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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Awesome. The Weegee shit's getting boring now.
  2. I concur, I used one on a straight in one race. Didn't seem to make a difference in the distance. It looked like I had increased in speed, without anything actually happening.
  3. The pose reminds me of Usain Bolt's in the Virgin Media ads just when the lift closes in front of Branson.
  4. Mushrooms seem to benefit my opponents more than me. They can boost over a corner but when I try it (over less distance) the power runs out just before the end and I'm on slow grass. Once I had the Golden Mushroom and I move three places. It was pathetic. As much fun as this game is. There's too much shizzle which is downing it for me. Once I complete 150cc and the League is done I'll probably sell/trade in.
  5. For random geeky action: http://www.renegade-revolution.com/
  6. Corrected.
  7. So you're saying..... This Koopa could be.... Quick.
  8. Yes, I got that bit. It would've been nice if they could at least explain it. I don't recall even a mention of "Oh, her powers evolved n' shit".
  9. Just seen it today. I don't understand about Kitty...
  10. I don't know how people manage to get over those two leaves in Cloudtop Cruise, everytime I try I go over the first leaf at an angle and then crash into the beanstalk and fall
  11. That round must've been hell for the last of the pack. If you were near the front it wasn't as brutal.
  12. Your pansy ass in yo' faggy gold kart...
  13. Hating LostMario so much right now.
  14. There were a few of us on some race between 11-11.30 before everyone had a connection error (everyone froze whilst I blazed into first and just before I was about to cross the finish line it cut me off). Pretty sure I shat on Jordan [forgot member name on here] a few times.
  15. To me, time trials was just an excuse to go exploring without negative conequences. The amount of time spent trollin' Peaches Castle and following the train on the 64. Good times.
  16. Aye, I just boot up lé game and see who's playing before I attempt racing action.
  17. You're missing out.
  18. Does it rumble more than the gamepad then?
  19. It's like the game has decided to bend over and start being my bitch. Just got two 3 stars on 100cc, after several days of it resisting me my prize.
  20. Is anyone racing tonight? Thought I'd take my first step into the online Mario Kart world...
  21. Wouldn't mind seeing him myself. But after watching several performances on DVD his act gets predictable: "Have you see what they do in *random place/sport/country*? That's weird you wouldn't see *unique element* in *other related event*! (Impression of last mentioned event with new element from other thing)" Kinda like Russell Howard but less repetitive and shit.
  22. I'm finding 100cc rather annoying. I find myself being fisted on the last lap and ending up (anything that isn't first) with no way of coming back, ruining my three star action. I've unlocked all of the characters and giving each of them a go. But I'm finding myself going back to my favourites. Watching everyone jump when you bang your horn at the starting line - weird.
  23. Just opened it up, got rather confused. Found a site with some downloadable pdf tutorials. Will look at and probably never touch again
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