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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Had to reupload the last MP2 episode due to accidentally leaving end music in from previous episodes over the actual Let's Play footage... On actual gaming news though I finished Metroid Fusion. I managed to get round to the 100% today but only after initially beating the game because I didn't realise going into any Recharge Room in any sector after beating Ridley was the point of no return, so there were essentially 6 points of no return in the game. But fortunately I was able to go back after beating the game to collect all the power-ups. That's pretty cool. Kind of like how in Mario Galaxy you can't get all the stars without beating the game initially first.
  2. I may have misremembered what the Sunburst was like, I thought it was a faster beam combo than it wound out actually being, those Dark Pirate Commandos so easily avoided it... Also finally cleared the Space Pirate Logbook data, it only took me something like 20 parts to do so... In Metroid Fusion (Wii U VC) I've just got the Diffusion Missiles. I didn't get the secret message but looking at Youtube videos then the process on how to do it is insanely ridiculous. You have to carry a Shinespark how far? No wonder the developers hid something like that there although "I wonder how many people will see this message" is kind of looking silly now with the existence of the internet... I've also been playing a ton of Magic the Gathering Arena (PC) to an unhealthy addictive level. I caved in and cracked open 61 packs of Theros Beyond Death which I was saving but it did allow me to upgrade several decks from the Wildcards I received, including a Wolf deck I made a while back which is significantly better. Aim is to make as many wolves as possible. The key to all of this is Tolsimir who you want out as soon as possible as every Wolf you can make becomes a removal spell. The big problem is Tolsimir is 5 mana, so Wolfwillow Haven, Kethis and Nylea are used to help get her out sooner. Likewise, Transcendent Envoy makes Wolfwillow Haven even cheaper and Siona can fetch you Wolfwillow Haven. Arlinn and Garruk generate Wolves though sometimes I've found that just casting Tolsimir is enough to make the opponent scoop. I also made several other decks and upgraded a few existing ones with better cards. I changed my Bant Flash deck to a Temur Flash deck and completely rebuilt the way that one works, I also have about 85% of the world championship winning Azorius Control deck, the mono-Red deck got upgraded with 4 Anax and a playset of Brazen Borrowers have gone in every Blue deck that was running Unsummon, Stern Dismissal or Callous Dismissal. EDIT: Video has been removed, a few music tracks slipped in when there shouldn't have been, will reupload it.
  3. ITTT'S BACCCCKKKKKK Kind of disappointing how easy the Power Bomb Guardian is considering it's after the Spider Guardian and you have to go out of your way to get to this guy but I suppose it's probably more of a relief really. At least getting the Power Bombs allows you to get back to Sanctuary Fortress pretty quickly, although I still maintain that the lifts between Agon Wastes, Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress are highly illogial due to the placement of them on the map and teleporters would have made more sense.
  4. Went ahead and continuned with Metroid Fusion (Wii U VC) regardless. Got the Plasma Beam and made my way to Sector 4 from Sector 5 having just beaten Nightmare. I died so many times to the Spider Boss battle though until I realised you could jump out of it and I also struggled a lot on the boss battle after that with the giant Torizo because I kept falling into the plants and having no idea how to get out, not realising you had to hold down the A button... Also it seems impossible to beat Nightmare without getting hit considering how you have to damage it's first weak point. I get the feeling I'm in the second half of the game now. I've also started playing Metroid Prime 2 (WII U) for the Let's Play again and resuming uploads. Also @drahkon I would be careful about coughing if I were you...
  5. Downloaded Metroid Fusion (Wii U VC) recently. Played it quite a bit while I was waiting for the right time to be able to resume recording for the Prime 2 Let's Play. I've gotten quite far through the game, having already visited all the areas in the game and obtained the Power Bombs. I returned to the ship recently and now need to track down a certain generator to restore functionality to the doors and lifts. That being said, I think playing this game during this time may have been a mistake. It's raising anxiety levels at a time when anxiety levels are going to be at an all time high. Shame really. If my anxiety reduces I might come back to this game but who knows how long it's going to take to defeat this virus? For all we know we could be living under quarantine for the next year or so! Video games are supposed to be a form of escapism but it looks like choosing your form of escapism is also important.
  6. Booted up the old Wii U eShop and topped it up with some funds to purchase the one Metroid game I haven't played yet, Metroid Fusion. And that fact is now no longer true...
