with a lot of the rest of the game it seems isn’t very well explained. I see there is some kind of combo system but at the moment I’m just selecting that when I can and seeing what happens. I’ll stick with the game for another few hours to see if it pulls me in but if it doesn’t then I think I will switch to FFVII.
  17. I've played about an hour of Grandia so far and I'm not really sure what I think of it yet. It has some nice camera movements during "cutscenes" which makes everything feel cinematic which is nice. The graphics I kind of do and don't like. The designs seem good but the 2D style being pushed into the 3D world, I'm just not sure it works. I keep running into the problem of exiting areas in the world as well without realising it as there is no real indicator. This gets annoying with the load times. The worst thing though is the voice acting! It's kind of just making me want to play FFVII as that is a much tighter RPG with a better sense of world and purpose immediately.
  18. Ok then, here we go!
  19. I did loves me some Chu Chu Rocket.
  20. That was a bad call from the ref. Definite penalty.
  21. Got my game book collection out to sort and figured I may as well take a photo. Still so many I need to read!
  22. The more I’m reading about these books, the more I want to start collecting them. Seems like a really good series. https://www.thirdeditions.com/en/
  23. Well I downloaded the kindle sample of the book and it was the original French version so I’m scared to buy the full version now just in case their full kindle version is wrong as well.
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