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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Just look at his face. He's gagging for it.
  2. A nice minge.
  3. You're missing Brand New Episodes of Lost. HOW COULD YOU!? I have Virgin Media... HOW COULD I!?
  4. I have Virgin Media, have it for phone and internet too I believe. Can't say I wasn't disappointed with Sky One being taken away, but Sky knew they were being pimpsmacked so wanted an edge. As for Sky Sports or whatever, I honestly couldn't care less. Watching football = paint drying without the plot twists. Although that Setanta advert with Des is awesome.
  5. Yes. I'm playing the song out of spite now.
  6. She appears to have a nice rack, is this the case?
  7. I agree, her character's gone even more shitty than usual. However, going from dull and creepy. Mary's gone into full pr0 pimpsmacking mode. Ending all that "piglett" bullshit.
  8. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire Follows a family through their life whilst Billy Joel watches on invisibily banging pots. It's genius. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq3PVHVn0kE Please watch, I know you'll like it. PLEASE!
  9. I think the video to: Danger! High Voltage by Electric Six Is also worth a viewing.
  10. Shizzle from the old school pisses on this new shit. A-Ha - Take On Me. Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer.
  11. Coffee is for dicks anyway. Tea is the way foward.
  12. Damn right.
  13. Is it as wholesome as the VGCats comic would have us believe?
  14. No you haven't.
  15. I feel that. I had a customer "complain" at me today. I served her and her husband. Slammed the stuff through, asked for payment etc, was on auto-pilot. As she left she said to me "Maybe next time you could be less bored" Excuse me!? I could've punched the bitch. She had walked off and I asked her bloke, who was still stood at the end of the checkout "Was I not happy enough sir?" The shitbrick just ignored me then walked away. It's not a secret I dislike my job [yet I've put myself down for about 15 hours overtime next week] Everyone at Sainsbury's knows it. But to be called up on it like this is pimpsmacking worthy.
  16. I did that with the BFG. I can still remember the "Making you feel all human again" from the Lockets advert and the Mario face from Space for Mario 3... Good times.
  17. I was thinking that as I was watching it. Was well impressed when I saw his name in the credits. Along with some other surprises.
  18. Hell no. Dandelion is me.
  19. As expected, I'm at Sainsbury's. Formerly regular shelf stacker, to a Pimpsmacking member of BWS replenishment. Now I've degraded myself into being a cashier full time. I'm "friendly" and I give it to the customers as it is. IE I slag the company to hell and back. If possible when I'm not serving anyone I put my chair back and relax. Only to be met by an old couple with shit-eating grins saying "Oh you look bored, we should give you something to do" Dicks. I'm trying to become a supervisor with the lovely headsets, so I can walk about doing fuck all.
  20. I'm not sure if this is just in my area, but Sainsbury's have the original movie for a pimpsmacking £1.99. Even though I was semi too young to remember Transformers properly I bought it anyway. Fuck me it was random. Everyone, feel the love and purchase.
  21. Aye, t'was for drawing using my elite skillz. http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=7399&cm_sp=pokemon-_-topbnav-_-competition
  22. Krypton Factor, Bucky O'Hare, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Mountain Dew... That was indeed awesome.
  23. Fucking right I did. Dandelion is pr0.
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