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Everything posted by Kazzahdrane

  1. The riding demo was better And playing chicken on the bridge!
  2. Yeah it's not much, but that's almost the £20 deposit for a Wii pre-order
  3. Wario Party. Damn I need a job at Nintendo getting paid to come up with this stuff.
  4. I believe the trade-in value for a GC is £15 at Gamestation, with one official controller. I'll probably encourage my flatmate to trade his in once I've got my Wii since we don't have any import games or a Game Boy Player or anything.
  5. In all fairness, Mario Party will probably be great on the Wii. I haven't really played much of any of the series since the first on the N64 but I understand that latest one for the GC (7?) was pretty good. Plus Nintendo have shown that they're pretty good at coming up with ways to use the wiimote so I imagine MPWii will be full of fun minigames using it.
  6. The 23rd? That was yesterday. Unless you mean October and I doubt that. Perhaps the Thursday is when stores are getting all their POS stuff and they can take pre-orders from Monday? I guess we'll find out when people start reporting their GAME pre-orders. Of course it doesn't bother me as I've had my pre-order in at Gamestation for over a week.
  7. I actually really like the Marvel Ultimate Alliance boxart and I don't think it looks bad with the Wii "wave".
  8. Here's some news for people who are waiting to pre-order from GAME (rather than Gamestation who are already taking pre-orders, meh whatever you guys want): GAME will be taking pre-orders for the Wii from this Thursday.
  9. I'll hopefully be getting the console a few days before launch, so I'll bring it home and set it up. Once I've played Wii Sports and Zelda/Red Steel for a bit I'll come on here and tell you guys what it's like!
  10. In later versions he hacks up green "blood". This is the same on the Gamecube ports.
  11. QFT. Thrusting the Master Sword into his evil head was totally awesome.
  12. Yes he does, he wants to appear more important than he is. I work in games retail and no one has any idea of Nintendo's Wii allocations yet. This is why places like GAME aren't taking pre-orders yet, because they don't know how many they will get. Some places like Gamestation are taking pre-orders because an educated guess says the Wii will be cheap to make and so Nintendo should get lots of units into stores.
  13. He is talking out of his arse. Nintendo are not meeting with UK retailers and discussing allocations until October.
  14. avoid buying anything
  15. £250 is not a good deal. The Wii may not sell out. £500? You're having a laugh. If I had to spend £500 on a Wii I'd buy a 360 and a bunch of games.
  16. Not sure which store you're talking about but this certainly doesn't happen at Gamestation - not as long as I've worked there anyway. The £20 deposit is completely refundable, even after launch if you chose not to get one from there. Also you can always buy any console hardware solus, and certainly with the Wii there will be bundles but anyone can leave the store with just the box for £179.99 if they so wish.
  17. I too am fed up of all these games where you play as the hero. It'd be cool if you had a mission where you had to pimp out Peach to Wario and Waluigi. ... Oh wait, not it wouldn't. Because that totally doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. GTA: Vice City is a fantastic game, San Andreas less so.
  18. You know that first one is a GT game and not a GTA game, right?
  19. As long as you can swing the wiimote with your right hand you'll be fine.
  20. I think you misunderstand. Ravenblade is not a sports title. The video above the Ravenblade one on that page is however an American football game.
  21. Indeed, and the game will build us huge muscles. Hooray for gaming!
  22. I could afford a PS3 to sell on eBay. I still won't because I want gaming to be as affordable as possible. The PS3 is already crazy expensive, no one should have to pay double on eBay to get the console. @ Retro-lover: Can I suggest you just get one game from Gameplay and get the other in a bundle with your Wii? The shop will no doubt have bundles and you'll save money on the game you get with the console, probably even over Gameplay's slightly lower price.
  23. Can we please limit this thread to box arts that we know are official? At least don't post fake box art after the official one has been posted...
  24. In case you didn't know, that track is already confirmed for GH2.
  25. This is a complete myth, and one that is very offensive to blind people in my experience. This myth has spread so that people can feel better about blind people and say "well their other senses are heightened". This is 100% untrue, unless someone coincidentally has very sensitive hearing or something. Blind people simply rely on their other senses, however they are not improved over those of full-sighted people in any way.
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