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Everything posted by Julius

  1. I get where you're coming from...but also Explorers is basically the Chrono Trigger of this spinoff series. It's pretty undeniably the best one, so it'd be a very Square Enix-esque move to remake a lesser received game in the series, skip remaking/re-releasing the best one, and then jump to making a new one. I mean I'll take a new one, but remaking the best one and having it be on modern platforms is the move I'm pulling for. And yes, I'm still salty we don't have Chrono Trigger on the Switch You'll get a Magikarp Jump port and nothing more But seriously, I think if we're actually going to see the legacy core series titles come to NSO, now really is the time to start making those announcements, what with GB/GBA being announced in the recent Direct and the 3DS and Wii U eShops going down at the end of next month. I'm still half of the mind that they won't end up on NSO if they do come, because again, there's just too much money being left on the table otherwise. And if they come in any form, NSO or piecemeal, I expect a trickle at best after potentially shadow-dropping the Gen I (and maybe Gen II?) titles which are VC on 3DS on Pokémon Day. I'll be shocked if we get them all at once, especially the GBA games. See the above GIF
  2. Kazuya gameplay trailer: Love how flashy the particle effects are!
  3. Here we go again! It's finally time for a Mystery Dungeon Explorers remake, right? Right?! And how can we forget a genuine GOTY contender in Pokémon Sleep?! More seriously though, probably Scarlet & Violet DLC getting announced, and maybe an update on the new Detective Pikachu game? Crazy that we're seemingly entering the final stretch of the Switch's life and it's still nowhere to be seen. (and idk maybe get some more old games on Switch while you're at it with the eShops closing next month please & thank you)
  4. The Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Collection's Asian English language version is available via PlayAsia: I've stuck a pre-order in for a physical Switch copy for now on the off-chance Square Enix continue to be stupid and don't make more copies available through their store
  5. Thanks for sharing this, it's definitely the best reaction I've watched for Prime Remastered "I wasn't wearing pants...the peculiarities of remote meetings..." killed me
  6. Nintendo: let's not show them too much so that the crowd exclaiming that this is just BotW with DLC debate their beliefs ad nauseam, but actually the people they're debating this with are right – we have loads of stuff to hide so that they can experience it first when the game releases! Also Nintendo: let's release a 200+ page artbook featuring a bunch of things we haven't shown in our marketing yet at launch! Has no-one learned from the back of The Phantom Menace's OST and Qui-Gon's Noble End?! That was 20+ years ago!! If you have things you don't want to be spoiled in the marketing campaign, maybe hold back on your damn tie-in books and merch! We're 12 weeks from launch, damn it, but of course people lower down the chain are going to see your stupid 200+ page art book!
  7. Sure, I'll put my name down for a TotK Link amiibo, it's probably the closest we'll ever get to Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke getting a little statue. Can always cancel I guess. But... Holy shirtballs Batman, £28.97?! Yeah, that doesn't look right at all. Could be a placeholder considering it's a pretty random price? I mean it's showing as £28.97 – isn't the typical amiibo RRP normally around £12.99 (I'm using a Sephiroth amiibo listing for reference) unless there's something extra to them, like the Detective Pikachu amiibo you mentioned, or even just the regular-sized amiibo with extra plastic (like the Zelda and Loftwing amiibo for Skyward Sword HD?). I could be wrong about that but it seems high to me at first glance?
  8. Open beta incoming:
  9. It's unclear if this will carry over to EU physical versions of the game, but in the US, the physical version includes a reversible cover inspired by the Japanese box art for the original game on GameCube: Think I lean towards preferring the new box art for Remastered, but this looks great! And more games need reversible covers
  10. Patch 1.2.0 details: Seemingly no performance patches is a bit of a shocker to me, seeing as someone who hasn't played the game, all I've heard about it it's performance issues
  11. A 3 hour game trial is being made available to Premium members of PlayStation Plus: Pretty much perfect length for a trial for this game. If you aren't in after the opening three hours, I don't think you'll be in at all.
