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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I don't understand, that is clearly my blocking power ice beam used on Jonnas which failed. i used my power on marc but he never said anything...I'm not going to say HEY MAFIA I HELPED DOUBLE SOMEONE'S POWER. clearly by making marc say anything. I only revealed later. I used on mr-paul not knowing what would happen either, until he said something. I blasted Chair because he came back as gyrados, a previously evil pokemon IIRC. I blasted Maddog because like I explained earlier, wanted to see who he was described as in write-up because I didn't trust him so wanted to stop him. I'm not going to refresh when I'm untrusting/suspicious of people!
  2. Peter petrelli was at Deveaux's house so I don't think he is the killer
  3. Serebii used dive, he almost drowned. It wasn't very effective :p
  4. It isn't going very well if you think Je suis is spanish :p If you get stuck, ask Jonnas! Aaaaw, unlucky man! What course do you do? I had my spanish oral on Monday, I thought it went quite well (not rubbing it in your face or anything, I was thinking it would be a lot worse).
  5. Okay, my list: First night: Refresh Marcamillian Night 2: Refresh mr-paul Night 3: Block chair Night 4: Block Jonnas Night 5: Block MadDog I've been unwilling to use my refresh after being confused and untrusting of too many people. Though blocking was a better idea. I was kinda of annoyed Marc didn't say anything about being helped and I had no idea what it would do to him but I stayed quiet about being Dewgong to stop attention being put on me at first anyway.
  6. I think the title is Haden's, he has an easier last few games. None of my last games are easy really, any have a good enough squad to stop me. Though I guess a few of Haden's opponents are possibly troublesome. I like how close it is going to be.
  7. Excellent, I think the drawing is really exceptional, the attention to detail is good.


    Have you read Wolf Guy?

  8. Oddy you bloody wuss. 5-4-1, Long range shots, long balls, bruise and cheating! Bitch, play football properly! Ah well, as long as you didn't sneak your way to a win. Haden next >_< At least Mcoy and (Sh)Oddy play each other next.
  9. I honestly had a dream last night that I logged into Xperteleven and beat Oddy 8-2. Shame that dream is highly unlikely. Expecting a loss personally.
  10. So, you read The Breaker first though? Otherwise you've missed a hell of a lot!


    Great ending to the first arc though

  11. I am the mountain!
  12. I think the bands a very hit and miss, not enough of the same type that people will like in one go, if that makes any sense O.o I'd love to see Strokes, Bombay Bicycle Club who I have yet to see but really want to. As well as PATD! Enter Shikari, Taking Back Sunday, Rise Against, and a couple of others who I've already seen, but other than that there are quite a few bands I don't really care about. I like Muse but I saw them when they last headlined I'm pretty sure so meh. Glad my phase of going to Reading Festival is also over. Glastonbury is still a dream.
  13. I want to vote Chair more. He's obviously a pro at these and has been posting so it must be some sort of tactic/ reason to not be saying anything. Just to make him post more: Vote: Chair, also you did target/block me and didn't explain your reasoning even though I had shown myself to be good!
  14. Heroic what does your new ambitions give you the "power" to do?
  15. Vote: No Lynch
  16. Well I roleblock, but no-one else can touch you as far as I'm aware. I use ice beam. I also have another ability that Mr-Paul knows!
  17. Actually, I think you'll find we know my pokemon and powers. Pay attention. If anything, we know about you anymore. What can you do now? I meant to say we know nothing about you anymore :p
  18. Wow, someone is taking this hard. Its a legitimate reason which I reckon somewhere down the line you've done as well!
  19. Sorry Eeeeeenuh must have missed that entirely!
  20. Cyan and Creammmmmmm I'm 96% sure. Also I can't remember, but I remember someone being secretly mafia? Was it Heroic?
  21. Okay, I know Eenuh is mentioned by colours/ am pretty sure she is the reason for the beeping. Wasn't thinking this was a major problem until I remembered the beeping pokedex from the last game, what pokemon had that? Actually, having looked, I now see that pokemon died, someone carrying on his work??
  22. Wow, I'm an 'attacker' now. Sorry Maddog I froze you, half to see if you were really the majestic pokemon and half to protect you thinking you may be targeted.
  23. Its probably the best fighting one I've read :p Glad you're enjoying it!

  24. Cube said they may not listen/ ReZ did it instead, I don't know. It isn't concrete because you can't be sure after one vague night. You argument is more like sand :p
  25. No-one has an concrete arguments. One of the three (ReZ,Cube, Diageo) are mafia. I have no idea who though. So I'm refraining from voting for now.
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