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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I bet you will. Sick bastard.
  2. Me too, I enjoy the sitting and socialising aspect, with a few goes on the ItBox. Clubs I can't really do, mainly because they charge a tenner a pint, the music's shit and I can't dance for shit. So I'm normally stuck against a wall bobbing up and down.
  3. Never actually thought about the word Shabba in ages, it may hurt people to hear. The return address will mainly consist of: Baron Donald Shabbá Lord of the Lower House Commander of the Glorious Army of the Architect, and Overlord of the Great Maze Overseer of the Far Reaches Captain of the Border Sea Superior Sorcerer of the Upper House Master of the Incomparable Gardens And that is what I expect on the letter addressed to myself. Who wouldn't!?
  4. Perhaps. I personally find Goldwave easier to operate if it's just cutting bits off songs.
  5. Or Goldwave, which sounds sexier.
  6. Exactly how Arnie would pronounce it.
  7. You would be technically incorrect!
  8. I'm going to have my name slammed across the CD. So I won't know who I'm sending it to, but when it arrives they'll damn well know and appreciate they've recieved music from The Don.
  9. Double CD... There's just too much of this sexiness to fit on one audio disc.
  10. My step mummy's sister has a kid she's given a unique name to... It's Unique.
  11. I also bum the ancient Egyptian culture. Amazingly sexy.
  12. Spy/Secret Agent. Cartoonist. Journalist. Games tester. Cashier, because when I was young it seemed so glamourous. I ACHIEVED THE DREAM!!
  14. I think celebrities have a different lexicon when it comes to names. My step sister has popped out about 3 babies over the past 5ish years. First Harry, then Charlotte, now Thomas. All well and good. Nicole Kidman has recently squeezed out another baby, what is it called? Sunday.
  15. Another classic I am your father moment from James Earl Jones.
  16. The bit at the beginning me and Flink remembered was from a Zelda trailer. I demand someone download that track for me.
  17. I was born Alex but then six months later had my name changed after my grandad. Honourable perhaps.
  18. I feel that, I wanna taste the topping, not an inch worth of bread.
  19. I wonder what Vader was trying to make his point about flesh being stronger than steel by making that woman top herself.
  20. Wasn't it a llama?
  21. Tired. As. Fuck. says: Awesome instant wolfskin Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: arnie is a fucking god Tired. As. Fuck. says: THE WITCH? Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: could be Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: fuck her hard arnie Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: she's a witch Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: she can take it Tired. As. Fuck. says: Then slam her in the fire. As she wants it. Tired. As. Fuck. says: HARD Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: LOL Jim - A dessiiiigggn foooor liiiife says: HWOAR HWOAR HWOAR! AHHH! I'm burning! HWOAR! HWOAR! I'm not a witch, you moran. I'm your wife! HWOAR HWOAR
  22. Considering we've got Conan on ITV1 I'm going to have trouble watching them both.
  23. Starting now on ITV1. Get there now for a cinematic classic. To quote flinky: DO EET NAW
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