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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Having just received the Six Feet Under Boxset for my Birthday yesterday, I feel I need to write: Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.
  2. No I think he picked someone that night, but couldn't do anything till the next night with their power?
  3. Probably your stomach's inability to keep down mixing of different alcohols. You'll get used to it eventually!
  4. Hangovers don't cause throwing up, throwing up during a hangover is more like a tactical chunder. You do it because you think it'll make you feel better. Usually does for about 5 minutes. What did you drink?
  5. I blocked Rummy, but he did nothing. I thought maybe he may only be able to kill every other night. Who knows, just a theory.
  6. I think Cube may be dead in all current mafia games and needs his daily dose of mafia?
  7. I blocked Peeps! You seemed a wee bit pushy on first day, so I thought maybe you weren't townie. It may be that the serial killer can only kill every other night or something as well.
  8. I got a mention HUZZAH!
  9. Everyone is worried about you.
  10. More often that not it is nothing and just your paranoia/ belief something is up. My girlfriend is definitely of the jealous type. Never pleased when I'm spending time with friends that are girls. Even though I've known them a lot longer than I've known her and she trusts me but still gets moody/uneasy. Flameboy I'm sure it's fine.
  11. Was at a great houseparty that got shut down by police last night. Didn't even get to try bouncy castle!
  12. Speech!!!!!
  13. Happy Birthday Lord Rummington!
  14. Weird, players are falling apart!
  15. Drunkenness deleted.
  16. Dazz hasn't killed in the kill-less nights because I've been roleblocking him. He was a wasp and last night he was a dog. Also the write-ups don't describe a character doing the killing maybe because of it would give Dazz's character away. I'm fine with voting either: Vote: Dazz
  17. Who did you target? Mr-Paul? He was still role blocked by fire. So you're causing natural disasters.
  18. I was definitely blocked two days in a row at the beginning.
  19. Chow has a few funny quotes.
  20. Are you the rat faced man? Maddog?
  21. Can we at least get a sign-up going for the next one so people can start deciding if they want in?
  22. Okay well since no-one has anything, I'd like to ask Rummy what he did last night.
  23. So Dyson was the one doing all the other natural disasters on me earlier on. Vote: Dyson How can you verify this Maddog? Also I am a townie roleblocker, who else do you know as one Diageo?
  24. After all the mucking around by someone, Seetickets have re-released Hyde Park Arcade Fire tickets and I snapped a couple up! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS So happy!
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