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Everything posted by welsh_gamer

  1. So early-birds, let's assemble some N-E Grand Prix's! Who's up for a few games in a private lobby tonight, from 7:45/8:00pm? Joined Dyson in a lobby earlier this afternoon for a few races and the online worked really well. Btw, I was playing with the pr0 controller, so that's why I wasn't using voice chat.
  2. Couple of 3DS deals at ShopTo Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate £9.85 Epic Mickey Power of Illusion £9.85
  3. Completed the main game yesterday. Wasn't sure how much I was enjoying it at first, but I did end up loving it, therefore it's a keeper for the 3DS collection. The final boss battle was one of the best I've played in a while. Will slowly try and collect all the key chains now and do better in the mini-games. Did anyone see this on the Nintendo 3DS Facebook page ? Thanks to my girlfriend's help, I won a Kirby plush!
  4. Get a FREE copy of Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call when you buy Mario Golf World Tour or Kirby Triple Deluxe at Argos.
  5. Find a Nationwide Race Qualifier event here ShopTo better deliver, so that I can get plenty of practice for a chance to represent North Wales!
  6. Find a Nationwide Race Qualifier event here
  7. I read them out. Not long. 15-20 mins?
  8. We had a Mario Kart event yesterday, which included a retro tournament where we played through all the games (apart from Super Circuit as it wasn't feasable), a N-E League style Mario Kart 7 tourney and a Mario Kart quiz, which I produced for the group. Came out on top of the MK7 tourney, but got knocked out in the semi finals of the retro one, which was played on Mario Kart 64, so ended up third. T'was good fun, with non stop gaming and lots of friendly chatter and laughs. Probably the best StreetPass event we've had in North Wales! Here's the quiz if anyone fancies giving it a go. The winning score was 23/25.
  9. Had a go at making an E3 Bingo Card earlier, after coming across a template on GAF. When is Yarn Yoshi expected? I'm hopeful for a July/August release, even though I've played through 3 new Nintendo platformers in the last 3 months
  10. Nice little game this, vibrant, colorful and plays and looks a lot like Kirby Adventure Wii, but with better levels IMO.
  11. I wasn't a fan either. Visually, it was pretty great, but overall a disappointment and often dull. Aaron Taylor Johnson was a generic lead and the human drama was cheesy.
  12. Skylanders Swap Force Wii U £20.74
  13. This is defintley my favourite entry in the Mario Golf series. Spent over 12 hours with the game since Thursday, and I haven't explored more than the first three courses yet. So much content and the gameplay is incredibly addictive. Looks like this game's a keeper for my collection, so I'll be downloading the DLC by the end of the month!
  14. SEGA's The Cave came out on a Wednesday. If a game is released on simultaneous consoles on a specific date, it looks like the publishers can break a few eShop rules.
  15. Like a lot of others I got mine at Christmas with Super Mario Land and Tetris. Couple of weeks later, my mum goes out and buys one for herself, as she was hooked on Tetris, and as results I didn't get to play with mine a lot at first Considering there was no Internet at the time and I didn't start reading Nintendo magazines until the late SNES/early N64 era I purchased and got given quality titles thoughout the handheld's life, such as Wario Land, Donkey Kong, Kirby's Dream Land, Wario Blast, Donkey Kong Land, Tetris Attack, Game & Watch Gallery, Pokemon Blue and Yellow, and a few licensed Looney Toons games, as I was a huge fan of the WB cartoons at the time. The only games I remember being disappointed in were Golf and Dr Franken II. Now I'm tempted to head to the 3DS' eShop and download more Game Boy games to re-experience!
  16. Also at £5.50 each :- Batman Arkham City Armoured Edition Deus Ex: Human Revolution- Director's Cut Assasin's Creed 3
  17. Time to start a new gaming collection :wink:
  18. FREE T-Shirt with ShopTo pre-orders :- Let's hope they don't delay our orders if the pre-order bonus arrives late, like they did with Wind Waker HD ...
  19. There's a good two months to go until the next must have retail release is with us at the end of May, so it looks like we're in a bit of a new software drought. Will you be using your Wii U much or at all during this time or will you go elsewhere for your gaming fix? Do you have a backlog of titles to play, will you be hoping that some of those much anticipated eShop games finally come out, or will you just use it as a Internet/Netflix browser? The Wii U is my main home console, so I still intend to be occupied with it over the next two months. Today, I won a copy of Wind Waker HD on eBay for £20, plus I'm hoping to get Scribblenauts Unlimited for a similar price soon, and have been thinking about replaying ZombiU and Batman Arkham City too, so my Wii U should be powered on quite regularly. I've only recently got round to moving my Wii content onto the Wii U, so since completing Tropical Freeze, I have been meaning to revist the Donkey Kong Country games, and a few other retro games, so that should be fun too!
  20. I've heard thay'll stocking gaming merchandise, in place of the pre-owned games. Both stores had got rid of all their Vita stock as well. Wonder if they'll have Nintendo plushies and figures in the stores that don't stock their games.
  21. Anyone else's local HMV, stopped stocking Wii U and 3DS in the last few days? Just the other day, both my local stores had a pretty good display for the platforms, but yesterday, I noticed Bangor had gotten rid of all Nintendo stock from their store, and that Llandudno had this rather depressing display :- Guess I'm part of the problem as apart from one or two titles, all my games have come from online retailers since Wii U and 3DS launched. Still a sad sight to see. Curious if it's happening nationwide in HMV stores, or just out here in rural Wales.
  22. One week later and Worlds 1 - 3 are 100% complete. Enjoying this much more than anticipated. The general platforming is run of the mill, but completing a level 100% by finding all Starmen, Red Coins and Flowers is where I get the most fun out of the game, and this even offers a bit of a challenge at some points. The soundtrack isn't that bad either, apart from the irritating abomination that is the title screen track!
  24. Got this on 3DS from ShopTo when it was £10. I really enjoyed it, and thought the developers did a good job of conveying the gameplay from the console Arkham games on handheld.
  25. Batman Arkham City and Assasin's Creed 3 £6.95 each at TheGamesCollection.
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