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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Mine were released today.
  2. I assume Bard and McPhee do the fusion dance.
  4. I'll make member accounts with these names so I can use them. Mr. Nuclear weapon. Mr. Uzi 9mm. Mr. Choppa. I'll plant the bomb, and use my uzi 9mm for protection as I get to da choppa. It's genius.
  5. I think it would be: Myself, Flinky, we could sing Band Aid and Arnie quotes til the sun went down. Either Ashley or Dyson, But Ashley is taller I think so would make a cracking human shield. Raining_again, we'd have repopulate the earth. Fucking right. We definitely would turn our m00sh into muscle.
  6. Yep. Managed to catch the latter half.
  7. YOU'RE FIRED. Fuck Alan Sugar, that's what they need to play on the Apprentice. I'm not sure they already do, because I don't watch that shit.
  8. Apologies, I am going to pack my shit tomorrow and send it. Sexy class.
  9. Rachel really deserves to have her vagina ripped apart and her sex/romance drive removed. She simply can't stop "falling in love" with every bloke which comes along. Apparently in the TV guide which came with the Sun [which seemingly has quotes from an actor/ress each week (bullshit)], She that plays Rachel says that Angus was her first love... Despite the amount of times she proclaimed her love for Ringo and Stingray, any others?
  10. His love and inspiration for Will Young gave him temporary grasshopper like powers.
  11. It looks like a dodgy Cate Blanchett
  12. If you want something similar without the queer thong, go for Mean Machine from Judge Dredd.
  13. Those details sound alright godammit.
  14. Sexy idea. Fuck no. You're going to be The Hoffman and be fucking proud.
  15. Let's do something extremely fun, we're going to play a wonderful game called...
  16. Let's be honest, it's not a surprise.
  17. But she doesn't keep you happy and is something to look forward to. DIG UP MAN.
  18. YOU SEE THIS LETTY! You mean nothing to him. NOTHING.
  19. Stop buying games you fool.
  20. I think it seems quite sexy. Everyone here just wants Sonic to jump and home in on people. Like the earlier quote, Mario can do all this wacky new shit and no one bats an eyelid. And Sonic Adventure 2 Battle pissed on Secret Rings. Secret Rings frustrates me to no end, the WiiWheel doesn't help either...
  21. BA (Hons) Media Studies. I have a title to my name now. So you lot here best start getting on your knees to embrace the infinite.
  22. Each of our mixes are going to sound Super Special Awesome to ourselves. The fun is when other people get it. My sexy covers are going to spunk on those who recieve it.
  23. Ashley, I'm curious, without putting too much effort into it [since you can't make a disc] what would/could you put on a disc to make a story.
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