  7. Well there's no doubt now, the race has been officially cancelled. https://t.co/ecqwHzDCAL?amp=1
  8. Never mind about the race being cancelled, the race is still going to go ahead but no spectators will be allowed in. I think the cost of hosting an event is going to cause major headaches in terms of cancellations... and I suspest the teams may strike anyway.
  9. So, McLaren have officially withdrawn from the Australian Grand Prix due to the Corona Virus, after one of their team members has tested positive for it. There are conflicting reports over whether the Australian Grand Prix is going to go ahead now but if it did we would have an 18 car field in the first race. Maybe there won't be a race this weekend after all though... EDIT: The Australian Grand Prix has been officially suspended.
  10. They will probably have to play this music in the real life overworld while the Corona Virus is about...
  11. Delayed the post here to give the last episode so more time, so here is Part 26, complete with one of the more appropriate thumbnails for the series: This is as far as I've actually recorded right now, due to a laptop issue I have not recorded any further over the possibility of not having laptop access to continue and upload.
  12. I think one other side effect of this situation is that if anyone gets unwell in any way it can lead to anxiety over having the Corona Virus even if such unwell state is merely a fever or flu and not something that could lead to the Corona Virus.
  13. Forgot to post this last night, but the dreaded Spider Guardian boss fight finally went up on my Youtube last night. It turns out I've been tagging this LP slightly wrong on Twitter too, as adding an additional tag in the Twitter posts has contributed to an improved view count which is sweet. But yeah the first time I faced the Spider Guardian I died so many times, and then had to endure the bad checkpointing up until that point when I just wanted to face the Spider Guardian again. Since on the Gamecube you don't have the Spring Ball, the timing and precision needed to beat the Spider Guardian is so much tighter on Gamecube than it is on Wii. Also:
  14. Uploaded another episode of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes this evening and it's one in which I came to a stupid realisation over. There was something pretty obvious throughout this game that I had forgotten to scan until this point... whoops! Also, though I've done the diode puzzles in Sanctuary Fortress before I could never remember the simple solutions to them and always stumbled into the correct path. I think Sanctuary Fortress has by far the longest opening section of any area in Prime 2. You go through a LOT of content before you even reach the temple to get the translator module and then almost immediately you are thrown into one of the most annoying boss battles in the entire game. I suppose it does make sense as they want the temples to get harder and harder to get to with each new area, so in this one you need to finish one entire floor, travel up to the higher floor but oh wait, you can't because you need to do it in the Dark World to get around a particular door, then go back into the light world in the process. It says something that it takes two Save Stations in the Fortress area itself before you even reach the temple.
  15. FFXII is kind of like Xenoblade before Xenoblade in some ways, the styles are somewhat similar although the way battles play out are quite different. I got it on Switch as I had already played or experienced most of the strongest entries in the franchise already by that point. Final Fantasy really reached it's peak quality in the 1990s. The ATB era in general is when the games in general got really good, starting with Final Fantasy IV. I haven't played V but I hear that that game is very much focused around the job system and if you're not invested in that there isn't much else. FFVIII is generally considered to be one of the weaker entries in the series though it still has it's own fanbase. Unfortunately the game's unconventional mechanics such as the Junctioning system and Drawing were not as refined and user friendly as previous mechanics resulting in an overly convoluted game that actively discourages levelling up. Also the story has a few plotholes and the romance the story is based around feels rather unnatural. Soundtrack is still amazing though... then again throughout all of Uematsu's Final Fantasy games the general quality of the soundtracks have been excellent. I haven't played the game personally though I did watch a complete playthrough on Youtube of the game... it was at the time where I was under the grounds of the fact that I was a Nintendo only gamer and wasn't likely to get to experience the game because of it, not taking remake opportunities into account in the future. The same thing unfortunately happened with FFIX and I really regret that as that is a game I would have loved to have played spoiler free without knowing what happened... but no, I just had to watch that game on Youtube. X's still a solid game and the quality is overall still good but in my opinion it's the start of the series' decline. A lot of people like X though and it does have a lot going for it. There are a lot of videos on which game to play first that you can find on Youtube mind:
  16. I know it's getting remade, but the original FFVII is still one of the strongest games in the series. I'd say it's among the top three entires in the entire franchise. Final Fantasy IX is another entry on the Switch that is very highly rated. FFX has a good story but I really don't like the map design in that game. It's still a good game overall though. If there is any FF game I would recommend above any other it's my all time favourte game, Final Fantasy VI. VERY good game, hits so many beats on the right note, the characters are great, Kefka is one of the best villains in video gaming ever and the team building in terms of party members you can do in this game is one of the best in the series with 14 different party members by the end of the game and no-one is ever locked in to the point where one character is much higher levelled than the other. The only problem is that this game is not available on the Switch... there is a mobile version but that version has some problems regarding DRM and the graphics look a bit weird compared to the original game. The original graphic style I think is only available as an experience on older consoles, with the GBA version being the most complete version with extra content and an additional post-game dungeon. Also, you can suplex a train, you can't do that in any other Final Fantasy game. Enough said.
