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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. It is currently winter now and will still be on February 14th...
  2. Beat Tales. Played youth. Win.
  3. Exactly. I quite enjoyed the previous and the only reason I didn't complete it was because my xbox somehow lost my saved game =[ and I'll be damned if I start all over again! Ergo, I shall wait to hear from you and just filter out the biased/ overly stupid love for FF.
  4. I'm waiting to hear from Tales to see if this is actually any good before even looking at it.
  5. Absolutely BUZZING in the chat room right now.
  6. Everyone always dismisses stats but they are accurate. Sure it doesn't tell the 'whole picture' but if you want to compare goals then you can compare goals etc. Lampard gets more goals than Gerrard per game ratio. FACT.
  7. You're just trying to annoy everyone aren't you :p
  8. You can't play the demo without unlocking the items :p I just left the demo playing again and got the final item. I will buy Reckoning, I quite like the look of it and its similarity to fable.
  9. You live in Liverpool. I can understand you wishes.
  10. No thank you ReZ! Guess I should also ask to be taken off the auto sign list Sozzzzzzz
  11. Think I saw a trailer when I quit the demo. No idea how to see if I got that weapon or not
  12. It is the i and the L in your name, I can never remember which one is the 1 :p My official team just reached the 4th round of the power cup. I'm seeded something like 362 and just beat someone ranked 151 3-0 on a neutral ground. BRING ON THE CUP RUN.
  13. Do you get something for having it go through the whole 45minutes?
  14. Well played Madpool, I changed it a couple of times but still lost. Think my original ideas would have lost as well. Time to play youff.
  15. Could be worth a try next season to spice things up! I bet I'm going to keep going through my tactics until 12:25 tomorrow just because I don't want Madpool to go on another winning streak.
  16. You've made me paranoid and I have to go and change them now!
  17. Big game against Madpool tomorrow. Can he get some revenge? I hope not!
  18. Even though they'll be playing it about a month later?
  19. What didn't you like about the demo? I thought it was quite interesting actually. As for the mass effect demo, I doubt they're going to put anything spoilery on and it'll only be played a month later when it comes out so I don't see understand this "don't want to ruin the surprise" chat. Unless you've completely abstained from absolutely everything, I'd accept that.
  20. Screw you guys! I'm getting the freebies!
  21. I actually didn't think it was the best one. I can't really say why. Loved the previous one too much I suppose!
  22. With your negative formation you weren't likely to score!
  23. Double win over Oddy! A very rare sight. #schooled #fuckyeah
  24. I hate how there is no leeway so it practically forces you to get 250GB. I have a few xbox live games but not many.
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