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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Someone asked who would win in a battle between Jesus and Captain Planet on a forum, and the simple answer is neither. Mr FishPansyman wins everytime. Jesus is no badass compared to him.
  2. I've been told Taken has been dispatched. If it arrives tomorrow I will be most pleased.
  3. FUCK NO. I have a monopoly on using that title, as it is legal property of Shabba Inc.
  4. I work with a kg weight strapped to each of my ankles.
  5. Bumping to the MAX! Anyone here remember The Ancestral Trail? Whilst drawing something I remembered it. I wasn't drawing a dragon [i did set out to draw one] but I always think of the cover with one on. The first 26 issues, out of 52. Then they decided to go digital/futuristicings. I'm going to purchase them from Ebay. It must be mine once more.
  6. Do you know what the Church's position is? When you get to Heaven, brush St. Peter aside. Walk up to God and say: "One of us is in Deep trouble." Naturally we want pics, or it didn't happen.
  7. I know, it's disgraceful. I don't know why they even gave me a red/green felt tip. What I need is a dark blue and light pink [the lighter shade providings is skin tone], and a brown. But it's small compensation that the image provided is also a sticker, it will be put to good use.
  8. The Touch n' Fresh advert just raises so many questions. The mum conveniently passing by the toilet I can gather. But this is where it gets confusing. There is a piece of A4 paper [i think] in the toilet and a felt tip for him to write the delightful drawing. THEN! Waddle his way to the door, with a shit smeared arse, put the message under the door, and waddle back to the toilet and sit down. He might have waddled twice if the toilet door is locked and has to return to the door to help mother in, after she has gone to get the refill. Or to let her since the refill is in the toilet but on a shelf beyond his shit smeared arse reach.
  9. I'm not baiting you, I just want to know what you think. I'm not going to get angry or anything over your answer.
  10. As a christian what are your views on the cancer and dinosaurs?
  11. Le jumper from M&S £35, then a £15 voucherings, £2 leftover from brother's voucher. Mum footed up the difference. Then to a pound shop for some genius gear. I say a pound, it's actually a 99p shop. The Irn Bru is X4.
  12. Just when I was considering making another adverts that don't/blow topic...
  13. Went to M&S with my mummy to spend my voucher I got for christmas. Was feeling a coat but in the end got a jumper-thing [see purchasings topic] One thing which made my day was that while I was sorting the coat on the shelf I was trying on I noticed a lady behind me, I thought I was in her way. When I put the coat back and turned round: "You wish to look" "No, I was wondering if you had these in a larger size" "I don't work here" It was awesome!
  14. You retard! it was obviously Halo, or chess. Haven't you been keeping up to date with ANYTHING?! I keep misreading what you say.
  15. I'm sorry, I read that as excrement. What do you think a Christian would say about the eye burrowing worms Attenborough mentioned in that link earlier? I mean when I've asked about diseases such as cancer, I've been told that man made them, not God. I don't know if this is true or not. And the dinosaurs. Someone told me the Bible mentions "large beasts" which could be interpreted as the dinosaurs. But my most recent explanation I heard is that God put the fossils there to test our faith... Anyone?
  16. Was she not pleased that you made a negative[ish] topic about head cradling?
  17. I don't think she ever learnt or something. Never took lessons, hasn't read any theory test booklets for research etc. She has to be winging it.
  18. David Attenborough gives them a double dose of beatdown. http://uk.tv.yahoo.com/blog/article/104744/
  19. I think you'll find you'll be the one fucking boys
  20. Weird. But semi-understandable considering the pr0 grief/shock/shabba that she'd be going through.
  21. It's a shame something tasty like that started off with a wang.
  22. I bet there is something underneath.
  23. This really boggles my mind. It really does. A dogged South Korean grandmother has failed her driving test 771 times, police said Thursday, but a local newspaper reported she will keep trying. The 68-year-old, identified only by her last name Cha, has taken the test almost every working day since 2005 in the southwestern city of Jeonju. She failed again Monday for the 771st time. "It was a record-breaking number here," Choi Yong-Cheol, a police sergeant supervising the test in the city's Deokjingu district, told AFP. "I wonder if she will try it again for a 772nd time." The Korea Times said Cha will in fact be back for another attempt. Choi said that Cha cannot pass the preliminary written section of the test, averaging scores of 30-50 whereas the pass mark is 60 out of 100. Local media said that Cha sells food and household items door to door at apartment complexes, carrying the items in a handcart, but wants to get a car for her business. Police estimate she has spent almost five million won (3,600 dollars) to take the written test, with each test costing 6,000 won in addition to other expenses. "I feel sorry every time I see Cha fail. When she passes, I'll make a commemorative tablet myself and give it to her," one officer was quoted as saying http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18/20090205/tod-skorean-granny-fails-driving-test-77-7f81b96.html
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