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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. You could just say it in the normal way. No, we are not identical.
  2. Two sisters who are exactly the same age as me! Except by 5 minutes methinks.
  3. Hippppppppster
  4. Least it isn't a thread about religion! :p
  5. Wow a few surprise results going my way!
  6. Diageo what did you do last night?
  7. Not even a chance to do anything with my fooked up computer. I wasn't being silent on purpose!
  8. Does anyone know who the "commanding woman" is?
  9. I enjoyed it all until ReZ made a joke I don't get
  10. My vote stays on Heroic. I don't believe you're a townie.
  11. Computer is facked. Day before I need to hand in a massive essay I've been working on for a couple of months. Can't even send it or save it anywhere, instead I managed to move it to a USB (can't explain it concisely). Going to have to wipe computer clean again methinks. Really no idea what caused it since I haven't been on any new websites or anything dodgy for a very long time!
  12. So as long as you survive you win with either side?
  13. How do you 'go to university' then Heroic? You are blatantly lying.
  14. I am ze white one. Also, Heroic how convenient that you missed the deadline, and nintendohnut. I think you're both mafia personally, but Heroic just makes that much less sense. Its is the wanting to go to university part I don't understand.
  15. What? Stop trying to put suspicion on me by making stuff up! I clearly targeted the multi-coloured pokemon in the first paragraph! Also: Heroic- You want to go to university and can program pokemon, who did you target last night and how did it affect them because that doesn't sound like anything to do with pokemon. Vote: Heroic
  16. Your real name isn't Murr? Damn!
  17. Yeah, I can't believe no-one picked up on this yesterday.
  18. So you targeted Mr-Paul, a water pokemon (Blastoise? Can't remember) and you're saying something about university... explain.
  19. I used hand-sanitizer stuff at a festival because there's no place to clean your hands before eating food. Sitting around etc got my hands dirty so the sanitizer was pretty good then. Also because it meant I wouldn't get an infection in my eye when putting contacts on. At home, I just use soap and wash my hands I'd say as much as an average person, after taking a whizzer, after getting anything on my hands, washing up. I don't do it at home before I put my contacts in so vigilantly like Eenuh, I used to be, but then I got lazy :p
  20. Stop ignoring my question Heroic. What do you dooooo?
  21. So I'm pretty screwed on getting a good grade on one of my modules. The lecturer told us that the first 5 weeks would be assessed, and the second half was more about a career in the module (Company Law) as well as the many uses of Company Law, which would not be assessed. He now tells us, you can pass the course without knowing the extra 5 weeks, but to get even a 2:1 it must be consistent, coherent and very comprehensive, which is basically the writing of at least a 1st! I know I could study hard, but without knowing the later lectures' material it feels a bit harsh. I need a 2:1 overall in my course to not breach the conditions of obtaining my job contract. Bad times.
  22. I think it may have something to do with Chansey's revival. It started then didn't it? Scrap that, just found in the end of a night write-up where it happens. No idea, unless its something to do with Mewtwo? Heroic what is your power?
  23. Ashley. He is the only annoying thing in my life.
  24. Calm down fatty, don't be so homophobic!

  25. I'll take the lynchbomb >_> Vote: ReZ
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