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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Maybe someone should just take the plunge and do something...
  2. Well I started off as this: Natasha Cameron [Ellmeister] Age [25] Address [1006 Maple Street] A recently graduated veterinarian who is also interested in advanced robotics. Her superior intellect made it so she could take two courses at the same time and receive top grades in both. Specialising in prosthetic robotic limbs for animals, she is also able to create life-like animal robots which she uses to investigate cases of animal abuse. Lives with her girlfriend Isabella, and has so for 3 weeks, and the relationship seems to be going strong. Room Mates Isabella Gavro [Girlfriend] Psychological Profile Spends longs periods of time working and often forgets to eat. Forgetful of things such as paying bills and generally messy. Passionate about animal cruelty. Procrastinates on everything that isn't related to animals and robotics. [Every night you can send out two robots to investigate another player. One is the robot spider, that attaches itself to some one's car and is used to track their movement. The other is a robot cat that lurks at some one's house and watches for anyone that approaches. You may only have one robot spider and one robot cat in use at any one time.] But I targeted Nintendohnut first and since he was a shinigami with a death note I became Kira!
  3. So how did the weather thing work then? Did you randomly pick? Heroic lied about who he was!
  4. Apologies everyone, it was Tales' idea! I just stole it from his dreams....
  5. I woke up this morning, went on xpert eleven and realised what I posted last night thinking I must how stupid it probably sounded. Thanks for actually liking the idea! :p
  6. I can't help it if yo momma is stalking me now can I! (yes I went there Ashley)
  7. Finally I'm in there! :p I think we should get everyone to send you perhaps Haden, or even me or anyone a pm before the start of the season on who they think will be relegated and promoted, then at the end we could just create a few statistics/ reveal a who was closest. Make it interesting to see what people think. Just a random thought.
  8. What do the behaviours of the pokemon in their descriptions mean? That they'll have slightly different stats?
  9. Apparently I've bought flights to Dublin in a month. Or so my girlfriend tells me anyway. I now owe her money.
  10. Messi off? Bit harsh on the manager. Hilarious stuff though.
  11. Someone I know on facebook (no longer considered a friend, should delete) is selling hyde park tickets. Arcade Fire, Mumford & Sons and Vaccines. REALLY want to go. Need to find someone to go with though.
  12. Yeah but then it would be easy to figure out, and besides most people weren't always online at such easy times to accommodate those real rules. I was thinking Diageo would give someone shinigami eyes but they had something like 10 days to do it in (i.e. the shortening of the life). But I personally thought it was a well thought out game. The one thing that I have to say I disliked was that days started, and pms came a lot later. I know you're probably busy Diageo but pms should be sent out at start of day otherwise it is just pointless/confusing.
  13. You get that smell in the majority of every GAME shop in England. Though it may just have been Ashley/ my local shop.
  14. Yeah, he may have had your details...but when he went inactive, Diageo never told me what he was supposed to tell me. I also knew who ReZ and Mr-Paul was, I was building up a list so I could have a mass killing spree to fuck everything up but never got the names to follow through with it
  15. Blue! How do you get Ellmeister on a pokemafia signup list? You pokemon! ...
  16. I think you should have done it yourself, but progress via any method is acceptable I suppose.
  17. Happy Birthday Peeps! (not The Peeps,yet) Enjoy the day celebrating your awesomeness!
  18. I use lucky egg. Its a great exp booster! I decided Musharna wasn't cutting it. So I now have a tranquil which I refuse to evolve. He'll leave eventually, just isn't the same as a fearow or pidgeot. There's a lot of good choices for some but not for others in my opinion, so far.
  19. He had to look AT people purposely. It was his power. After he went, I had the choice of either seeing a face or rummaging through blackmail. Although I thought my excuse about having to fix my machine worked well :p
  20. I've never needed to use strength or cut apart from once soon after I got it to go back and get an item. Same for surf. I just use other pokemon temporarily because I don't want my main pokemon HM whores. I have a musharna, but it is pretty slow and no other ghost/psychic pokemon I've encountered seem worth it. Where is everyone getting the pictures of these pokemon to post their squad?
  21. Because there is nothing to hold...?
  22. Sounds like she wanted some alone time with the ReZmeister
  23. ReZ stop coming on here and venting your frustrations. Go to someone at work and tell them yourself! Even if they get annoyed, you're already thinking of quitting so tell them straight and hope they do something proper about it.
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