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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. So the authoritative woman is Eden ( I just read up about her and her power fits that description). Why do you not think he is mafia ReZ?
  2. So Diageo, who are you?
  3. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah LUIZ
  4. How about on the 11/11/11 at 11:11? Say in Brighton?
  5. So have we reached majority or not? sorry was out trying new lagers at some fancy pub. Most of which were naaaaasty. I'll look over day/ vote tomorrow when I've figured out whats going on.
  6. Naffin useful that I can add yet.
  7. YEs ReZ, that is exactly what killed my for the first time in the game. I thought of using ground against his fire...he had surf :'(
  8. I'm confused, and not read everything (will do so later...) but is that Gyrados shiny? So you targetted me last night Chair? Why? Also yes Mr-Paul, I did target you, I thought you were good so I took a gamble that you weren't lying on your power!
  9. Things just got interesting!
  10. Yeah I guess I'm a jailkeeper then.
  11. Is a jailkeeper someone who protects? I thought they did something extra? I also have a secondary power that I do not want to reveal but people can verify I have helped them.
  12. Because it roleblocked me! Also it is red, cream and white, Voltorb is not that. What is your power Tales? Have we already found that out ?
  13. Only two double voters were in the voting thing yesterday. Someone is that red pokemon and I demand to know who or at least why!
  14. Okay, who is red, cream and white...
  15. That was found on the link given by Daft about the 4chan plan against the girl. I know that because I kept watching it and wondering WTF.
  16. The memes are funny but anything else is just too far.
  17. Vote: No Lynch
  18. I did nothing wrong! You were the one who injured my player if anything! :p
  19. You've had your chance and been dominated by them. Last time we played them at least we were done over by that referee's reluctance to award a penalty. Funny game though.
  20. Wow, sitting at the top of the league! Joint on points but still, very surprised to be there!
  21. Chelski v Man United draw, shame, I wanted to see Man U get a little further in the cup
  22. Yeah, I was 45/46 when I beat Elite Four, its the after fights that screwed me
  23. Thanks :p The Magna Carta is in fact statutory law, which is the highest authority of law. Common law can be overridden by statute law. Magna Carta did set out some major constitutional law amendments though (trial by peers etc) but common law is important. Self-defence isn't in a statute therefore the common law is the only authority on it we have (currently, I think). It is definitely one of the strongest defence because it either acquits or it doesn't. I wish AeroScap was here, he's much cleverer than me at this sort of thing :p
  24. I may have interpreted what you were saying wrong. But thanks for the careers advice :p I am currently finishing off my law degree :p (but then becoming an accountant I've failed you!)
  25. He looks like the Might Morphin Power Ranger guy now that you mention it!
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