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About Happenstance

  • Birthday 01/31/1985

Personal Information

  • Interests
    DVDs, Gaming, Comics, Sci-Fi, Liverpool FC


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES GB, DS, DSi, Wii, Wii U, 3DS XL
  • Other Systems Owned
    Mega Drive, PS2, Xbox, PS3, PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One
  • Favourite Game?
    Ace Attorney series, Shenmue, Star Trek Bridge Commander, Persona 4, Mass Effect 2
  • Gender

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  1. Did a couple of hunts using the Portal and it all seemed to work fine, no latency issues with weapon timing or issues with it being in an online lobby at the same time which was good.
  2. Slowly starting to remember how to play again. Not really done much yet but I have now unlocked the secondary weapon so I need to decide what I want to go with. Maining the bow again so I want some kind of Blade. Thinking either twin blades, sword & shield or maybe long sword.
  3. Few games and a new 2tb ssd for my PS5
  4. I put it on quickly this morning to make my character. Might try and get through some early stuff on my lunch break.
  5. Ok I broke down and pre-ordered Wilds as I want something new to play. Been years since I last played Monster Hunter so I'm gonna have to watch some refresher videos I think to get ready.
  6. Been testing the Portal this morning and seems to work perfectly on the local network, not really noticing any lag. I'll test it over 4g/5g next time I go somewhere with a better signal than around here. I've reserved my PS5s IP address and opened up all the recommended ports so everything should be good to go.
  7. Ordered myself a Playstation Portal. I got my internet and routers upgraded recently and since then I've been messing with PS5 remote play on my old retro handheld and really enjoying it now that streaming is pretty much lag free. That handheld though is just a 6 inch device so I wanted something something with a bigger screen to play on.
  8. Started messing with PS5 Remote Play now I've had my internet and routers upgraded. Interesting that the 3rd party remote play apps seem to work much better than the official one. Looking forward to my Odin 2 Portal handheld arriving so I can use it with a nice sized device.
  9. Yeah that's mostly in line with what I've been hearing. The movie is fine but not great and just kind of plays it safe.
  10. The Sonic hardcovers are pretty good. Worth a read if you are a Sonic fan.
  11. Seems only fair my Snes collection gets some love as well. Only other game I forgot to add to the photo was NBA Jam as it was in the console.
  12. As I setup the Mega SG again this morning I decided to rearrange my Mega Drive drawer so I can actually see the boxes when trying to pick out something to play
  13. Getting the urge to get back to my retro collection again. Spent all night browsing eBay staring at Mega Drive game auctions.
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