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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Fuck Tingle. That is all. I'm not really feeling Sheik's look, it's like because you know she's Zelda they've slackened off hiding the fact she's a woman. Having all dat hair flowing.
  2. 12 characters?! That can't be it surely... Maybe that's the light half of the character set.
  3. I must be going to the right places then. Never have to opt in for anything.
  4. Apart from the fact that 16 things does not make 32, I don't get number 2. I guess it's because I'm on Virgin Media.
  5. You're welcome to use some of the reviews from my site, if you can credit me properly.
  6. They were just changing the displays as I was leaving work. So not sure if blu-rays are on offer or just DVDs.
  7. I'm not sure about you but if some dude started taking sly pictures of me I would consider it going a bit further than simply "checking me out". Only if Jimbob had been approached by two other girls who were taking sneaky pictures of this girl (assuming I'm reading the story right) and then asked him to approach the pretty girl.
  8. I hope you kept the receipt for that Black Mamba dildo.
  9. @Animal They've got some sort if offer on Disney doovdes at Tesco at the moment. It's not as good as the bogof offers but they're under a tenner at least.
  10. You just fucked over the Budget?!
  11. Buy new batteries instead? :awesome:
  12. Same can be said for burn, which doesn't require an attack to be announced before it can be attempted. But both rely on a flip. Which is why poison is the preferred condition as it's more consistent than both of them. It guarantees extra damage with no risk of it not happening. Even more so since this bad boy got printed: Combine that with Virbank City Gym and you're doing an extra 30 damage.
  14. I would disagree, for confusion you could simply not attack. For staying the active Pokémon, burn would be better. Although that would be after the game. Very true, apart from the low cost on the basics there's many ways around it now. Darkrai EX gives your 'mon with dark energy attached free retreat. Float Stone is a tool which gives free retreat. This is frequently used with Keldeo EX, which has an ability which allows it to become the active Pokémon. Got a paralyzed 'mon? "Rush in, retreat" has been such a common phrase over the year. Ah, here's the tweest. They rotate sets out so older sets in main competitive play are illegal. So you really are forced to buy new sets if you want to stay competitive: http://pokegym.net/tower/ shows you the current allowed sets and scans of them all. Click "switch to unlimited" and see all the sets and relive the nostalgia. We're actually due for a new rotation sometime soon. Speculation is it's going to be Plasma Storm onwards.
  15. It's rare to find an ability/attack which gives paralysis without a flip (Accelgor aside), because it's the sexiest out of all the special conditions. Poisoned/burned/confused Pokémon can just retreat, being put to sleep gives a second chance of it not working. The only hope is to evolve or Trainer card it out. and you'd be surprised how little Switch is played nowadays.
  16. Waddaya win at the end?
  17. Everytime I see the old cards, they are so weak and underpowered it makes me feel old.
  18. Poison types have moved over from Grass cards. I know, awesome right? Sadly wasn't the meta at the time. Everyone was fisting LuxChomp decks at the time of the 'Bat (Which I played because I'm anti establishment, which is probably why I don't do that well at major tournaments) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/LuxChomp_%28TCG%29 Just imagine if it was playable at the same time as Virbank City Gym Stadium card: Technically it is since there's a Team Plasma Crobat: But it'd take too long to get going. It's all about "Big Basics" at the moment.
  19. Bitch please. He reached his prime when he did Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
  20. S'all about Crobat Prime bitches.
  21. Same here, I thought it was going to overload you with everything but it seems to be drip feeding you portions of the world. I've only just met the girls and strayed into 16-bit Canada, I'd completely forgotten about them up until that point as I was focusing on the now moments. The menu system is pretty wank though.
  22. I'm not playing it. Don't intend to buy it I'm afraid.
  23. @Jonnas, are you mafia? A simple yay or nay will suffice.
  24. No I would not.
  25. Has anyone watched s-CRY-ed before? I actually managed to finish watching it last night. I first wanted to watch it about 18 years ago when I saw an advertisment for the manga on the back of some Pokémon comics. I downloaded it when I was at uni (subbed) about 10 years ago and didn't watch it. Bought it from Ebay about 3-5 years ago and actually watched it last week. Found it rather entertaining. With the exception of one certain female (yes you were dreaming, we fucking get it) the rest of the characters were fairly likeable.
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