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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I can't see any "save and load" on the Y menu.
  2. Sorry, Which menu is this?
  3. What is cheap when it comes to these cables?
  4. I went in there for pretty much the first proper time, Raining told me to come in because everyone was ganging up on Kigan :p She was lying.
  5. Apparently... where I'm going Sonic the Hedgehog is DJ'ing? http://gamecity.org/blog/playthecitylaunch
  6. See, I'm going to do this tomorrow and it's going to be even weirder.
  7. I agree, When I started I found it a bit annoying, five battles after I'm still slightly getting used to it. It would be better if the attack button was A and Arte was B. At present the block button is practically useless, after attacking I like to block to protect against their retaliation, except Yuri fucks around with his sword so much I don't get the chance. The Azure Arte is also bad for this. I've learnt a new one, so I should get round to changing it. On a small text issue, the three different fonts are alright, but they don't seem to affect speech, which is the main problem for me, would be better bold. The only pr0 issue is enemy names, when you hold RB to switch targets, the enemy names are impossible to read. Doesn't hinder gameplay, but it would be nice to know who I'm kicking the shit out of. I love the end of battle phrase [something like]: Yuri: You'll have to train for 100 years to beat me. Estelle: Because you're older than them right? Yuri: ... Not exactly.
  8. You're welcome!
  9. Instead of a refund people can get a nice shiny picture. http://new.uk.music.yahoo.com/blogs/snapcrackleandpop/11284/jacko-ticket-or-refund/
  10. Since it was a friendly I decided to tell my team to go easy on you.
  11. I just started it too, just broken out of jail. The battle controls are going to have some getting used to. Is there a way to change them?
  12. I may be getting an interview with a game studio tomorrow at GameCity, does anyone have any questions I could ask them?
  13. The smart money says: "By accident" of course.
  14. I shall spread my seed someday.
  15. I feel that, you try and have some water but it doesn't seem to have much of an effect, plus you'll then have to get up to have a piss. Work last night was wank, not that busy since people were knocking one out over the football or tennis. Work tonight shall hopefully be as fun... ¬_¬ Noticed my Tales of Vesperia has had an "attempted delivery" which is bullshit, as I was awake during this was meant to have happened. Because I used Amazon Prime I don't have to wait 24 hours, only 6 [4.5 to go].
  16. Super Choppa Getterto-er. ¬_¬ Shit like that.
  17. Ah right, just slammed it in the component ports and it's worked, the text isn't bigger per sé, but it's actually readable, the downer here is there's no sound. Sorry to hear about your red ring woes Skunky.
  18. I've been invited to a record attempt at the biggest game of musical statues. I'm honoured. Plus potential invitings for this: http://gamecity.org/blog/cyberbiagig
  19. I read an article on Yahoo about that today, they said they were going for about £50. Not a bad price.
  20. SECOND TEAMS?! I have enough trouble managing the first!
  21. You and motorised vehicles really don't seem to go together eh Letty? :p
  22. I'm fairly sure it's a SDTV, but after slamming the Scart into my monitor, which claims to be HDMI, the text was still wank. And the graphical display was shocking. The opportunity to return does seem tempting, I'm just worried Zavvi might start giving me some bullshit about waiting etc... There seem to be many people who have the same problems, but Square Enix are yet to attempt solving it. I'm not rolling in money to try buying a HDTV, even it would work.
  23. Not that happy. Last Remnant arrived today and the text is too small. There doesn't seem to be a patch to correct it like Banjo Kazooie had...
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