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Zygo Ape

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Everything posted by Zygo Ape

  1. It annoys me that everyone else has said most of what i have in my top five. 1. Brigade - Lights 2. Eagles of Death Metal - Death by sexy 3. Futureheads - News and Tributes 4. Cartel - Chroma 5. Howling Bells - Howling Bells 6. Justin Timberlake - Futuresex/lovesounds 7. Men Women and Children - Self Titled 8. The Rapture - Pieces of the people we love 9. Test Icicles - For screening purposes only 10. The Young Knives - Voices of Animals and men Special mention goes to the Inflames album. Me and my bessy mate were cruising in his new Micra (just passed his driving test) and we went into HMV and went to the metal album to buy the CD with the most derranged and sick cover art immaginable. And for people who have seen it i reckon you will agree with me when i say i think i picked the best one. We planned to drive through Saville Town with it blaring out of the shitey Tinny speakers (saviile town being an area of my town populated by begrudging asian people) Needless to say it was hilarious and we got quite a few funny looks.:wink:
  2. And the Brows!
  3. Doherty is not the one i have a problem with, as i really enjoyed the New Babyshambles EP. I just dont think a band like the Libetines deserve all the attention they get. Seriously in my opinion both their albums are fine to listen to in places, in others i just despise it. What the Libertines "stand for" was not that much in the first place. After their early days they were persistently letting their fans down, with both Doherty and Barat failing to show up for gigs. Yeah they did release some decent material in the latter part of their carear, but the band was so washed up they never even played the stuff to their fans as a complete band. It is beyond me why people still idolise them. *Not in any way trying to play down musical opinions of other forum members*
  4. Yessh, thou has said so before, but it must be quite the likeness if you keep mentioning it. Domster: That hair HAS to be photoshopped, its insane!
  5. 1. Jurrassic Park - made me want to be a Paelentologist 2. Munich - I bum this film 3. Revenge of the sith - The Only film ive been to see on its midnight showing 4. Usual Suspects - Dont need to Explain really 5. Phantom of the Opera - Doubt any of you have ever seen this, but its a different cinema experience alltogether. Special mention goes to Weekend at Bernies, i laughed so hard at this when i was younger it made my balls drop.
  6. Kindof agree with the Bard, apart from the Franz Ferdinand comment, but thats for another discussion. I dont really care if theres shit acts out there aslong as they dont get any radio play (no chance of me listening to it on Radio 2 though) Lil Chris has done well for himself you cant deny that (signed by Sony BMG? wtf!?!?!) but yeah everything that comes out of his mouth is absolute crud. He does a load of charity work though, kudos to him (his marketing ploy) for that anyway
  7. I agree with ThatGuy, i used to think my hair looked alright short, but now that i look back at photos, i had a riiight pea-head. Heres my hair at its best (bit blurry) I use shockwaves putty stuff, and i really like it when it works. Wash it about once a week (yeah i know, slap me)
  8. Dont forget that the BurgerKing 360 games (sneak king and big bumper) are US exclusive games. He may be pi$$ing about though.
  9. 1. Zelda 2. Oblivion 3. Tetris DS 2007 1. Metroid prime 3 2. Lost Planet 3. Excite Truck
  10. Jarhead, honestly ive never been in love with a film this much before. Its just incredible. I wrote my coursework on it and got an "A"grade. This was veeeerrry early 06 btw Other than that, POD was brilliant
  11. Mines been fine after the update, make sure you dont press any buttons or move the controller whilst updating (i didnt, and mine didnt glitch soo, i dunno)
  12. Its small, its sexy, its fun, the games look shit on my TV at the moment though. Twilight Princess looks like majoras mask, i sooo need component. Its so sensitive which i like, the Zelda controls are wicked (my only game so far) Was at the Tesco midnight launch, was 12th in queue, started lining up at half nine. EDITY: How long do these bloody updates take?
  13. Ive got a letter through the door this morning about my Wii Console, being 6th on the list of the pre-orders, my stores doesn't have ANY consoles for launch, and will only be getting a whole 2 consoles before Christmas, i'm basically buggered. They send me the note a DAY before launch? Looks like either Tesco midnight or Toys R us tomorrow. Here we go again (refers to shit 360 launch)
  14. Guys, this is terribble news, and im bricking them aswell, i hope Currys get 6 units, or else ill be without one after all this time of thinking i was assured. Use This site here, i used it when the 360 was in short supply and managed to get one 2 days after release. Just give them your email and theyll give you online and retail stock alerts. http://wii.stocknetwork.co.uk/
  15. I had a dream once where me and my old mates were moping about on the street like we used to. I didnt think anything about it in my dream, but when i woke up i instantly realised that my street looked nothing like it did in real life, yet, i didnt question it in my dream. And thats something thats been bugging me for ages. Anyways back to the story, we were watching Malcolm in the middle, and i heard a kock at the door or something like that, next thing i know im in my best mates house about to defend myself against an army of samurai (again this seemed completely normal for me in my dream) When i start to clash blades with them i slow down like fuck, and can hardly move, the worst feeling ive ever had, ever. And i cant shout or speak or anything. Then i die, i feel the pain, and "Jump Awake" in my bed, with the sweatiest arse crack going.
  16. Yeah i enjoyed it too, i say quick blasts on it are for the better, if you start getting into a routine of playing for hours on end it becomes a bit crap. It was me who threw a grenade into that tank, but i got shot whilst i was playing through the animation, probably glitched out i suppose. Garden Pidgeon, sunday night is a possiblity, although i reckon trying to drag everyone away from their Wii's is a bit of a lost cause:laughing:
  17. Zygo Ape = Zygomatic ape
  18. Just found this. If you are all having another game sometime i definately want to join in. Sign me up bitch
  19. Yeah, these last few days have been dragging like a seals ringpiece. And YOU (refers to self) staying up until midnight isnt going to help the time pass quicker ykno! Ive got around 5 hours to play the Wii before my demented cousin comes up for the weekend.
  20. I logged in Yesterday to check what i was on, im just short of 4k. Hey, aslong as i can use them for something im not too fussed.
  21. So i could fling myself off a tall building....
  22. Im going to shove a rocket up GAME's a$$ if they dont dispatch my copy of Twilight Princess by Tommorrow. I keep looking at the order and its very irritating and Vague. :horse: "This is currently held as a pre-order" :horse:
  23. Take my pre-ordered unit home thursday night and hide it until monday. Reason being my little cousin is coming up and he just LUUUURRRVES destroying things Bastard :wink:
  24. Stop forcing me to search eBay for N64 Zelda bundles!!!!
  25. Excuse me Mr Stefkov, i would like to know where said pictures are. Anybody know? I dont think theyre on meaningless posts btw
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