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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I need to figure out which episode of the Giant Bomb Endurance Run I was at. Probably got far enough ahead now that I can go back and watch some more.
  2. I was always told thats how to get the best acoustics for the Chrono Trigger music
  3. Kotaku have updated their article with the video, quotes from IGN editors and some more examples of plagiarism. https://kotaku.com/former-ign-reviewer-responds-to-plagiarism-allegations-1828273219 Probably shouldn't have told Kotaku to keep looking...
  4. I'm taking a break. I just spent ages crawling through air ducts and then the game crashed on me
  5. @Sheikah hopefully you'll know this. I've just beaten Giga Gaia. How much left do I have?
  6. I'd definitely appreciate a bit of time to finish Chrono Trigger. I think I'm about 3/4 of the way through at the moment so it shouldn't take me long. Depends on the others if they are happy with more than one retro title on the go at once. Probably depends on the first title we choose as well I guess. I wouldn't want two RPGs to play but I can live with me playing Chrono Trigger along with a platformer/racing game etc.
  7. To be fair we never intended it to be only for people using the original hardware. There are so many ways to play these games now that it should never be an issue.
  8. Also the idea basically came from wanting to play some older games together and talk about them. To be honest the wider we make the scope of this the less interested I am.
  9. I'd welcome it. Within 2 months you'd all finally realise what a shit console that was
  10. Also what consoles are we limiting this to? As I said the original idea was SNES/Mega Drive but you haven't mentioned.
  11. Has anyone been to the National Videogame Arcade before? I only heard about it the other day as apparently Alex Navarro from Giant Bomb was there at it's opening when he worked for Harmonix. They're based in Nottingham currently but are moving to Sheffield in September. https://www.thenva.com/
  12. My original idea was just for us all to choose a SNES or Mega Drive game to play together each month, it didnt have all the voting or pools of games selected etc. I'm not against it I guess, I just realise it may make my choice of Spider-Man on the Mega Drive less likely to be chosen
  13. I feel like this has been gamerfied more than my original idea
  14. I just wish there was one closer to us. I used to enjoy going to that Gamestation in Oxford and checking out their retro section.
  15. Basically, they are all great.
  16. Seriously though I do agree with at least trying to start with the games that more people will have access to legally. I just meant that all the games are available elsewhere so easily that it shouldn't be too much of an issue in the long run to keep it going.
  17. Ok @S.C.G is imposing his ethical will so he is out!
  18. Make sure you tag people who you think could be interested. You know what this place is like these days, not every thread gets looked in anymore.
  19. We should try and give it a go then (when I say we, I mean all of you as I'll be banned). Figure out who is interested and the best way to sort out which games to play. For the SNES and Mega Drive I expect most people have "access" to everything these days.
  20. Don't get annoyed with me just because I have superior taste in games
  21. We should probably start the equivalent of a SNES (and Mega Drive because I prefer that ) book club, playing a different game together every month. I'm quite enjoying the Chrono Trigger chat I managed to stir up by starting to play it.
  22. I didn't hate the cast (apart from Anton Yelchin but that just seems mean now) but I felt the movies, Into Darkness in particular, just tried to force a comradery that hadn't been earned with this version of the crew.
  23. Few more I thought of: Captain America and the Avengers Robocop Vs Terminator Spider-Man (90s animated series game)
  24. You just know this thread is gonna end up costing me a load of money when it inevitably leads me back to eBay.
  25. To use as a rad space party boat
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