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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. You ever had that sort of day? You're just being told by your boss what you need to do when suddenly Space Pirates attack and you're forced into the offensive out of nowhere? No? Well, this is what that is like in the new episode of Let's Play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption which I am continuing here today: I realise my recaps can cause episodes to start a bit later than they need to... so there are now handy times to jump to listed in the opening card. Also, this has the hardest Energy Tank in the entire trilogy to obtain...
  2. Following up on the Prime 2 LP I did earlier this year... it's time for the Prime 3 LP. Here is Part 1 of the new journey... Trying to make this one a bit more entertaining with more room for additional inserts and jokes. Also really wanted to make this part as good as it could be, though general recording improvements will be implemented in future parts.
  3. I guess that's what happens when you win 4 world titles in your early 20s... you still have a lot of career ahead of you so how do you make the most of it?
  4. Not really sure Renault are going to be competitive any time soon but you never know, would be quite something if Alonso managed to win a title after his comeback but I see him slotting back into the midfield role he had at McLaren. The Austrian Grand Prix basically said to me that Vettel is finished as a top driver. He looks really bad now and I think for his own sake he should get out of F1 and maybe look into a different category of motorsport. It's saying something considering the guy is still in his early 30s but he really looks a shadow of the driver he used to be and he looks like a guy who really doesn't want to be in F1 anymore.
  5. Well, after what was a fairly pedestrian start it's fair to say that turned into an absolute thriller. Really thought Alex Albon was going to pull off that impressive overtake and as the other Red Bull driver they really need him to be performing so that Max isn't scoring all of the team's points. And he completely blew it. Horrible race for Red Bull as a whole, but as a McLaren fan I'm really glad Lando Norris was able to get them back on the podium.
  6. Finished the DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield recently. Here's my fight against Dojo Master Mustard on Youtube. Also started playing Metroid Prime 3: Corruption again and recording it for an LP. It appears I may have to do multiple playthroughs to go over any missed stuff in case my capture software starts glitching up. The first part is recorded so I should be starting to upload this LP very soon.
  7. As a follow up to my last post... I have started work on a Prime 3 LP. The first episode is rendering. Will probably hold off on uploading it until I have recorded multiple episodes. I also don't feel that maybe the first episode of the Prime 2 LP gave the best impression to hook people so I'm trying to make the Prime 3 LP's first episode more interesting. In fact, the first episode already contains a bumbling incident as well as a self inserted joke at another Metroid game's expense... and there are already a few Easter Eggs shown in the first episode itself! Reminding myself that the first episode makes a big difference to the whole thing as it's always the episode that gets the most views has encouraged me to try and tweak this one even in light on any potential misstep made in the actual recording itself. I had to re-record many times though because the initial settings for Elgato did not co-operate with the Wii U HDMI cable and the opening cutscene was incredibly glitchy. Meanwhile on Magic Arena I'm still trying to make my Vampire deck work and the Dog deck is starting to show it's flaws somewhat. There's a surprising lack of cards from the new set that I'm interested in crafting save for Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Glorious Anthem, Rin & Seri and Basri Ket.
  8. Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC: Magic Arena:
  9. Put a bit of a blooper video of sorts on my Youtube channel. During my Prime 2 LP, the Nunchuck came loose from the Wii Remote on mulitple occasions, this is a video that basically put every time that happened in one video... Now working on a Prime 3 LP and gathering data for that... it will probably be the game I play next.
  10. I have a treat for anyone who watched my Prime 2 LP earlier this year... a bonus episode! Looking at Concept Art and Multiplayer in particular. Also working on another video based on this series. Meanwhile on Magic The Gathering Arena the new set, M21, has been released. This is a set that's designed to be something of a new player friendly set but also has plenty of it's own powerful cards. One of the big things they introduced in this set is Dog Tribal. You can now have an entire deck full of Dogs and play it in the Standard format. So, here is my Dog Deck: Actually plays surprisingly well, though I have only played it in play queue and not in ranked so I'm sure there are some problems. A lot of the dogs are quite basic in terms of abilities but Pack Leader is amazing, Bolt Hound is pretty good and Kunoros is a nice boon for the deck. Alpine Houndmaster is also great, it's basically "draw two cards that are dogs". Also updated my Vampire deck with some new cards but still need to change things for when I get the main new Rare Vampire in the set.
