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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Now you start putting in the performances Jay :p Bit disappointed with my match today, feel like I should have won yet now the title race is back on >_<
  2. I thought you were purchasing my cube to play! :p
  3. You've probably seen this, but thought I'd show you just in case:




    In white, it says Daft space (Daft Punk mixed with Dead Space).

  4. I was talking to @Diageo and he recommended me an app which I've been following. I've increased my capabilities already I think. not sure if I'll keep up with it till the end but we'll see.
  5. You're generalising by saying everyone is like that. Our dog was a pedigree but he wasn't bought for having perfect traits, we knew the breeder who just loved the dogs and bred them for others. Not everyone are crazy pedigree obsessed owners/breeders. I did point out in my post about how I myself have ridiculed the people that took part in Crufts.
  6. I've stopped using my weights and started on the 100 push-ups challenge + the 200 sit-ups challenge. I go through phases of being lazy/really into routine/ into a different routine. If I joined the gym, I reckon I'd soon get lazy and waste my money.
  7. W.T.F.
  8. Bad Taste as recommended by Jayseven, was another of Peter Jackson's earliest works. Really can't figure out how he just got the LotR job. It was so bad it was good just like Braindead. Hobo with a Shotgun, freaking sweeeeet. Very gory and not much else. I suggest people should see it though quite a good laugh.
  9. Eurgh, I bet lots of things you've funded have risky backgrounds that you just aren't aware of or some that you may be vaguely aware of but don't do anything about. I'm aware of some circles being so particular about traits through selective breeding (the story of the 99.98% Dalmation fiasco at the Cruff and have talked and ridiculed how stupid that is. However, like I said before, not ALL breeders will be like that and I don't believe your generalising of the industry as a whole is fair.
  10. Nothing wrong with buying a pedigree, some breeders do stringent tests to know their dog's will go to a good home. Rescuing dogs is great but the negative love for normal breeding has irked me for some reason. We've had both and shown our dogs lots of love!
  11. You can look at it in all the detail you want, the scoreline will stay the same and those 3 points will still be mine :p Once against another season where no-one has gotten all 6 points off me in my games against them Always like to put up a fight!
  12. Maybe he's like the Joey's tailor from friends and just likes being touchy feely with everyone! "There was definite...cupping!"
  13. I see @Charlie is yet to make a comment about our game. He must be that disgusted :p
  14. Yeah, You could like and pretend to like that stuff but you should find something you actually have in common and then talk about that. You can still let the other person do the talking if you're happier to be the listener but obviously Charlie just wants a girl who will always want him to talk about himself :p
  15. Max? Yeah I keep playing him even though Axel and Kevin are clearly better later on, he just keeps coming through for me though in times of neeeeeed. Onto Chapter 7 now. It is going too quick
  16. Yeah mine is real painful
  17. Clearly a girl! :p
  18. The longer you leave the worse they get I was told by the doctor though! Just a warning =]
  19. Or destroy part of America, whichever is easiest.
  20. Vote: ReZ I got that Peeps was an X-man as well...
  21. Think the whole league needs to end. Yes Bayern, suck it! Still a few games to go and they won't be easy but a 5 point game is always welcome. Looks like it may be close for 2nd and 3rd though :p
  22. At the moment I was telling them about my future operation? No.
  23. I showed my friends yesterday, surprised they hadn't noticed when I've been in shorts. All the girls got squeamish when I spoke of the needle going up through the veins and then pulling part of it out. The guys were just like "Coooooool". :p
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