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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I can imagine someone putting this in their back pocket, sitting down to drive/whatever and have it stick in a position.
  2. And a few other Bolton classics.
  3. If it takes a shaven head to get a chance to motorboat that banging rack, I'll be at the barbers tomorrow.
  4. I'd like a go at this. All it needs is a too focused a bend, that's how I broke a pair of them "flexi" glasses which were most popular years ago*. *They weren't mine.
  5. I'd certainly wobba-wobba-wobble in her buttery biscuit base.
  6. I agree, but as you said there are exceptions. I'm sure I remember something about how loads of people cried when that lass got killed off in Final Vantasy VII [?]
  7. Plus it was also nice of them to change the spelling to fit their purpose.
  8. You don't believe a story of a game can make you feel the same emotions as a film might? I'm not going to say copy Blue Valentine, since I haven't seen it yet.
  9. Are these guys together? If not that doesn't appear to be a love triangle.
  10. But that's the other side of the story. Some may believe the performance will compensate for the writing, and others believe the writing will compensate for the performance. You believe the writing will bring out the best in them, whilst others believe they will spoil it. Just because someone likes Doctor Who doesn't mean they have to like every episode. And people will dislike episodes for many reasons, poor writing, poor plot and (what we're on about here), poor performances by poor actors. Your issue here is that they haven't given the episode a chance. There have been episodes of certain programmes I haven't been a fan of for some of those reasons. The difference in this case is that people know what is coming. Taking your example, I assume you've never purposely avoided an Adam Sandler film because he stars in it and taken a chance and seen almost every major film he's been in. I am guessing you haven't. But that's your choice and that's fine.
  11. The rest of the episode pretty much pisses on the idea of psychics too.
  12. It would be "meant to be good" if someone told you otherwise, someone who'd probably be more of an Adam Sandler fan than you. And after all that you may still find it shit, even without Sandlers' presence. Depends how much you trust all the factors.
  13. More on the super bee and love triangles at work please nighty!
  14. They give you monies... Bastards, they never gave me any for featuring my shirts. N-Gamer best gimme something...
  15. Where/how much/can I have some?
  16. Same as Cube, I've avoided Little Britain like the plague (on account of it being shit when given a chance) so have little experience in Williams' career.
  17. That was Tony Martin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_%28farmer%29 It does seem unfair, that the law allows added violence when in fear of death/serious injury. But when it comes to defending your home from a (potentially violent) burglar, suddenly the law becomes more relaxed.
  18. Was he that rat thing? I remember the eyes and can see them being Walliams', plus I thought he looked/sounded like a total retard. I'm stunned I didn't make the connection sooner.
  19. If only those Norweigan police carried guns. They'd be terrorist free. It's a good thing those US cops carry guns, otherwise they could fall victim to a massive terrorist attack.
  20. You may have misread it, but that's a very accurate representation.
  21. Don't forget "At the end of the day...". Additionally I think it should have some Jamieson specific words (and words specific to the others) like "for the win", "lol", and any other suggestions people have here. EDIT: Once again my brother strives to make my work experience the next day a tiring one due to lack of sleep. Friday night, another girl. I leave him a note saying: "Tony, the next time you bring friends round, consider the following: a) having sex before I go to sleep. b) going round her house. c) not doing it at all -D- x" I'm not sure if he saw it, I know Mum* has seen it as I placed it downstairs just as I was leaving for work. Either he didn't see it or blatently ignored it, for I have been woken up sixty whole minutes ahead of schedule by the bedsprings and his heavy breathing. Same girl as last night? Unknown. Same girl as the last awesome Jedward remix? Seems unlikely, but she's not had chance to leave yet and I've hidden her shoes. Perhaps a new ultimatum is in order, he shall consider this weekend Strike One, after three he'll find his Facebook profile deleted. *MUM, MOM
  22. You're streaming yourselves playing Champ Manager? I'd donate not to see that.
  23. When I got a job through a recruitment agency all I had to do was give them a time slip each week. None of this bullshit texting, it sounds rather silly.
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