  11. So it has occurred to me I haven't posted in here since last month... My gaming has relaxed somewhat this month. Partly as a return to some form of normality but also because I've been spending a lot more time on Magic Arena trying to finish some of my decks. There's a new set coming out on Thursday after all. Aside from Magic Arena I decided I would dust off my Youtube channel again and as such here's a Channel Update: I'm subsequently working on the Bonus Video for Metroid Prime 2 Echoes but that's a slow going process as my capture software has developed a habit of breaking up footage after a few moments of recording which is going to make for an interesting video. Thankfully this video is one that naturally has a lot of jump cuts so it isn't too badly affected. I also started the Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC. I have to say, this explorable area is a lot better than the areas you could explore in the main game which is kind of embarassing for the main game. Hopefully this kind of world design can be used going forward... also I'm massively overlevelled for this and thinking about drafting in the "Children" of my Sun and Moon team to battle alongside Kubfu while training it up. I also have intentions to start the Future Connected campaign for Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition but haven't got around to that yet.
  12. On a roll with clearing my backlog now. Added Super Metroid (Wii Virtual Console) to the pile of cleared games as it turns out that there was an Energy Tank near the Save Station I was at and I was able to address my really low health by getting that Energy Tank. That gave me enough health to survive the plated pirates and the room afterwards allowed me to recharge my health and missiles for the big Ridley fight. It took three attempts but I managed to beat Ridley. I then went around the entire map trying to collect all the power-ups, literally went to every room in the game. Naturally I eventually found all the power-ups and then proceeded to beat the game, though the escape sequence took two tries. For the record, I saved the animals. Also playing NES Remix (Wii U) and trying to beat the Remix challenges on there as that's another outstanding game on my backlog. However, the NES Golf challenge in Remix II, number 16, is proving to be quite problematic. Cannot get the ball to go anywhere. EDIT: After figuring that part out I have now beaten NES Remix. That was never going to take very long but that's still another game on the beaten pile. Not sure what I'm going to do next, might do Future Connected on the Xenoblade remake or go back to Dark Souls.
  13. Finally finished Hollow Knight, about 11 months since I got it last year! That took a lot longer than I hoped for, I don't think I would have beaten the game without looking up some things on the internet especially in regards to getting the best ending. After progressing to the final boss a couple of days ago I died, over and over again. I was making some progress however and understanding how to dodge my opponents' attacks and I could see definite improvement in how I was playing... but something seemed like it could be better in terms of charms... ...so i took off Quick Slash for Dreamshield and it worked a treat. Still took a few more attempts but the game is finally finished!
  14. Well, I suppose it was a bit better achievement to do it without the class upgrades... Anyway, I'm back on Hollow Knight (Switch) now. I got the game last year and it seems to be a game that has somehow taken forever for me to get anywhere near to finishing after playing most of it and then stopping on the Dream bosses. However, I finally beat all the Dream Bosses using the Fragile Charms and then unlocked the White Palace. I managed to clear that, get the Kingsoul, subsequently get the Void Heart and have unlocked access to the true final boss. However... I'm so close to finishing this game but man the boss in the picture is really hard. I subsequently found out about a charm that regenerates your health and though it would allow me to survive the attacks and allow me to focus on dodging them so I backtracked and finally did the Hive area after ignoring it for a long time. Good thing I went there, the boss in the area was what I needed to beat to get the Charm and I also got my 8th mask of health so my overall health for the final boss is significantly improved. I've got a good idea about how to avoid the final boss' attacks but a few misjudgements have been the cause of some deaths and the addition of floor spears have made the attacks a lot harder to avoid.
  15. Nope, pretty much stuck to the job classes that my characters were when I booted up my 10 year old save file. I generally found that I liked having access to certain moves on certain characters and wanted to max out my skill points for certain weapons and individual skills, so never really got round to changing jobs and I got very comfortable with what I already had. Might see about changing them into the upgraded versions of their classes though.
  16. Well, I did wind up getting Erdrich's Sword and took on the final dungeon.. and now I've finished the game. Oh boy, that final boss fight was so difficult. Took me so many attempts to beat, including going back for the ultimate knife skill because I didn't feel like my Thief was doing enough damage. Managed to get the Perescutter weapon as well as a better weapon, went back to the final boss and he OTK'd my main character in one go... I was relying on him to use Gigaslash. The very next attempt was the successful one though. I had found a few Softworts so tried to use them to help heal paralysis and just dedicated my main to using Gigaslash every turn, with the Thief topping up my main's MP so that he could continue to use Gigaslash every single turn. Lost the mage during the battle but I waited for a better opportunity to use Zing on him to bring him back and then I proceeded to cast Frizzle with the Mage until I finally KO'd him with Gigaslash. The credits have just finished rolling as I type this. There is apparently a rather meaty postgame but I think I will look at other games that I still need to finish like Hollow Knight.
  17. Getting near the end of Dragon Quest IX now. Just got the final dungeon to go but I'm hearing about a weapon you can get in the game if you get the Rusty Sword (which is apparently in the final dungeon in the game), some Orichalcum and 9 Glass Frits. The first two I think I can easily get, but the 9 Glass Frits are proving to be difficult to obtain. Can you only get them in post game or something?
