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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I can't tell if Wesley doesn't know it isn't Supergrunch or not!
  2. Hey I thought I'd give someone else a chance to win this time. Would get a bit boring otherwise.
  3. Haven't had time to prepare for games or check regularly to train like I normally do. Guess I should be happy not to be in relegation zone!
  4. It says it can and has settings to do so but they don't seem to work. Shame. Guess I'll just have to get used to it.
  5. Okay having seen a better replay of the second yellow, I take back what I said. I only saw it once before and it looked a lot more of a pull back. Could be either way, and the ref saw it the harsh way!
  6. Sczesny is doing great this season. That wasn't even a funny antagonistic comment
  7. Even Arsenal lose! This season no-one is safe at the moment it seems! Sending off changed the game but it was two yellow worthy challenges I think.
  8. Good work Flamey!
  9. No? :'( Somebody help meeeeeeeeeeee.
  10. I can't let down Bubbles aka @heroicjanitor. You've both had poor seasons one after the other so this is your last chance guys. Perform or I'm going to be recruiting new members :p So @Haden, please put The Hurricanes down as usual
  11. Thanks Shorty, that's also right about the TV, you need to buy a dongle for it extra (sneaky buggers ¬_¬). Moving the router is out of the question unfortunately!. I'm trying to set it up so that when I turn the TV on it goes straight to AV1 but I cannot get it to work. It always comes onto TV which I have no signal/ reception for as sky is just on AV1. What settings do I need? I've tried looking online but the auto-detect suggestion didn't work.
  12. I went for the one Cube suggested, I'd already looked at it before after being recommended by someone else so yeah, it is now sitting proudly on my wall in my room! Such a difference compared to my old one. Now I need to upgrade to a brand new xbox with HDMI! Are there any tips/ advice for settings on the TV you guys could suggest? I don't have the internet set up on it and don't want to fork out £60 for a dongle. I've got my xbox set up just below it, could I use that perhaps? Thanks for the suggestions anyway!
  13. The fact you're that dedicated to our match means the world to me. Still going to try and crush you though. @Haden why do you never send in your predictions :p This is your chance to win your vip money back!
  14. Anyone else want to make predictions? Deadline is tomorrow before the game! @Fierce_LiNk @jayseven @heroicjanitor @Haden @Mr_Odwin etc I'm looking at you!
  15. What has happened to Brian 'x11 reigning champion' mcoy's picture and signature? It is the only way I knew what you looked like! A 3-0 win against 64ers, just to make sure they didn't get too cocky in the big league.
  16. I'm looking to upgrade my old TV in my room and someone recommended best buy but I remember seeing a post stating Best Buy won't be selling in the UK anymore, so does anyone have another good recommendation for me? I'm just looking for a decent 42" for a good deal. I'm not even sure what the difference between plasma, LCD and LED is so any help would be appreciated! Having looked, I now know the difference between Plasma, LCD and LED. So probably going to look for a LED or LCD.
  17. 3 draws 3 games. Was at the match and it all looked a bit lethargic, Ashley shouldn't have lunged thinking the cross was being made. I missed Chelsea's goal because I was still drinking my pint at half time. The steward said they'd started a bit earlier than usual. All I heard was a roar from the crowd =[
  18. I'm nerdy enough to understand all of these.
  19. There's a little internet comic out somewhere and I thought it may have been posted here. It had Batman saying "Someone killed my parents!" whilsts fighting a robber and the robber says "Someone killed my parents too!" Anyone know of this/where to get it? plzthnxbai
  20. Blimey some of you got massive hauls!
  21. Are you the guy that left? Who am I thinking of? I had a decent day, but now I've had toooooooo much food. I'm looking more forward to tomorrow, going to see Chelsea v Fulham with my family
  22. Merry Christmas! Especially you Chelsea lot.
  23. Merry Christmas guyssssssssssss (not Ashley).
  24. Haden can lose all by himself, he doesn't need anyone's help.
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