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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Number 6 for me: City Under Siege.
  2. Well the seven years inbetween. He only kills Ganondorf in his adult form, implying that he's still alive in the kid years. The only reason it took so long was that the Sages kept him "in hibernation" until he was old enough. Zelda sent him back so he could enjoy "his childhood" but we all know that wouldn't look good in a year or two when he finally grew some pubes and looked different to the Kokiri. Say Link did go back to Zelda to warn her, how? Warn her with what? In theory he hasn't got the other two sacred stones, he only has the Kokiri Emerald for curing the Deku Tree's indigestion. For Link it just seems one endless loop bless the little kid. Based on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda#Chronology "At the time of its release, Four Swords for the Game Boy Advance was considered the oldest tale in the series' chronology, with Four Swords Adventures set sometime after its events. The Minish Cap precedes the two games, telling of the origins of villain Vaati and the creation of the Four Sword" Minish Cap Four Swords Four Swords Adventure Skyward Sword [May be before the above] Ocarina of Time [Timeline raped 1-2-3] Link To The Past Link's Awakening Legend of Zelda Adventure of Link Majora's Mask Twilight Princess Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  3. Same here. I would've tolerated it if it weren't for Dark Link. That sucked out the fun for me. Got through the "normal" quest last night. Was the scene with...
  4. The hell?! How can you be splashing that money around when you owe me a pint!
  5. You can milk a dog. I believe they called it "Red Rocket". The theory can be applied to donkeys.
  6. It does cover all the basics, it's just that bit.
  7. I knew that ¬_¬ Was just testing you. But it seems everywhere mentions up to 10 "and special episodes" Either way, there's a season 12 which looks weird on Amazon, but they may not have released 13, just like the later Fresh Prince seasons.
  8. I'm going to say The Land Before Time before I go into pr0 list mode tomorrow.
  9. Three more... C'mahn people. Fight the good fight!
  10. My reputation is on the line. If I say I’m going to call at 1pm, you can be sure your phone will ring at 1pm. I know my clients appreciate it, and I know it raises their vibration knowing they can trust me. Now... This is just me, but people being early/on time has never raised my vibration.
  11. Not bad, but that's only seasons 1-8. This has all 11 for £25 more. And a smug/dodgy grin. That's value you can't put a price on.
  12. I'm just not seeing enough evidence, apart from "He isn't saying much, he's inactive, he must be bad". People are trying to force info out of him via pressure voting, that's it. As Dannymon says: The choice is clear.
  13. Playing Link to the Past is a worldwide valid excuse for being late. I feel that, I'd rather come clean and say I'll be ten minutes as opposed to five then come in looking like a tool.
  14. That's it? Was expecting something more dynamic. No doubt they got a few holiday shags in with the waiter/resses.
  15. I'm not sure I'm seeing the awkwardness here. He was at Luton Airport with this Sophie a week ago. A week later she's single. Is this a surprise Facebook dumping?
  16. To social gatherings, I use the term "fashionably late". For me this borders around the 10 minute mark, anything after that needs a damn good excuse. But this if I'm on my own, if I meet up with a friend for pre-drinks for whatever reason [live nearby etc.] then I'll generally be on time. This pisses me off to the extreme. If they say "I'll be X mins" and are there within said timeframe, fair enough. But when you get inundated by a tsunami of bullshit that it starts to grate. Case in point is my workmate on Saturday. Meant to start at 6:30, he always borders on being an hour late. Constantly complaining that the bus he gets always stops for ages at certain stops. I know buses do that, and he knows he has to get an early bus but the fucktard just doesn't bother. So I have to set up a petrol station by myself, supplements in papers and I get the jip from customers because the Telegraph hasn't had it's 30+ supplements in them yet. Anyways, 20 mins late I get a text saying he'll be another 20 mins. This has happened for the past four weeks so I know it's bullshit. Turns up 40 mins later once again mentioning the buses as if it's the first time they've done it, I mention to him how our definitions of 20 minutes must differ. He spends the remainder of his shift, head in hands talking about how he overdid it at the gym two days ago and he's "bare knackered". He's a mardy git anyway, not in the complaining sense like we all do here because we're amazing people, but in the moping sense, throwing stuff around as if he's trying to make a political statement. He says he's planning on getting a transfer, mainly made decisive by this encounter:
  17. Just got an email saying these badboy models have been released:
  18. It was as if someone had the same feelings as I, and snatched the first season of Columbo before I had a chance. However checking Amazon for a price I saw there were 11 seasons, running approx a tenner each. Or a box set with them all for £55... But do I wait until payday?
  19. Did jonnas say what character he was? I'm sowwie...
  20. So whoever you nominate you get a lil bit of info on them? How much?
  21. Awww, I was expecting more posts before someone made a joke
  22. Does the shop in Goron City refuse to sell it? The iron boots would be more logical in that sense. Either way, I didn't need to use either. Some hardcore quickfire didn't leave time for any banging.
  23. I was going to say exactly that.
  24. You're right. I glanced too glancingly. I apologise. EDIT: All those links take me to the "Day One is over" post. Is this happening to anyone else? If so I've gone through the topic, if only for me: End of night 1 http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1340828&postcount=26 End of night 2 [Page 12] http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1343175&postcount=277 End of day 2 [Page 18] http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1344251&postcount=447 End of night 3 [Page 19] http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1345152&postcount=461 End of day 4 [Page 26] http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1345952&postcount=641
  25. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/tvs-columbo-peter-falk-dead-83-171125711.html Just when you think the greats will live forever, something like this happens. I've been meaning to buy some of the seasons for awhile, I guess this is my punishment. R.I.P Columbo.
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