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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You'd get one 1p sweet, the other 99p is going on postage.
  2. NO. The original Panther would be pissed off.
  3. Something wrong with the older topic I imagine. Ah well, the redhead is mine.
  5. Galbadia Hotal is the shit, pure pr0 in one website. Current ringtone: The Men Who Cleave Steel from the Golden Sun 2 soundtrack. Text tone: Sadly I can't change it
  6. Do I get just one point for doing the round, because of the amazing pr0ness that round was. I deserve at least five.
  7. Very good! Aporogies, I was just on my way to check the status when I got a PM of Fishmon, then realised it had been moved to this Playground. LE SCORES. 14 - Jayseven 14 - The fish 13 - killthenet 13 - Cube 9 - Noodleman 9 - Eddage 8 - Supergrunch 7 - Platty 7 - Mundi 6 - MoogleViper 6 - Haggis 5 - EEVILMURRAY 5 - Tom 5 - Strider 4 - Nintendohnut 4 - Monopolyman 3 - The Villan 3 - Shorty 3 - Ellmeister 2 - The Bard 2 - Welsh Gamer 2 - GMAC 2 - Fierce Link 2 - DomJcg 2 - EchoDesiato 2 - Dyson 1 - Stefkov 1 - rokhed00 1 - McMad 1 - Dan Dare 1 - Aalborg 1 - Dante 1 - Ashley 1 - Coolness Bears The bonus was #137 - Porygon. Dyson gets the point for being closest.
  8. Fucking right. Let's not forget Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. EDIT: Why does it not work for me? Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ-CKRi_tlw
  9. Yeah, Dara loves bumming Hugh and Frankie, regardless who else is there. It even pisses on the idea of a quiz where one round is just Frankie and Hugh from the same team 'doing' one round which is just those two, with Dara giving "points to everyone!". But I'll be damned if I don't find it funnier than News.
  10. But when they realised they couldn't get the secret out of him, they turned him into one of their own... "Schitty Wok..."
  11. I'm going to have to disagree with you there Sparky. Mock The Week pisses on this.
  12. Over the years I've stopped finding it funny now that I understand most of the political shit that's going on.
  13. You know you want to take 'attention' from that phrase. Because you're both the same. Then be damned.
  14. His reviews are alright. But nothing to write home about.
  15. I think guns are pr0. I want one to shoot people on the sly. What we need is a Lawgiver.
  16. I'm not entirely sure how it's spelt. It's from an anime people! Correct! The wrath of a trick question.
  17. Nothing to do with our bald main man Fairbrass. I want to know where 9 is from.
  19. AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREEEEEE!!! For everyone: EDIT: That one is shit: http://www.videocure.com/music-video-code/r/f002dffbf3568aeaf7c838c0df35ed15.html# Click on the link and it'll open in a new window
  20. You're not female either, but things change.
  21. Not at all ¬_¬.
  22. I really see you becoming this:
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