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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. How far away are you thinking here? We're a fair distance from the sun and we don't have gaps inbetween waves of light [do we?]
  2. "Dinosaurs that survived the Ice Age, are about to get raped with ice. Again." A tagline at least.
  3. More Brooker? To the iPlayer! He doesn't want to end up like Gervais. Good on him.
  4. It shows at work when they say they've never done training this way before. A hyper-crash course to get you to know the system in two days. This might work if they managed to not fuck up all our [12] accounts, not letting us login, certain programs not loading for some etc. Instead, what they did is just tell us vaguely what to do "When you click on the box on the left, a window will appear and you have to type some shizzle in one of the boxes" without showing us any of it. Then just throw us into Live Mode and expect us to magically know. But it's awesome knowing that I've earnt in a couple of days more than what I would've made in a week at my former job.
  5. WRONG. Golden Syrup has the power all by itself. Lube up the pan?
  6. No. Not especially. Although I would be lying if I said I looked at it properly.
  7. What is she? Fight the power Chair, bring it on home.
  8. That's a damn lie and you know it.
  9. You're being inspired by the same caption I gave ViPeR about you. Thief.
  10. Pancakes + Golden Syrup = pr0.
  11. But my feeties hurt. I really need to expand these new shoes I got. They're a little tight around the toes. Any hints to expands?
  12. ReZ, I'm gutted you didn't reply. I went in wearing full suit and shoes.
  13. Today was interesting. Started new job today, turned up late because I went the wrong way. Fun. Had an extreeeeme crash course on what the fuck to do, which is basically the people New Look ring up to sort out your store card [And even do some loan shit, which they didn't go into much today]. Which they did try showing us what to do on the practice PC's, which didn't work. But by the end of the day we were in the deep end sorting peoples' shit out. Not bad group of people who've started with me. Once I get into the pr0 swing of things, should be easies.
  14. I disagree, worst one ever for Brooker. Tried to be more historical than satirical. The only good part was Doug Stanhope.
  15. Spent the day with my girlfriend, had some pancakes for breakfast, steak for dinner. Basically just watched movies all day. T'was a swell time. There has to be a catch. Is it a pay off? [Also, she opened your mail? Disgraceful.]
  16. I've seen it in Gamestation for a fiver. And I think it was a new copy.
  17. They said it was a 3 month thing, which may lead to something permanent. What I'm amazed with is that I saw the job being offered on the job centre website, sent them an email asking for more details as the website was most vague... Then they offer me a job. If it gets monies, I'm down with that.
  18. Where's his sexy backpack?
  19. Looks like Iron Man [even though it won't be]
  20. I feel what you're saying, but I'd say an anniversary would be better/more personal. I have bought my girlfriend a card though.
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