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Zygo Ape

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Everything posted by Zygo Ape

  1. Thanks guys, my sig seems to get noticed everywhere i go, i didnt do it myslef by the way, its a graphics artist in my 360 clan called Jade, you should see some of the others shes done.
  2. The Bard, did you just completely disregard what i requested in my opening thread or what?
  3. After selling my gamecube and all my games last year, i am going to need to build up a collection of games classed as "MUST OWNS" for this consoles. Everyone should put on their three favourite titles for the system and they must differ from everybody elses. I dont mind personal preferences, just aslong as its not a crappy game like wrestlemania. I have still to explore the full catalougue of the system and would like to rebuild before the Wii comes out. Hopefully this will be used as a reference for people hoping to do the same. Ill add my three games which i enjoyed the most which i WILL be re-buying. 1. Mario Kart Double Dash 2. Luigis Mansion 3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (please carry on the list in numerical order)
  4. If sega can pull off a decent sonic title and can keep the super monkey ball franchise so strong i would be happy to bring them home with my Wii.
  5. I think the album is probably the second best in their catalogue. Assassin is a great song which breaks up the album, although imo the latter part of the album is truly what defines great music. Yes im very impressed, it will take a while for me to get bored of this. For those who are interested, NME magazine gave it nine out of ten, their best album review so far THIS YEAR.
  6. I suppose you could look at it from two angles. The first one being, if any product has to be a success, it has to meet the manufacturers targets and sales figures. If the Gamecube's target was to claw back some market share from Sony, then im afraid it has failed (this is a business viewpoint) Second: Has the gamecube kept people playing the system? I know i used to play two year old gamecube games just before i sold it, close to release titles such as SSB:M and MK:DD. Ive had my xbox 360 6 months now, im bored of games i bought last month! On the innovation front, Nintendo have turned a corner, and i believe Microsoft and Sony will get a nice kick up the backside this winter, enough people have sampled the addictive nature of the gamecube, and even more are dying to get their hands on a Wii so after 4 years of this generation, Nintendo could actually meet targets they set all those years ago. In short, The cube fu**ing OWNED (imo)
  7. My final farewell present to the nintendo gamecube? Re-buy one, jeez i miss mine so bad. The 360 isnt keeping me content at the moment, i love RPG and adventure games and the 360 just keeps spitting FPS filth at me
  8. Im sorry but i believe This: youtube.com/watch?v=CsT_9LNRkr0&search=jimmy%20southpark begs to differ...
  9. Any joy from youtube? Im a bit hesitant to download anything at the moment, given that i dont have an active firewall. I love south park and ive got the first three series on DVD and yes it has definately got better since then. The only show i belive that is on-par with this is Malcolm in the Middle. Why has this not got a DVD release? Where are you lot going to watch the england game today? Ill be going to Millenium square, its ace.
  10. The only Anime i like are the street fighter movies, those were better than that Claude Van Damme sh!t. Oh yeah you can add him to the list too. Agree about Doherty, he should be shot. Although for the teenagers rant, thats kindof a bit steriotypical dont you think? Im probably just saying that because im a teen myself and do have long hair but no im not a miserable shit and its only the real, outcasts that dont have any mates at school that develop a depressive attitude. Thats what ive experieced anyway, and id like to know where you get your experiences from (not trying to start an arguement, just would like to know why you, and it seems apparent, that other people on this forum, have something against us?)
  11. Jesus i feel such a jack-off for selling my cube now. I never got to play with the bongos either. Having to pay £40 for 360 games now, a fiver a game for the gamecube makes me wish i was still in the last gen. I do have a dreamcast however, hmmmmmm. I want Ecco the Dolphin for that.
  12. Good to see people are still watching. I thought it had lost some popularity since its glory days... not that it has lost its quality
  13. Havent watched South Park in ages but ive just watched a couple of episodes on Paramount comedy. Have to say it is bloody hilarious, mr Garrison is now Mrs Garrison and has a split sexual relationship with a Mr Twig and a Mr hat (both finger puppets) probably one of the most stupidest comedical concepts i have ever seen in my life. Timmy and Jimmy are, as always, the highlights of any episode and the celebrity support they get for the episodes now is phenominal. And it has just occured to me that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are possibly the most politically aware people on the planet... Discuss.
  14. Nice to see some Humour in this thread
  15. Did the Resi Evil films actually make enough money to warrant sequals? Never seen them so i cant knock them but going by Media reviews and opinions of guenuine RE fans, i think ill leave this trash alone.
  16. Again totally agree. Ill be the first to stand up and say i like looking "Emo" and i do listen to certain bands of that genre, however due to society today, no matter what other interests i have or accomplishments i achieve, i will always be labeled as an "Emo" just because of the way i style my hair or because of the cloths i wear.
  17. I just remebered = HALIFAX ADVERTS
  18. To be honest if you cant accept what he said without incriminating or slandering him, you have a one-dimensional sense of maturity. Even though i may disagree with him on a couple of points, im going to take it with a pinch of salt and add my two cents. and im only 17... Modern Cinema- Been mentioned before but yeah its one of my biggest gripes with society. The fact that mindless crap makes more money than great films in the past few years just sickens me. Everything is Illuminted, perhaps my greatest experience in film EVER was only shown in 20% of Britains cinema screens is shocking. People who Jump on the Bandwagon - We have all seen it happen, especially with the football and all sports. Musical Ignorance - I used to be one of theose people who would not stray into "labeled" genres. How many times do i have to tell people, Slipknot are not a chaotic calamity of sounds, they are actually a very accomplished band who can do as much stuff with their instruments as Jimi Hendrix did with his. They are great performers, the masks and makeup is just a show for the fans really its great fun, just because they look like gimps doesnt mean they sound like gimps. Its also to be noted that Slipknots debut album was recently voted in the 200 top albums of all time by a collective list of the finest musical critics in the UK.
  19. Sorry to hear that man, i get it all the time because im "Emo" long hair and tight jeans dont work when living right next to a council estate. I honestly believe chavs are going down the path of terrorism, because in essence thats exactly what theyre doing now when you think about it, theyre Terrorists, without the brains. Ive been attacked twice by chavs (got shit kicked out of me first time, second time i gave a couple of them a big kick in the scrot before i pegged it) If any of you have ever had a run-in with Gypsies before, believe me its alot worse. So yah, walk confidently, never look at the floor, try to look away from them, but just enough so you can see what theyre doing, and always make your chin look big.... >_> <_< oh yeah, and always wear a nice belt buckle, heres one of my favorites: scavengeinc.com/images/batmanbuckle.jpg
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