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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. If I bummed a game that much, but I'm yet to feel such an urge.
  2. Word, my tongue is starting to return to normal after the last one. I can pick food out my teeth without it hurting like hell again!
  3. Good call on Marth and Ness and his prick friends.
  4. A bullshit attack. This is a proper attack.
  5. Better than the olympic logo, is all I can say.
  6. I may drink, I am unsure yet.
  7. I know, I said it first.
  8. In the immortal words of Ray Charles: "I can't see shit"
  9. Someone else post a picture.
  10. NO! j00 are incorrect.
  11. No one seemed impressed when Noddy Holder Jnr. shouted 'It's Christmas!' for the 7th time that day.
  12. It's quality for the little ones, just don't put it on a card to your grand/parents. There's always one.
  14. Uzi 9mm.
  15. I'm not knocking fighting for your country, I'm just saying some people do it because their apprenticeships fell through.
  16. True, I am giving them too much credit. They couldn't get off their arses long enough to sign on the dole.
  17. Coming from Nottingham you should know very well that builders apprenticeships is all the degenerates are left with.
  18. That and they failed school and all the builders apprenticeships were taken.
  19. Watching NCIS has peaked my interest in the Navy a fair bit. But being an Epi they probably wouldn't let me join even if I tried. As per your request of advice, if you have to ask then you're not ready.
  20. You'd get one 1p sweet, the other 99p is going on postage.
  21. NO. The original Panther would be pissed off.
  22. Something wrong with the older topic I imagine. Ah well, the redhead is mine.
  24. Galbadia Hotal is the shit, pure pr0 in one website. Current ringtone: The Men Who Cleave Steel from the Golden Sun 2 soundtrack. Text tone: Sadly I can't change it
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