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Zygo Ape

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Everything posted by Zygo Ape

  1. Im looking forward to it. And fook me, if i had a body like that at his age, i wouldnt need to worry about getting old. Speaking of 4th instalments, anyone heard theyve actually STARTED filming for Indy 4?
  2. Ive had a fairly decent job for the last year or so, with a sizeable rate of pay for a 17 year old, and to be frank, its the easiest as feck job on this planet. Is it wrong that i want another job that involves the outdoors for the summer? I dont know, wouldnt even mind Dog walking, anything that gets me away from the warehouse, no chance of getting a good old Brittish summer tan/rash in there.
  3. Little things that annoy me? When you have a haircut, weather it be moderately drastic or not theres always bound to be one person who is bound to tell you that they dont like it. DONT TELL ME THAT FOOL!!! ITS GONNA TAKE ANOTHER 5 WEEKS TO GROW BACK!!!
  4. Definatley, i couldnt beleive he sung his own original song. Usually when people come in with their own stuff, it kindof fails to grip hold of the audience/judges, we saw it alot on the X-factor. His material was brilliant, It had a certain Jose Gonzales-esqe type of feel to it. Id love the Impressionist to go far, him who did who wants to be a millionaire. Oh and Also Jake Pratt, that comedian, though i reckon he'll find it hard to come up with some solid material for the Semi's
  5. Why did they put that 40 something, white trash, hip-hop dancing slag through? I thought i had seen the last of her vicious Warts after i put a pillow over my face to stop my eyes burning, those Warts are the type of warts that could run free and rape anybodys cat/dog during the wee hours of the morning. She wasnt very good either, for the record.... " If i win this ill become as big as Madonna" Yeah, if i got my cock out and wiggled it about and declare it Hip-Hop, wouldnt that subsequently make my cock bigger than Madonna? Coz she might aswell have done that , yknow. Rant over.
  6. Buying back my freedom. Owed my dad summert like £300 squid, paid it back in full lol.
  7. Ive always had a personal vendetta against wrestling. Back in the day when WWF/E was acceptable to watch, i was the only one who had taste in television (aka, power rangers>WWE) and i HATED it when everyone else played wrestling. I got my ass kicked and i didnt know what the hell was going on. It was the worst thing ever, sweaty fat kids jumping about on the school field in the blazing heat, quoting some of the worst one liners in the world throwing all your power rangers figurines on the school roof? No Thanks
  8. I was going to Get Sonic for the 360, played it once and work and thought no. Im definately going to play this before i make a decision. I dont trust sonic team anymore. Even though i loved SA2. What i want is Sonic Knuckles and tails to be playable, nobody else, and i want them to be able to do their traditional traits in the levels, eg Knuckles can climb walls, tails can fly and sonic is just fast, all of these used in the generic sonic speed levels with cool themes. I would hope that you can choose to play a level as a certain character and you have a high score and fastest time online leaderboard for each character. There should be alternate paths in the level, some which can only be accessed by playing the level as a different character for instance. If they tick all those boxes, im sold.
  9. Add one more Gig: Kaiser Chiefs - Manchester Appolo Thu 22/02/2007 I know, theyre a bit shite, but my mate wanted to go. Theyre not all that bad actually.
  10. Pfft, pencil chest hairs... Yeah i know im being a bit stupid, as i said hes a good actor and has been in some good films. Hes a smart lad for taking advantage of his position and using it for success. I obviously have done more thinking about this than anyone has lol
  11. I would say no, mainly because i feel no need for it and typically, then ones who use it are generally anti-social louts, devout practicions of being complete dicks and ruining society (which is not all that good in the first place) for other people. Im not tarring everybody with the same brush however, as a few people i know who smoke the stuff are rleaxed and are generally sound people. Though i still notice some of the effects it has on them, aka; losing their sanity, starting fights with random people, droping out of school. I know that may not be all down to the stuff, but it generally happens to more of these people than people who dont smoke the stuff.
  12. Any news on the release date yet? Ill stop being lazy and check myself anyway. March would be perfect, 01 March for example.
  13. Might find something alive next time? a rat perhaps?
  14. Hearing about what you lot dont like about the people you live with has made me think, alot of these traits apply to me Especially the three hour shift one, i always make out that ive just worked a nightshift or summert. Oh and mymum always states the obvious, i never used to notice it but now i like topick up on and twist / turn most of what she says against her, i notice she constantly states the obvious like: "Your teas going to go cold" "Its late, go to bed" "If you dont get up on time youll miss the bus" Meh, just irritates me a tiny bit. Shes like a broken record most of the time but without her id wouldnt be able to manage. Shes alright reaaly.
  15. Yeah yeah but!............ erm He did a voiceover in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, because of his big poxy voice!
  16. Youve probably heard of him, been in numerous movies and has made quite a name for himself. Most notably, hes been in football factory, The Business, severance and a load of other random bullshit. Everyone i know thinks hes the dogs bo**ocks, but i reckon hes a complete wanker. Sure hes successful, i may have just a hint of jealously towards him (as i do with most people in his position) and he might be an alright-ish actor. But seriously, why does he put on the load of tosh accent for the cameras, he uses it to string his fans along, i mean i was even watchign a documentary called "The real football factories" where he got to run about with a load of football hooligans and talk to the viewers about what nutcases they were, and how he was bricking himself, but always "up for it" before a derby match. I reckon hes clever though, he pulls off the act really well, and he becomes a real draw to the films. If he didnt have that accent though i dont think he'd be half as recodnised as he is now, hes studied the market and knows what the people want. Do any of you have an opinion of him?
  17. I am also crusing in the course, im on an A grade with one exam to go. Explains why i know what idiolect means.
  18. Ive just discovered, our very own rolling eyes emoticon Is actaully a visual representation of Indeed?!?!!?1 Wtf?
  19. Echoes beat prime hands down. Mainly because it took me 100 hours to complete. Echoes is definately super vague, Prime was a bit more fun though, and more true to the series.
  20. Never said you did, its a habbit right?
  21. Its just not a common word used by regular people, the only people who may say this word now are the more "sophisticated" members of our society. I sure as hell dont use the damned word anyway, and i doubt any of you do in normal conversation unless you're pissing about.
  22. Cant be far off though can it? March latest i reckon
  23. Thats just like what this wierd guy at my work says, he works in the warehouse and goes to gentlemens clubs, he says stuff completely out of context and speaks like Yoda. "Special i am, go get you your washer, i will!" Idiolect, you like using these words dont you? You big Dictionary Whore. (Idiolect is somebodys own personal language use, for anyone who doesnt know)
  24. Getting old, cant keep up with us young whippersnappers these days :wink:
  25. Chavs have reigional dialect??? I suppose its just because people from my area are quite mono-syllablistic, "Braaat" is a bit easier for them to force out than "Brrrraaaappp Brap Brp" Oh the wonders of Britain Ask Jordan, being a Halifax boy im sure he can put it into context for you
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