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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Defensive midfielder called.
  2. Am I the only person that thinks all the remasters are ridiculous? You've played it once and if you wanted a second playthrough you could do it again for free so why buy again??
  3. Fifa has 360° movements and is actually quite nimble to move whereas I swear PES still has about 8 directions only. Not sure how you can say it moves like a tank and then find PES more entertaining...
  4. 22 days until my final exam results are out. If I pass I've decided my reward will be upgrading to a PS4 and therefore will have to get this. If I fail, I'll cry and not get a PS4 Also apparently you can time waste on this game. I look forward to taking a 1-0 lead and employing Mourinho's tactics.
  5. There could be those that dont think they're smarter and don't get the jokes but watch it for the babes like Aimee
  6. Finally got to the doctors about my shin splints. Doctor basically said my shins cannot take the impact of my running well so unless I change my style to running on my toes it is likely to continue hurting. This way of running is not good for long distances so there goes my plan to eventually work towards a half marathon.... bummer. Little bit down about it actually.
  7. Currently reading Asimov's foundation series. 3 books of around 180 pages each but it is such a different sci-fi perspective that I can't stop reading. Especially considering sci-fi isn't my usual thing.
  8. Middle league promotion spots looking fairly competitive the moment. Need to raise my game against the big boys as I keep losing! With my team currently in transition I already know I'll lose almost all games if I go up next season :/
  9. That jumper realllllllllly bugs me. The lines need to match damn it!
  10. As a Doctor, you should know that's bad for your health Bob. Going to be gutted if Lamps is on loan to City
  11. I read up on FFP and its not about breaking even but no more than. £105m for EPL or €45m for Champions league so I think everyone is okay
  12. For once I actually agree with Magnus. She might say she would rather get to know you a bit better first but at least she knows the intention is there.
  13. Completely forgot about Suarez leaving! Plus Borini, so Ignore what I said about Liverpool. Who have United or Arsenal sold recently?
  14. I agree. We should field a B team under the name Seachel and claim its a coastal down in Kent for all our young players.
  15. Mourinho trying to show he's the boss and no divas allowed? Just a theory, otherwise I can't really understand what is going on. In terms of financial fair play, we seem to be selling off quite a few to keep the books balanced...doesn't seem to be the same for Arsenal, United, City and Liverpool. Or am I wrong?
  16. After all that time doing nothing on the bus you need to actually formulate a plan of action. Just seeing her again, stopping and then having nothing to say will just look silly.
  17. So you weren't impressed with your secret manager who I recall had won more games than (s)he was expected to! Rude.
  18. I think the double points fiasco is going to be huge if either of them win it due to that change. Was a good race at the weekend, not sure what has changed so much but this season is definitely more exciting.
  19. I completed it on Xbox 360, I'm just realllllly behind everyone else.
  20. We talking about Southampton or Manchester United? :p
  21. My £100million is including the expected poor moves to Tottenham. Think without them it is £92m? This season I think there'll be a wider gulf in the league between top and bottom.Last season there was never really an easy game as lots of teams were taking points off everyone but I think top 6 or so have spent a lot this window and enhanced the gap.
  22. Finished this today, really enjoyed it in the end and looking forward to the next installment. :p
  23. Makes it all the worse. Do we have any Southampton fans? They will have earnt over £100million but lost the majority of their team!
  24. Interesting article, feel like I fall into the niceness trap but it is who I am unfortunately. No good at being the bad boy! I've now seen tender girl 4 times and it's going well. Not sure when/how to suggest to come over to mine for dinner as it will then seem obvious I want her to stay but don't want to sound too eager as I'm unsure of how to pace this dating malarky. She lives distance away with family so not planning on her place any time soon! My last relationship began at university so was different circumstances. So anyone got advice / previous experience on timings?
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