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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. End of Evangelion. As far as I remember, everyone died, turning into some yellow puss shit. Except for Shinji and Asuka. Then Shinji blew his load.
  2. Yes, she's just a piss poor actress.
  3. Well since they remixed the smoking purchasing age to 18, this seemed inevitable. However since I'm over 21 I'm all for it.
  4. I bet she was well pleased. Since C is higher than A. ...Waitaminute.
  5. Yes, but that's done deliberately.
  6. Not attractive at all. Rather plain I thought, perhaps it was seeing her being more of a hag in the... Christ... "Bootylicious" video. Didn't look that impressive in Goldmember, shit acting. Can't sing that well either.
  7. Reservoir Dogs? I can't remember if anyone survives.
  8. How about Rocky?
  9. Having a feather doesn't give you bird-like wings, but a yellow cape. It also has the the ability to deflect missiles back where they came from. Read this shit people: http://tales.namco.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=25243&highlight=unsung I copied it from NGC awhile back for the Yankyland audience of the Tales forum.
  10. He talks about sheer laziness, yet he's using stuff like "I'd", "It's" and the like. Hypocritical lazy bastard.
  11. Some top Red Foreman quotes. Without rules, we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other What are you going to put put on your resume - dumbass? Bob: You know Red, that hurts. Red: So does a swift kick in the ass. Bob: You know, Red, a kick in the ass isn't the solution to everything. Red: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree with that, Bob. When my time comes I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass. Eric, I thought I told you to wash up for dinner. I know, it's difficult to hear with your head up your ass Kelso, you fire that gun in this car, and I will pull over and kick your ass for an hour Well, if you don't get your hand out of there, you're gonna have a classic case of Foot-Stuck-In-Ass. What the hell kind of a world are we living in? 'Hey, let's date other people.' 'Hey, let's date other people, but ditch them and do it in a car.' In my day, we called them degenerates, and we STONED them. Steven, I've come to think of you as a son. So I want to give you some honest, heart-felt advice. Get your head out of your ass. You morons just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room! Red: [after having a bucket of oatmeal dumped on his head] What the hell is going on? Eric: Dad, it was just a prank that went wrong. Horribly... *horribly* wrong. Red: Really? Well I have a prank too. One where my foot *doesn't* plow through your ass! Let's hope it doesn't go horribly, *horribly* wrong!
  12. Mr. FishPansyman settled this debate years ago! None of them are better, they're all just shit he smears on the walls of justice.
  13. If anyone fancies a game of MSN Checkers or Minesweeper flags, I'm all for it.
  14. He only said they didn't go in his mouth.
  15. For the bottom four photos, had you had a penis in your mouth for a very long time? Because your mouth has the same look to it.
  16. Try the lovely internet checkers. I can't stop playing for some reason, also playing Minesweeper at the same time to use my pr0 logic skills to the max.
  17. The fate of the world can be decided with the outcome of a children's card game.
  18. That's just an excuse to make another season after all the bullshit ends.
  19. I found Polarium rather enjoyable.
  20. ... Yeah, that really needed saying. Sexy pictures of my night coming soon bitches. Prepare to feel the Doom love.
  21. If you stop in midair, you can spin foward, now you can drop to the floor with fatal speed. Also good for saving you from dying from large heights.
  22. I'm making a Dr. Doom costume. It's going to be sexy. The mask is almost ready. I've got the fingers ready, all I need now is the arms. Legs I'm just going to wear some grey trousers.
  23. "Benny! SCREEEW YOOOOOUUU!!" Champion quote.
  24. Looks like he's having a fit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFKpr7QBFXs
  25. That's Gamer Talk? I just thought it was Twatspeak.
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