  18. Coming into what feels like the final quarter of Dragon Quest IX. The plot has gotten way more involved since the Fygg hunt and now I'm currently in the prison in the Gittish Empire getting ready to face Lieutenant Goreham-Hogg. Faced him once before and got curbstomped... looks like I need to grind for experience and equipment before I try again. Also, while I like the music in this game the sheer lack of music in the game is really starting to show. The game likes to reuse music tracks so often and it's so obvious. I think I've heard about 11-13 different songs in the game and that's about it.
  19. Well, it took a while but I managed to acquire all seven Fyggs in Dragon Quest IX. I was stuck on the Dreadmaster boss for ages, had to significantly grind and invest in new armour in order to beat it. The main problem is that his Double Trouble attack hits like a truck and wipes out my party members very quickly in high 20s. It took significant grinding with interest in getting money in mind to outfit the entire party with better armour and when I went back with better armour and attacks I managed to beat him and tank the hits while only requiring one Buff spell. I get the feeling I'm more than halfway through the game now. The plot has finally moved on a bit and presented an interesting plot twist, if a tad predictable. The main antagonist has finally revealed themself and now the game is asking me to hunt down a dragon... well, it's in the title of the game after all. Party is currently nearly mid 30s in terms of levels.
  20. I totally share your sentiments and this is probably why I put the game down for so many years, especially considering other RPGs I was playing around the time or had played were stuff like FFVII and Pokemon Black and White and I think my interest in the latter effectively made me stop playing DQIX because a lot of the characters weren't appealing and the plot was kind of bland. It's interesting your comment about the multiplayer thing though because I also played through the entire of Metroid Prime Federation Force in single player. I do remember getting the game because it was being marketed a lot and was getting good reviews in ONM and being an RPG it was in a genre I knew I'd be interested in, so my apathy towards this game was a huge surprise back in the day. I made a Backloggery a few years after getting the game though and now during lockdown in order to save money I want to make the most of the games I already have and finish what I missed in my collections for previous consoles while I wait for the next big game I might be interested in. I'm currently in the school in the snow area having opened up the grave dungeon and currently grinding for that. My main character is currently Level 27 and the rest are Level 26. And oh boy, I'm noticing since coming back to the game that the entire script and character names are riddled with puns. There's an enemy called an "Apeckalypse" for goodness sake...
  21. Only took about 10 years, but the game is finally starting to click for me lol. While I still like story driven narrative RPGs more, I think the comparisons to Final Fantasy IV on this system were perhaps a bit unfair and, actually, this kind of game is closer to what Golden Sun, Earthbound and Pokemon have done, an overall objective with a lot of small stories along the way. Doesn't mean I don't prefer the former though, but looking at the actual options here... why don't more RPGs have a "Heal All" option? That is so useful and such a convenience.
  22. It's fine now, I'm proceeding through the game with the party I got. Died to Garth Goyle a few times though so grinding a bit for that.
  23. Went ahead and booted the game up from where I left off. Watching MageMasher's LP helped ease me back into what this game is like and I think the big problem before is that I came into it with the only RPGs I'd really played being Pokemon, Final Fantasy and one Harry Potter game on GBC. Now I've since played stuff like Golden Sun and xenoblade I think I can appreciate a bit more of the genre as well as it's more tactical elements. I booted up the game and found myself in a vocation hall of something, with a full party of 4 at Level 17 and 18. Oh boy... I wish I could change these guys names, they are showing their age so badly here from when I got the game.
  24. So, I've finally decided that I'm going to continue playing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, a game I started back when it came out but never really got very far before putting it down, there was something about the game that made me a bit uncomfortable but considering my media consumption since I thought that I wouldn't have the same problems consuming it now from what I thought the premise is. But after watching an LP of it to remind myself exactly what happened I now remember what I think the issue is. Creating your own character is fine enough... but the opening premise and story introduction really didn't grab me with too much interest. Initially my reservations were one of religious conflict but, yeah, the way the opening is framed really doesn't seem so engaging and probably why this game failed to grab me. I also remember not necessarily being the biggest fan of Stella. @Ike Please tell me this game's storyline gets a lot more interesting past the opening section because it's been sitting in my backlog for years as a game to eventually get around to but the game for whatever reason has proven difficult for me to get enthusiasm over and I just don't quite know why...
  25. All things considered it's not too surprising that Vettel is leaving Ferrari. If you look at last season and how Ferrari's season went you can probably understand why Vettel doesn't feel comfortable in the team anymore. Japan last year was just all of it coming to the boil.
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