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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Surely the Xbone has more specs/ better power than the WiiU?
  2. I liked the look of Crimson Dragon, even if I didn't get to hear what it sounded like.
  3. But COD is on PS4?
  4. Well I'm saying approach aside, because it has been a bit of a catastrophe from MS and that's just fact now. For the actual price: I can't say I'm up to date on all the specs, but does $499 look expensive for those specs then? I just thought the fact EU and UK were getting shafted due to the exchange rate was more of a middle finger from MS really.
  5. Question to everyone dismissing the Xbox. If the PS4 was converted at such a stupid rate from $/€ to £, would you be in as much rage? Or is it just more so because it is the Xbone?
  6. There's no "i" in Bulbasaur, but there is an "i" in Nightwolf!
  7. Maybe he got the price wrong! Meant to say £320 instead of £420?
  8. What are the people in gifs 1 and 3 actually shocked at?
  9. Price point is clearly one of the biggest factors at a time when disposable income is being squeezed. I wait to see the PS4 also priced at a ridiculously stupid rate.
  10. I think they've shown some fairly decent stuff actually. Until my stream stopped working on my XBOX :p
  11. Thanks Peepsy for allowing my name changes. I'm rather enjoying naming my players, makes it more fun to see Oddy score or Mr Madpoo assist... not that any other them will this season against all those 4-5-1's :p
  12. Is the sequel that bad?
  13. It is? I thought it was Dra Goo (rhymes with poo). Also, side note: My latest press release did predict about this pooping escapade. I'm psychic!
  14. DRAGPOO POO POO POO POO POO POO. Seriously though, does the whole forum need to know :p
  16. So is spelling embarrassing wrong :p
  17. My form has remained pretty decent actually! BTW Zell, doing an impressive job considering you started same season as me and Haden with our new teams.
  18. At the moment, I'd say it'd be more surprising if any DJ didn't play Get Lucky. It is so overplayed on the radio that I'm actually bored of it.
  19. Was it actually really hard? Did you do a lot of training for it?
  20. Omgz Moogle isn't coming? I'm out.
  21. Every game I lose I'm saving on win bonuses :p
  22. That's it, 4-5-1 every game from now on. FOREVER UNTIL THE END OF TIME. ELITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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