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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Game 1: Pokemon Red Game 2: The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Keeping this so that I know which games I've already named)
  2. Double post dang it. Just put Part 19 up and also recorded Part 20 however due to the contents of Part 21 I think I may hold off a bit on that one because I have certain plans for it and I'm not sure I'm yet feeling entirely up to it, therefore I may end up taking a break in the LP. About halfway through the whole thing now though. Once you see where Part 20 ends, you will understand exactly what I'm talking about
  3. Love the platformer genre as a whole, I usually find it to be one of the most fun game genres, especially in 3D. My recommendations are: 2D: Super Mario World (SNES/GBA/Whatever you can find it on) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES, Wii U VC) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U/Switch) (This game is in my personal top 10 games of all time, one of the best 2D platformers ever made) VVVVVV (Kind of a platformer but you're flipping gravity instead of jumping) Sonic Mania (Classic speed platformer with some of the best level design in the series and a great soundtrack. Sonic at his best) Super Paper Mario (Wii) (Platformer RPG hybrid whose gameplay is a bit of a mixed bag but the story is fantastic) Shovel Knight (Pretty much everything) (Retro indie inspired platformer by Yacht Club Games. Has multiple campaigns to it so it can last you for quite some time) Super Meat Boy (PC/Xbox 360) (Only play this one if you love a challenge, it's one of the hardest 2D platformers ever made) Freedom Planet (PC/Wii U) (Not as good as Sonic Mania and story is rather cringe worthy but the gameplay makes up for this and it has a killer soundtrack) 3D: Super Mario 64 (N64) (Don't need to explain why here) Super Mario Galaxy/Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) (Both of these are a more linear take on 3D Mario but both are fantastic) Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) A contender for the best game I've played on the Switch Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PS1/PS3/PS4) (actually you might as well get the whole N. Sane Trilogy while you're at it) Ratchet & Clank/Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded/Ratchet and Clank 3 (PS2/PS3) (Love these games, some of the funniest platformers made. Also I think the story in the original version of Ratchet and Clank is better than the one I've seen made for the PS4, not to say that I don't think Rift Apart looks great). Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PS2) (Amazing 3D platformer from the PS2's early days, similar to Mario 64) A Hat In Time (PC/PS4/Xbox One/Switch) (Fantastic Indie 3D Platformer. If you like platformers in general you have to play this. It's kind of short though so if you get it on console then get it on the Switch so you can play the DLC in Seal the Deal and Nyakuza Metro) I think that about covers it. All of the above will give you enjoyment in some form, albeit some are better than others.
  4. No one watched the last part. I guess no-one like Ghor. Oh well, here's the next part, a return to a previous planet with upgrades in hand as we discover an entirely new area, one of my favourites in the game in spite of it's short length. Also pick up a few expansions on Bryyo.
  5. I haven't played FFVIII personally but I do know that the game's system is completely broken and actively discourages levelling up, since the monsters level up alongside you not levelling is preferable because you can junction to max stats anyway without needing to gain experience. All the signs of a fundamentally broken game. No wonder they abandoned mechanics like that. Not really playing much aside from the Prime 3 LP, which resumes on Youtube today with the newest episode and it has a major boss fight in it. Bounty Hunter Ghor is back but he's suffered an unfortunate fate and we are forced to take action, less we be stranded on Skytown forever! I was watching the cutscenes back and noticed this one specific frame and thought "OK, that's the thumbnail." Also, here's the video that's linked in the description itself on Youtrube which you obviously can't access on here. Working on Part 18 now.
  6. I remember having one of my Prime 2 videos claimed by some random artist. They claimed to own the rights to the music in the second half of Torvus Bog, the Brinstar Red Remix in the area. If anyone owns the rights to that music it's Nintendo and I would have respected Nintendo's decision if they did so but false copyright claims aren't on. Thankfully it looks like the copyright claim has been removed since. Also did a bit of sprucing up of the channel and added Londragon to the featured channels list.
  7. Nice to see Xenoblade's camera is as fullproof as ever. Also:
  8. Nice to see you enjoyed Super Metroid in the end. Though to be honest I think the game is well designed enough so that even if you are low on health there is likely some Energy Tank or health respawn point to help you push on. I thought I was stuck on it for ages but it turned out I was missing a nearby Energy Tank that would help me get my health back after the big room in Norfair with the rising liquid. On the subject of Metroid games, up to 16 parts now and this is a more story focused episode after the acquisition of the Boost Ball as we meet with Skytown's Aurora Unit, 217. Time to finally find out how to get rid of the shield right?
  9. With Xenoblade finished the Prime 3 LP is now the only thing I'm really playing alongside Magic Arena and I got back on the recording this afternoon. This episode has had an unusually fast delivery from recording to publishing, I literally just beat this boss today! The last part was clearly lacking a major boss battle so thankfully this has one that gives us a nifty upgrade. EDIT: Going to have to pull and re-upload the video due to a stray sound effect. EDIT: Re-uploaded the video, sorry about that.
  10. Spent a while longer working on this episode because before starting the game this was something I really wanted to talk about. If anyone has played the game Bioshock Infinite then the game's "Sky Rail" system might not be as original as you think... Yes I am fully aware this screenshot is not a Prime 3 screenshot but all will become clear in the Part itself. This is the start of the Skytown segment of the game. I haven't actually recorded any further than this yet as my memory of the game from this point has gaps in it and I couldn't remember the best segmenting points for each part of the LP. In other news I have finished Xenoblade Chronicles Future Connected. I still need to do one big final sidequest but i was level 79 when I beat the game and after switching Shulk to my lead was able to better handle enemies more of his level. Probably why I switched Melia out to begin with as the game went on when I went through the original first time.
