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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Currently sat in a room with family next to my recently deceased Grandma. So yeah, pretty shitty.
  2. Reduced action at Tesco. One was £3, other £4. Before discount.
  3. Ok, let's get to the important details: Did it burn him? Did it look like he pissed himself?
  4. Skip the first hour of Alien. Get to the good parts* *Unless you haven't seen it before, then watch through it. It's good the first time around.
  5. Congrats dude! Calling it now.
  6. Maybe even a pitcher of beer if it works out alright :P Need to buy more shirts though. Sounds like perfect leverage. So long as you don't throw that MORE figure in their face(?) they should be grateful to accept your lower offer + experience + knowledge of the role. I've never done a pay negotiation before, actually got one at the solicitors tomorrow. I have no figure in mind because (with the exception of the work done there) I have minimal experience, so naturally not going to expect a big wage. My main strategy is to ask what an entry level secretary would get, and see if I could get that or a little less. I don't want to push it, this job isn't as unique as yours :P
  7. You mean it isn't a coincidence that Banjo plays the banjo?! Mind blown.
  8. I wanna get my 360 back off my Dad so I can replay Nuts n Bolts now. That I'd really like to finally play Banjo Tooie. Or Bad Fur Day.
  9. I sometimes have him stand on the Colossal Titan's head (he's called Tizer)
  10. Took a personal day off work for dis legal shizzle. Fate has been kind it seemed for one of their secretaries has just gone off sick, apparently for about six weeks. So I've swooped in pr0 Batman style and helping the current staff ease the workload. Spent 6-7 hours doing some audio typing. I thought I'd do better. Some of the sound on the tapes wasn't that great in some places but on the good bits I thought my typing would've been a bit quicker. The way sites say you should set your hands for touch typing just doesn't seem to work for me. I find myself not being able to reach everything as good as I normally can (which is placing my hands one key towards the centre). So, they're saying that they'd like me to help out after work. So (days not with overtime) I'll finish my shift at 11.15. Run home, suit up, and bus my way into town to help out for 5-6ish hours. Plus I'm going to get paid for it. So it's awesome experience action featuring monies. Here's hoping I can hold on to something after it all!
  11. Dictations... I "trained" using alt + tab and cntrl + p, a lil different from the normal method (which I think is a pedal) so should be interesting. Managed to take tomorrow off as a personal day so won't be rushing about, can get a decent lie in, and pr0 suited up.
  12. Sent out a shitload of CV's/cover letters yesterday directly to firms. Got an email from one firm (John Hooper) asking me to ring them. Did so and John Hooper asked me to down to the offices tomorrow so they can see what I can do. They asked me to come in at half 8 but since I'm working I managed to get it pushed back to 11.15. Excited, but not trying to get my hopes up as well. Mainly because I'll probably have to start work earlier so I can finish earlier so I can make myself look more presentable than a Tesco uniform. Any idea what they'll try and get me to do Blade?
  13. The majority of that appears to be music from the first game. And although it still sounds nice. It doesn't sound "the same", if that makes sense.
  14. You change them dorrah to Pound Sterling NOW.
  15. Hmmm... Banjo Kazooie music done by an orchestra... Not really feeling that. I can imagine it losing that feelz.
  16. Decided to fork out for: "*DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION!* DIGITAL GAME, SOUNDTRACK, RETRO MANUAL + ART BOOK The full digital package! A code to download the final version of Yooka-Laylee, plus a digital soundtrack, digital retro manual and a special digital art book. Includes all previous rewards!" Not sure if by digital code it means PC only, but I use my PS4 controller on my PC for Final Fantasy VIII, which can accomodate a Banjo Kazooie style game easily. Mainly went for this for the soundtrack, which will be awesome.
  17. If you're going to PM someone you can just click on their name and select send PM, without having to into their profile. If you want to post on their wall you can do so without having to go into the statistics, where the post count lies. I think your latter option is more probable :P
  18. Bit worrying, that.
  19. Laxatives in the tea time? Knock 'er down a peg?
  20. I'm unsure what to go for... I like my games to be physical copies but I'd also like it on the Wii U, because platforming shit like this deserves some controller action. A combo which doesn't seem to be happening.
  21. When someone applies for a job via email, and it says something along the lines of "send us an email with CV and covering letter attached", do they put they covering letter as an attachment or as the body of the email itself? Because the former seems like it could take too much time to go through if you recieve several applications at a time.
  22. I still live with my Mum and whilst I feel I have a certain degree of freedom, but I don't think I feel as deluded as to having no where near as much "freedom" as you and Serebii claim. I can go out and come back when I want, if I come back too late and make too much noise enough times I could get kicked out. So the freedom to do that has gone. I could paint any wall in the house any colour, but that's not to say that she won't paint over it as soon as she cans. So I'm not free to redecorate. I'm not sure if I've had a say in things, but just because you have a say doesn't mean you'll get your way. If people decide otherwise, yes you were free enough to voice an opinion, but not free enough to actually make a change by yourself. I don't really expect to be consulted anyway, she pays all the bills and cooks so she can (and recently did so) get new wallpaper, carpet and sofa for the living room in whatever way she wants. The wallpaper and sofa aren't what I would have in my home, but it's her choice. Not mine. Not ours. Hers. Plus I hope to move out before the end of the year. My challenge to you and Serebii - be arseholes. Go out late, slam doors, come home at 3am and put the TV on loud. Bring groups of friends around during Emmerdale and tell your parents that you need the living room to watch Pointless which you recorded earlier today (delete everything of your parents recorded on their TiVo's/whatever). See if your parents stand for you exploring your 100% freedom.
  23. Finally managed to get hold of her as she was leaving the office, got the lowdown, there's nothing for me because of lack of experience. Gonna try your method of reaching out to firms individually. Here's hoping my CV is up to scratch!
  24. A crappy admin position would be great as a start at least, but yeah, foot in the door action. I'm starting to see that this lady does seem to be wasting my time. She said she wanted me to ring her so she could talk to me about a firm called Browne Jacobson, which seemed to be an alright firm in Nottingham and from what I can recall bugger all resulted from that conversation. Asked for an update 2 days later, got told she would ring me Sunday to discuss a role (which I don't think was legal related, but anything would've be nice). Got email on Sunday saying she had "domestic things" to do and would ring me on Monday instead. Around 8-9pm Monday I hadn't recieved any call so tried ringing her myself, first time was engaged, second time was answered by a man who told me she was on the other line. She didn't try to call me yesterday so I fired off an email saying this morning saying I guessed she was too busy to call back and I finish work at 5 tonight. Here's hoping I get a call tonight. I've clearly bigged myself up too much for this, I think it's because told me she was surprised that no one had tried picking me up before that filled me with such enthusiasm. How directly is direct? I've been applying using totaljobs and Reed.
  25. Bought a 24 x 36" frame which I thought would fit my Zelda Symphony posters (the 25th Anniversary one has basically been rolled up not long after the event), however upon arrival I find the frame too small. Luckily the purchase wasn't a total waste as I put my RoboCop movie poster in there instead. Now I have to find a decently priced 27 x 40" frame. Actually, two of them. Maybe three, if I can't flog the second Majora's Mask one.
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