  17. Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo was really good. Hopefully this translates over into the full game. Also, there were some *ahem* "technical difficulties" regarding this LP episode of Metroid Prime 2... (Anyone who's played the game knows exactly why this thumbnail has been used and which enemy it's referring to...)
  18. Downloaded the Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo on PS4 but for whatever reason I haven't got around to playing it yet. Might do so this evening, it's only an hour long by the looks of things. Uploaded the Chykka Boss Fight onto my Youtube channel, that being said the last few episodes haven't had any views so I question whether it's even worth continuing with this. I probably will finish it even if there are no watchers just because I don't want to leave it uncompleted and it's good motivation to help clear my backlog. Plus I get the excuse to make pun titles like this one:
  19. Anyone who's played Metroid Prime 2 Echoes before hate Dark Pirate Commandos? Because I do and it finally gets me to crack in the below episode... Skip to about 13 minutes where I may sum up in muted version the frustation some of you may have felt against this annoying enemy. Also, the amount of times my Nunchuck has come loose from the Wii Remote is rapidly rising... been keeping count of it lol. Been playing a bit more lately and went in and out of Sanctuary Fortress and back to Torvus Bog to get the powerbombs. Recorded four more parts because of it but due to the condition of my laptop screen I don't know how much more I can get out before the computer screen becomes unusable.
  20. Personally I'm a big F1 fan but my watch time of it has kind of decreased to just the Youtube channel since I don't have Sky. I just watch the highlihgts on Youtube nowadays. There are definitely some exciting races over the last few seasons but Mercedes have made the sport a bit of a monotony over the past few seasons. I miss 2012 when the entire season was just so exciting.
  21. Continuing with Metroid Prime 2 which I plan to resume playing tomorrow, here's another boss battle:
  22. Put another episode of Let's Play Metroid Prime 2: Echoes up, a game I should get back to recording sometime as I finished Torvus Bog in real time but haven't left it yet. This episode is a big one, dedicated to one entire boss battle... one of the more notorious ones in this game imo and so the entire thumbnail is dedicated to it.
  23. Finished my competitive Pokemon team today. But I'll probably go into more detail about it in the thread itself. Since Part 17 of Prime 2 didn't get any views I'm going to repost the link to it in this post: And then immediately follow that up with Part 18 Elsewhere on Pokemon TCGO I hit Rank 3 for Water Daily Challenges and earned myself the Water Deck Box. Trying to trade packs for Zeraora-GX to put in a Pikarom deck but no luck so far.
  24. Got a competitive "team" coming together somewhat. It still needs it's IVs ironed out but I'm stubborn in that the first Pokemon to reach Level 100 in game should be my in-game tyeam so that will have to wait for now. 4 of the 6 are fully trained and I'm waiting on the last two to come back from Seminars in order to get them ready. Yes, I know I could tweak the clock to speed up the process but I kind of want to do it the legit way and actually wait out the in-game clock for the session to expire. Though, knowing Glen has covered his team's weakness to Eiscue isn't very encouraging since one of the Pokemon on my team is an Eiscue. Beating down the Battle Tower with an ice cube headed penguin has a certain novelty to it though. I specifically chose Pokemon with a known competitive pedigree since I thought, if I'm going to be putting the effort into EV Training Pokemon they might as well be good Pokemon in terms of base stats or one with a well proven solid strategy. So another pick for my team was... So, pretty much the attacking brute force of the team is set up, now to do the Support Pokemon. One problem though is that I don't know if there's another way to get another Leftovers or another Rocky Helmet. I kind of want both for the held items for this team but don't want to take them off my in-game team and I don't know what happened to the Shell Bell.
  25. Just catching up on this thread. I wouldn't give your opponent too much credit for that strategy as it's very likely he either rented that team or netteamed. That strategy was demonstrated by WolfeyGlick on Youtube. So yeah, this will be where they've got it from. People in general will just want to win but not necessarily know how to win so they will just copy what the best players use without any concept of why that works. Once they get up to higher ranks they will probably get found out...
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