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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Well, I've just officially finished Metal Gear Solid 2. The section after the escort mission was... one of the most bizarre things I've ever played. There were some cool gameplay moments after that but although the story that unfolded during the last portion of the game was really good... it kind of felt like the final boss and ending arrived prematurely even when I've been sitting through a long series of cutscenes full of plot twists and information. But with this game finished I can now finally say that my entire PS2 game collection is finished. Not ruling out ever playing on this console again of course but with a lot of the PS2's best games now available in HD collections if I ever want to play more Metal Gear games I might see about getting the HD trilogy, especially since I hear the third game is even better than this one is.
  2. Had a marathon of a session on Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2) and have now gotten up to the point where I have defeated Vamp and done the first part of rescuing Emma. Vamp gave me a lot of difficulty and I was forced to seek help online where I found an incredibly cheesy strategy that allowed me to defeat him with ease without using a single ration. I was struggling a lot on the final phase. I can see this game isn't really afraid to go places...
  3. After watching a Let's Play of the game up to the point I got to previously in the game, I dusted off my PS2, plugged it back in and resumed Metal Gear Solid 2 for the first time in about 11 years. I don't really think it grabbed enough of my attention back when I got it as I only had one play session and after dying about 30 times after booting the game up because I couldn't see the field of vision on the radar. There was a good reason for that, I forgot that you need to get map data for areas in order to be able to see the enemies on the radar and I lacked that. I now feel quite comfortable with the controls for the game after repeated Game Overs and have just disarmed the bomb in Strut A. The timed mission took me many attempts... I was still getting caught in certain situations. But familiarity with the enviroments through repeated failure is definitely helping.
  4. I started Metal Gear Solid 2 years ago when I got it with my PS2 but I didn't get very far into the game. I was also not keen on stealth games at the time. However, my opinion I am willing to change on that after I realised that most games have stealth sections anyway, so an entire game about stealth isn't actually that big of a deal. Started watching a playthrough on Youtube to remind myself of what happened before I jump back into the game. I need something to play now that I've finished FF7 Remake and reading this thread has encouraged me to finally finish my PS2 backlog. Mainly playing a lot of Magic Arena though. I've got 64 of the Rares and Mythic Rares from the new Ikoria set so far, but still missing quite a few of the cards I was looking for to build certain decks on the game.
  5. I have now officially finished Final Fantasy VII Remake. I had heard the ending was somewhat controversial and had been changed which made it harder to lead into what has come before... full thoughts on the ending in the spoiler window below. I must admit though the gameplay was fantastic and felt exactly like what a modern Final Fantasy game should be. They managed to create an action game but also proving why the ATB system never should have been dropped in the first place. It was the most solid system that had been created for these games and to me that made them far more interesting to play than a standard turn based system. OK, maybe I don't normally play such systems with having to scroll through the menus to pick out the correct option in time but the fact that it allows for dynamic battles where you have to time your attacks in turn based combat is what made Final Fantasy's gameplay super engaging in the first place. This new game seems like it is a simple button masher but they managed to make a game where you actually have to target your opponent's weaknesses and use more advanced moves other than spamming your basic attack.
  6. Playing even more of Final Fantasy VII Remake. I think I'm getting towards the end, I'm on Chapter 16 right now. It's kind of funny really, I got the game over a week before it actually came out and yet I'm going to finish it well after many other people who've been playing since launch day. My sister is probably going to finish the game before me as she's only focusing on the main storyline while the reason it's taken me a bit of time to play this game is that I really want to explore everything. All the side areas for items and to do all the sidequests. I wanted to be able summon Bahamut... but it looks like I may not be able to since I've gone past a point where Aerith is playable and I really don't know if you can get her back in the party in this game. Also, not really a bad thing to be taking this long to finish a game right? One of the problems I've had with new games in the internet age is a desire to finish brand new games as soon as possible so that they won't be spoiled online.
  7. Been a while since I've posted on here. Been mainly playing Final Fantasy VII Remake and Magic The Gathering Arena. The latter has taken time out of the former admittedly so I'm still on Chapter 14 of FFVIIR but had a marathon play session to get to that point today. Man Chapter 11 was kind of unexpected and the music in that area is fantastic. Chapter 12 meanwhile... EPIC. I will say no more. Most of my time with Arena has been set trying to collect some of the new set, Ikoria. I had several deck ideas I wanted to craft my Wildcards for... but then realised I should probably prioritise the new lands first... and also that one of the decks I want to build has cards from a set that will be rotating... a Dinosaur deck of all things. But now I'm thinking my priorities will be to refine my existing decks with missing cards.
  8. Final Fantasy VII Remake, a game with an epic orchestral dynamic rendition of a classic video game soundtrack. What is my favourite tune in this game so far?
  9. On Chapter 6 of the Final Fantasy VII Remake now and I'm just going to leave this here: Also been playing Magic Arena but I'm really bored of general grinding right now. One of the things I love about Trading Card Games is the amount of variety that you can get when creating decks. But while I have created all manner of different deck types from casual to competitive, every game I've played even in the standard play queue is against Mono-Red Aggro, Mono White Lifegain, Simic Flash, Thassa Agent of Trechary steal and Mono-Black Devotion. It's getting a bit stale right now so I'm glad there's a new set coming out in Ikoria that will actually give some variety to the decks you see,... or people will just tech cards into those existing decks...
