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Zygo Ape

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Everything posted by Zygo Ape

  1. Where do you get your money? Seriously! Ill post a list of mine with pics tommorrow if i get time, working 9 while six AGAIN. Ive got around 150 DVD's with about 20-30 box sets. Alien Quadrilogy Limited edition is my most prized possession. Linky And also my complete Angel collection, just bought all the bonds in a box set too
  2. Im wanting either Rayman or Monkey Ball, if anyones got both which one would you think was better? Madden is also very tempting, did ANYONE buy this??
  3. Just completed the game a miniute ago. Best.Boss.Ever! Clocked in at 36:57, all bugs and all poes found. Havnt done fishing yet atall. This game was stupidly easy, but also one of the best ive played.
  4. Yay!!! Im so glad everythings sorted out and your brothers alright, got me thinking a few times over the last couple of days, was quite sickened when thinking about it. Im watching Its a Wonderful Life at the Moment, im suddenly enjoying Christmas.
  5. I wanted to do something like that too, but i pussied out.
  6. Preach Brudda, the art of Criminally insane logic needs a good :horse:
  7. You c**t!!!! @@£$$%^%&&* I can still taste it from my Holidays earlier on this year, at the tip of my tounge, so far far away... I think ill take a trip to habbo hotel, and pour myself a drink of "virtual mountain dew", the closest ill ever get to the stuff.
  8. Just added another Gig: NME Indie Rave Tour - Leeds Met 07/02/2007 They sold out so i went on eBay and bought a couple of tickets, not going to say how much for though, silly money. Cant wait to see the Klaxons, Sunshine underground too, and Pull Tiger Tail. "Light touch my hand, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on. You can forget our future plans. Night touch my hand with the turning Golden Skans, From the night and the light, all plans are golden in your hand." Love this band, my tip for band of 2007
  9. Oh my god, the Controls for DK Country on the gamecube pad are dire! "Lets just put the attack button on the Y, and the Jump button on the B, theyre only a mile apart!" Seriously though, if you want to run on this game you have to position your hands at a 75 degree angle and sortof "slide" your thumb down the controller alllllllllllll the way to the B Button and back up again to let go. Classic Controllers in the post.
  10. Just got to the sky temple now, been playing the game 11 hours today and im 31 hours in. Ive loved these last few temples, best part of the game so far. Got to the infamous cannon room and was all like: “ohhhh noes, dont save noob!!!!1111. I hate how much money you have to spend to progress, ive spent around 2 hrs game time looking for rupees. DONT WANT IT TO END
  11. WHERE can i get a bigger wallet from? Im doing the malo mart thing. (how cool im doing this on my wii, no need to go to the comp to do this anymore!)
  12. No, the Gamecube copies were manufactured before it was announced for the Wii, they then pulled production of the game very early, hence the extremely limited stock. Incredible conspiracist in the making
  13. Hmm, neither do i. The fact that millions of people have access to your mug on the internet is insane.
  14. PIKACHURE!!!????
  15. Very funny, but what were th other two characters supposed to be?
  16. Ill try and remeber all the gigs that ive been to this year, im sure its just a tad longer than Platty's. Itll be quite funny because it will go a bit like this: Mcfly/Son of Dork/Taking Back Sunday/Hawthorne heights = 1st quarter All That Remains/Unearth/Killswitch/Trivium/Lamb of God = 2nd quarter Nothing 3rd quarter (trip to southern asia) Placebo, Futureheads, Young Knives, Forward Russia, Get Cape Wear Cape =4th quarter Ive been soo erratic with my music taste this year, but its turned out for the better.
  17. It becomes an addiction. :horse:
  18. Mungo sounded like sex on legs
  19. Might have to dedicate a couple of days in the holidays to have a crack at these books, aswell as Eldest (ive read eragon twice) Has anybody read The Wind on Fire trilogy? They are a fantastic set of books, wouldnt make good movies though. Pure Escapism
  20. I couldnt read the books, i got distracted, and they were very confusing
  21. Lol, were you drunk??! And yeah i thought it was excellent. The encore was one of the best ive experienced, i think i was deafened by Return of The Berserker for a few miniutes lol. Nice lineup of Gigs there mate, specially the Klaxons. Killswitch engage should be excellent The Bard, went to see them in my Metal days and got one broken rib (thats a good thing)
  22. After reading through some of the Threads discussing albums of the year, favourite songs and a certain "Lil Chris", i have discovered many people on these forums have similar musical tastes to mine. I like to record what gigs i have upcoming on my Calendar, thought it would be nice to do it here aswell, whilst also reading about other peoples gig schedule. Because theres a distinct lack of shows coming up to Christmas, im going to post a couple of my recent shows also. Futureheads (Spprt: Howling Bells, The Enemy) Sheffield Leadmill - 27/11/06 Placebo (Spprt: Howling Bells, Archie Bronson Outfit) MEN Arena - 10/12/06 The Enemy (Spprt: unknown) The Cockpit Leeds - 31/01/07 The Macabees (Spprt unknown) The Cockpit Leeds - 14/02/2007 The Rapture (Spprt unknown) Leeds Metropolitan University - 05/03/2007 The Rakes (Spprt unknown) Manchester Ritz (where is this?) - 25/03/2007 Hoping for a decent response!
  23. You seem to be progressing at the same rate. The circular room, just make sure you explore everywhere on the walkways on both floors until you find the chest, you should be well on your way once you get the chest. I loved this dungeon, my favourite so far, and the boss is awesome. I agree with what Motion says, impending doom seems light years away, but the story makes up for it.
  24. Its short and sweet, doesnt give them much room to mess up really. Shows what he can do when he puts his mind to it.
  25. You have got to be kidding me, i spend all that time gathering the fused shadows when:
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