  12. First official clip from Mando S3: Not long to go now...
  13. VGC are reporting that Saudia Arabia have upped their stake in Nintendo to 7%: sigh
  14. Combat demo shadow drop on all launch platforms:
  15. February update as we get closer and closer to the dreaded Wii U and 3DS eShop doomsday: Don't think I'll be getting an many games as I originally planned to (which, let's be honest, is probably good for my backlog!) but still fully intend to go through and pick up some more stuff, so I'll need to go through the stores one of these weekends and make some difficult choices about cutting games from my previous list/s. Think I'm going to miss the eShop music the most though
  16. And it's official: Legend of Dragoon is also being added as a Premium Classic! How is that not in the image used?! And Wild Arms 2, too! Horizon Forbidden West and The Legend of Dragoon are the highlights for me, but damn, Capcom really making bank off RE7 with PlayStation huh? It's still included in the PlayStation Plus Collection until May and yet here they are re-upping it for PS4 owners to get access too! Oh, and S-E dropping all the Tokyo RPG Factory games is nice too! Solid month, maybe one of the strongest for the Catalog and Classics yet? Shame I'm busy being addicted to Bloodborne
  17. State of Unreal is returning at this year's GDC on March 22nd for more of a look at what those wizards have been working on:
  18. Sentient Mario Maker for the win! I, for one, welcome our new AI (and future robot) overlords
  19. Scoooooop! According to this leak, Horizon Forbidden West might be coming to PS+ Extra/Premium this month, roughly a year after launch! Wonder if a similar window will be implemented with new first party titles moving forwards? Would be smart to get people in to buy the DLC I guess? I didn't pick Forbidden West up last year, mainly because while I loved fighting Machines in Zero Dawn and the story of the machine uprising, everything else was...pretty meh to me about that game. Would gladly take this in the PS+ Catalog and wait as long as I can before picking it up physically just to have it on my shelf
  20. Netflix have released the first sneak peek of Pluto, which will be coming to Netflix exclusively later this year: Not too keen on the CG, but the character and background art looks solid! Also liking the sound of the soundtrack, assuming this is a hint of what's to come with the show!
  21. I've seen things. A whole lot of things. I've taken lengthy notes for a meaty update, but as I don't have time to sit down for that just yet, for now, I'll just say: I'm 12 hours in, and I think this might be my favourite From Soft game, and an instant favourite of all time. Everything about this game is speaking to me. Sorry, Elden Ring, your reign was short-lived For anyone wondering where I'm up to without me giving a meaty update on bosses (I finally died to one! – well, actually two!) and areas... Freaking loving this game man
  22. Not related to this particular game, but related to the Theatrhythm series – per GoNintendo, the Theatrhythm team would be open to a Nintendo-themed installment. It's been said before, but yep, that would be awesome – and seems like the devs agree. As for this particular game, I think I'll wait until all the DLC is out before picking up a copy, but I'm definitely interested in giving it a whirl!
  23. Digital Foundry's take on Metroid Prime Remastered: The game really does look incredible. Just another two and a half weeks until I can get my hands on that physical edition!
  24. I mean, on the one hand, just because the game has reportedly been sitting on a shelf waiting to launch for some years now, it doesn't mean it couldn't be updated. Actually, your argument that they wouldn't have known GBA NSO would be a thing at the time is kind of it's own argument for it not being datamined – it could be on the backburner to be added in an update whenever Fusion comes to GBA NSO. Plus, we all know how datamining goes these days - I have no doubts that there'd be a list of other GBA NSO games in there for some silly reason, and so leaving it out until it's actually needed would make sense. But honestly, I do agree with you that it's probably not going to be a thing. I think the most damning argument against suits being added from a GBA NSO game is simply because it wasn't advertised in the Direct when announcing Prime Remastered (which they did right after the GBA NSO section, so it was primed - heh - for it being announced if it were a thing), and that the physical version (which, if anything, should hopefully be shipping feature complete and ideally be the game in its final form) is releasing a matter of weeks after the digital release, with no word yet of when Fusion will be coming to GBA NSO. Any functionality like that just seems like it should be on the back of the box. It would be neat, but yeah, I'm not holding out hope. Has there even been a precedent set at this point of NSO games adding unlockable functionality to other games or NSO games? I could be blanking on an example of this, but nothing immediately springs to mind.
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