  10. I was hoping to put a lot of time into the Final Fantasy VII Remake after getting it early. Then I got back massively addicted to Magic Arena again... Welp. So yeah, that has delayed things a bit but I am a good chunk of the way through Chapter 4 of the Remake so that's pretty good.
  11. So I realise that the recap was slightly messed up in the last episode. Whoops. Oh well. I did put a substantial amount of effort into this episode of the Let's Play because... ...well, it's the last one. Thumbnail says it all. Video is the longest in the series but I thought that was likely to happen considering I was planning to record all of the final boss battles as well as the entire ending uninterrupted, a long video was unavoidable. Well, that's the LP finished, I guess I'm done with LPs for a while. Though... the very end of the video suggests otherwise...
  12. Penultimate episode of Metroid Prime 2 is up. Finale tomorrow. Forgot theSeeker Missiles gave you 5 missiles...
  13. Officially finished recording the Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Let's Play, it will finish this Sunday with a total of 38 episodes and I went to a grand scale for the finale. In the meantime, the newest episode is up: Interesting that they give you an entirely new enemy/obstacle for one of the keys to make it more of a late game area. Also it is in the next episode that I realise that the Missile count was inaccurate as I forgot that you get 5 Missiles when you get the Seeker Missiles. Also, the event which I thought was the highlight of the last episode? Here it is in tweet form. Most hilarious thing I've ever seen in this game... Well, guess the only thing left to play now is a little game called Final Fantasy VII Remake...
  14. I did wonder about that. Since the street date isn't until next week the Day 1 patch won't be out until next Friday. I guess we will have to deal with any bugs until then.
  15. Don't the credits in an Animal Crossing game roll usually simply by listening to K.K. Slider anyway? Anyway, I was going to finish my Metroid Prime 2 LP today in terms of recording but came down with something which meant I was unable to talk comfortably for long periods of time, I will finish the game tomorrow. Here's the next part of the LP meanwhile. Despite being a fetch side quest episode there is a major new addition to the arsenal and it includes perhaps the silliest moment in the entire LP. I burst out laughing when I saw this and clipped it in a Tweet. Skip to 19:08 for said moment in the video, I'll post the tweet after the next episode comes out. The plan was to finish the LP before Final Fantasy VII Remake comes out. But then... Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) came out early so I ended up starting that instead this evening...
  16. Same here, FF7 Remake arrived today. I'm going to respect Square's street date though and not post any spoilers, though I just finished Chapter 1 which was essentially just the demo everyone played already.
  17. ORdered some more MTG cards while on lockdown which surprisingly arrived on time in spite of the fact that the country's on lockdown. Building a second Commander deck so these were welcome additions. However, the biggest news in regards to new purchases is that... ...I bought the Final Fantasy VII Remake and it arrived today, 8 days before launch! Wow.
  18. A Metroid may have interfered with this episode... Sound will return to normal next episode... by the time I realised the mic was too loud the game had already been saved.
  19. Prime 2 continues and since I'm getting towards the end I'm really ramping up recording progress ahead of episode releases. This episode sees the Light Suit being obtained and the start of the Sky Temple Key hunt. Finding the most striking image of the Light Suit was a challenge. Refraining from taking any Temple Keys before the end game quest and ensuring I go to the Sky Temple gate however was not. I posted a clip of it on Twitter but a really amusing thing happens in a later episode...
  20. 5 scans and it's so easy to miss one. On top of that it also has the limited quantity scan that is the Dark Quad so if you miss it first time through Sanctuary Temple this is the only time you can get them. I missed the head module first time around and I might not have got it so easily had I not been doing an LP of this and rewatching footage from Part 25 to notice my mistake. That has been quite helpful to see what scans and powerups I skipped out on. Prime 2 has so many off-ball obscure scans, it's no wonder I have never finished the logbook for this game... and still won't in spite of attempting a 100% playthrough, stupid Ing Webtrap...
  21. Been looking forward to this one. It's the epic boss fight against Quadraxis, the best boss in the game. I must admit, of all the boss fights I've had the way this one played out was epic, I really thought I was going to get a game over there...
  22. Precursor to the best boss fight in the game... but I needed the Temple Keys first. Planning this one out was going to be tricky. Want Quadraxis to be his own episode but I needed somewhere to collect the last two Temple Keys so this ended up pretty short. I couldn't justify picking up some pickups either because I realised that most of them have been picked up along the way save for the few that require every powerup in the game and ones that can be collected on the way. I noticed a pattern in how Amorbis was Part 11, Chykka was Part 22 so I thought Quadraxis would be Part 33, looks like I was one off in that regard.
  23. To make up for the last one being rather short compared to others... this one ended up being quite long. I wanted to get a lot done in this one, the boss battle and the powerup were two seperate things in the game but they happen fairly close enough to each other that the middle portion was something I felt I could cover. That being said, it COULD have been a bit shorter if it weren't for the fact that on arrival in the Ing Hive, complete and utter fail happened. And yes, the episode title is a reference but also on multiple levels because of what Samus gets at the end of it.
  24. Sorry, wrong person. I saw it on the previous page, double checked and meant to tag @Vileplume2000
  25. @drahkon Yeah, part in Okami is one of the more surprising things about it. Anyway, the newest episode of Let's Play Metroid Prime 2 Echoes is up and it's the shortest one in the series. With Fusion finished I kind of want to get this LP done with before the FF7 Remake comes out. You'll understand from the video why this one was so short. And after all this time too...
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