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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Happy Sandwich Mr Goron
  2. ...fine
  3. £50.00 for MKWii?? you got ripped.
  4. "you find out the MadDog91UK is good" ....wierd.....is he good? i'm not sure...
  5. Last night I got the Lee R Wilson Memorial and Triple Kill achievements in a free-for-all slayer.....awesome. I'll be watching that match over and over and over again.
  6. WHY?? 0_o you mean they will change the camera to an over the shoulder view to make the control scheme work?
  7. My copy was dispached from GAME this morning. Sould be here by Friday. I've been on youtube and stuff watching random gameplay clips and this looks great, can't wait for this to arrive. EDIT: it arrived a day early, and yes....we did get shafted on the packaging. The forth disk is in some sort of flimsy paper sleve under the manual.
  8. and knowing is half the battle.....G.I JOOOOOOOOOE
  9. "if there are no children being born because we are all having air sex, then we will become extinct." "one, two, three, four, five, SEX!!"
  10. you can embed youtube vids now? sweet
  11. not too bad in my oppinion
  12. *bump*....anti-merge
  13. because i'm an idiot and can't read to save my life.
  14. Jesus Christ woman! did a bomb go off in there?
  15. by a guy or a girl? if its the latter, i may be inticed to watch. I know i'm off topic, i'll post one latter
  16. lol saw this on thatvideosite.com, funny as hell.
  17. Its 3:00am and i feel like doing somthing tedious. So here are my little collections: Anime: Manga+book: DVDs Wii GC and PS2 games DS games Xbox and Xbox360 games there are CDs but there is about 90 of them....God help me if i even try and lay all them out on my bed.
  18. I can't stop yawning now, its like when i yawn i have to do it again and again and again. >_< damn you to hell!
  19. Looks like gamer.tv has failed me again ¬_¬
  20. It was in the newsletter they send out from time to time.
  21. exactly...
  22. It is if you've been doing it where i've been doing it.
  23. vote: MBAM
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