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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. They killed Captain America?! Didn't they just redesign him?
  2. Indeed. There wouldn't be any discussion if we just went: EEVIL: I had a sandwich. Ashley: I bought clothes. Dan: I went for a piss. Jay: I drank cider. Daft: I ate some crisps.
  3. Her voice is alright, but I'm sorry, I don't think it differs from many of the teen pop girls you hear nowadays. You think she has it harder because she's already famous? I would say the opposite. People may have pre-concieved image of her being Hannah Montana, but at least people know who she is, which a record label would undoubtably go for as opposed to a nobody. How easy do you think it is for a nobody to "catch a break"?
  4. You hang round with music/creative types?
  5. You equate that sort of group with those who indulge in the ganja?
  6. I got one minute into the first and had to stop. The ability to sing had escaped her for that track. Fly on the Wall, alright song, but I can't help but feel she's thinking too much of herself in this video. And where's the history lesson I requested?
  7. What's the problem? It's illegal = shouldn't do it. And where's the answer to my other question dammit! However, my day was made happy by learning that her husband was found guilty of assault. My day however was made most dire by learning it's being put off.
  8. So it doesn't matter if it's illegal so long as it's recreational?
  9. Good as it may be, didn't he say he wasn't going to tour again [might be wrong], plus he's apparently got that skin condition...
  10. Just heard on teh newsings that MJ is said to announce a series of comeback tours... It has be bullshit surely?
  11. Most probably, also because suck refers to something else more prominant?
  12. I mean I caught this episode, Hiro and Ando were in Japan, Claire is staying at fossil Petrelli's. Pinehearst has apparently burnt to the ground, taking Sylar with it [proven to be bullshit, as he goes on another parent hunt], Mohinder has gotten rid of the weird scab appearance, Peter seems to have gotten back his Rogue Thief power after his Dad stole it, but it only seemed to be touch as opposed to him just being around the other mutant. Also, what was their excuse for having Jessica/Nikki disappearing but the same actress staying on as another role? I don't mean the clone excuse, but did she sign a longer contract then the original character was written out?
  13. It always reminds me of the music used for Catwoman in Batman Returns. I'll give it this though, it's much better than Womanizer, which is plain awful.
  14. My nephew is like that, he thinks he's playing Counter-Strike, but what he's actually doing is sitting on my lap watching me play CS while holding an inhaler like a gun.
  15. People say it's our fault for buying the paper, but there are many other things in the paper that people buy said paper for. If it were the Jade Goody Times, then I'd understand. It seems they were running out of fresh material, because I caught a headline saying that Jade asked to end it all when it first happened or something [this was a few days ago] Yeah, I'm sure she regretted taking £500,000 from Hello for the exclusive pictures of her wedding. Never heard of her.
  16. How did she get her break? And why should we care twice as much? You don't mean Britney Spears surely?
  17. For some reason, if I was going to write that, I'd have said "sook" :s
  18. To be honest in some cases it's hardly noticeable. Photos taken on whatever megapixel camera practically look the same when compressed to fit the screen.
  19. The day is going well. I've come across two instances of newsworthy items involving Jade Goody, each just as pointless, but more special treatment over her criminal [now]husband.
  20. Did you/others around you start dancing and shouting something about the Wildcats? You should watch it a few more times. Apparently it increases the enjoyment.
  21. Where'd you get the monitor from?
  22. I found it. Sadly isn't baseball bat involved. But it's just as effective.
  23. I always keep having visions to the film Face/Off when Travolta[Cage] pulls the boyfriend out the car and gives him a royal pimpsmacking. I hope to recreate that magic.
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