  11. You know what the most notable episodes of LPs tend to be? Not the ones when you're doing well, though those can be good for the right people, but often it's seeing someone struggle at a boss battle, especially when it gives you vindication over your own experience with said boss. I bring you exactly that today in the unlucky 13th part of Metroid Prime 3 Corruption. We finish up Bryyo and take down the Seed Boss Mogenar, in my opinion one of the hardest bosses in Prime 3 (he's certainly harder than the other two seed bosses). Trying these videos out in a 7:30 timeslot to try and avoid clashing with major Youtubers in people's sub boxes and getting drowned out because of it.
  12. Ouch. That's really annoying especially in games where said music was allowed to feature in such a game. Lol, typical Reddit.
  13. This thread should be renamed to "Your 2020 Gaming Diary and Youtube Let's Plays" lol. Also, Metroid Prime 3 and Halo 3 playthroughs on Youtube channels on here, it's like 2007 all over again. All we need now is for someone to do Bioshock and Modern Warfare and the late 2007 shooter lineup is complete! Speaking of shooters from 2007, here's the most annoying part of Prime 3 in my opinion. I never managed to beat this part on Hypermode, it was SO hard. Then the boss after this one is the hardest in the game. This is a real difficulty spike in Prime 3. Btw, any way I can find somewhere else to share this LP? Been working on it quite a bit but it seems like I'm not doing a very good job of spreading it's awareness. Might try and find some Nintendo Discords out there.
  14. Well, you know what they say, the sooner you are introduced to video games in life the quicker it becomes to adapt Especially in the modern age. Then again, Cloud is a pretty good character so maybe that's why Anyway, after a day's break the Prime 3 LP returns with a boss battle. We also finally get to work on destroying the generators and really making progress into our mission to save planet Bryyo. The second generator will be destroyed next episode and then we take care of the entire planet's Phazon problem. Simples.
  15. Fair enough. My opinion is quite the opposite, I'm not so keen on the regular battle theme but all in for the Fogbeast one even if it takes a while to really get going.
  16. Not seen many people talking about this tune yet... Really great tune this.
  17. I think you're talking about a different cave. I was struggling to get past some Level 72 Spiders lol. Past that point now so all I have to do is the final boss. Along with trying to get all the Ponspectors, I have about 9 of them now but one of the quest monsters has a Level 77 monster right next to it. Because of course it does... Prime 3 LP recording is continuing meanwhile and I think I've got a handle on how to avoid recording corrupted files. Here's Part 10 where one upgrade leads to another, one we're going to need for the mission... Estimate that it will be Part 13 by the time I finish Bryyo.
  18. Oh boy, this episode was an absolute pain to put together... there were a few technical issues with it that prevented me from getting things sorted sooner but eventually I managed to come up with a nifty solution... Also it's time for the best song in this game: That title works surprisingly well... Meanwhile I've stalled a bit on Xenoblade Future Connected as I need to grind a bit more to be able to survive a certain cave. I was stuck on the boss beforehand for quite some time. I think I will need to grind to Level 74 for a bit or something.
  19. The "Your 2020 Gaming Dairy" thread seems to flow pretty well with Youtube Let's Plays lol. I guess it makese sense, they are the game's we're playing after all Here's the new episode of Prime 3 Corruption where Hyper Mode changes forever...
  20. I would like to severely apologise for the length of this episode, I cut out as much as feasible but it still ended up being a 44 minute monstrosity. There's just a lot going on in this first section and the natural stopping point wasn't until I got back to the ship. Nevertheless, the Bryyo chapter of Metroid Prime 3 Corruption begins here... It's a very long video so I suspect one of the jokes I made in the video is going to get lost due to it's location in there. It's during the latter half when I'm reactivating the galaxy map with one of those motion control gimmick levers and one of the running jokes I've got going on is to treat every one like a dramatic action with additional music to boot, the levers in particular have their own catchphrase.
  21. Part 6 of the LP is out now, complete with one of my favourite thumbnails for any of these videos. Very story heavy episode this, major developments occur.
  22. Time for what I'm sure everyone agrees is the most memorable boss battle in the entire game. In Let's Play Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Part 5 we take on Ridley while falling down a generator shaft. 13 years later this is still one of the most bonkers and unique boss fights I've ever faced, never seen any other game do this kind of boss battle..
  23. OK, so Metroid Prime 2 is a great game in all... but does it have Ridley in it? No? OK, so that's something that Prime 3 has in it's favour. Ridley is here in the new part of Let's Play Metroid Prime 3 Corruption. Meanwhile I've also been playing Magic The Gathering Arena as always. Core 2021 bot draft has just started but unfortunately my deck bombed hard at 1-3... it was an Izzet spells deck but I found the balance between creatures and spells difficult to manage and either flooded with creatures or flooded with spells so I only won one game in the end thanks to Transmogrifying into a Hellkite Punisher. I did get a fourth Vito of the Dusk Rose form my prize pack though. Also been playing Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected. I don't know how many people have played this campaign yet so I will put it in spoilers.
  24. There are official WRC games on the Switch? Never knew. So, got two games on the go now after starting Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected. I think Torna is the easiest thing to compare it to since both are short side stories that supplement the main game. I have no idea what's going on with the main story right now and how any of this fits together following the original game's ending which I won't spoil here.... While that is ploughing on, I am editing and contuining to upload the Metroid Prime 3 LP. My plan btw is to release a new episode every day at 9pm and I've got a good amount recorded so far. Here's the obligatory Halo reference in the title... All technical issues resolved now btw, things should go smoothly from here.
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