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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Very much so. Many many hours are going to be put into it. Can't get over how good it looks on the PS4 Pro. There's a Christmas update giving away free in game gifts for logging on each day with Christmas music playing in the menu screen. Thought it was a nice touch.
  2. I will do my best to remember this week. Completely forgot last week. Sorry!
  3. I'd go up to £450, day 1 for me. I held off for too long on the Switch after being badly burnt by the Wii U. That won't happen this time. Last 2 and half years owning a Switch has restored my faith in Nintendo. They would be stupid not to. They have so much momentum right now with the Switch brand. Has the Nintendo brand and their IPs ever been this strong? They have to nail the marketing to the successor to their most successful console. Stick a 2 on the end, it's simple. For once, play it safe. No repeat of the disaster that was the Wii U. No unnecessary gimmicks.
  4. It gets better, not by much but it gets better.
  5. I watched it yesterday before the game. It was okay, I had heard great things about it so I was a bit disappointed. It didn't live up to the hype for me. Seemed to be on fast forward for certain big events without time to breathe and take it all in. The dad was a nasty piece of work.
  6. Going to do same and try and watch it this weekend. Texas Tornado (Kerry Von Erich) was one of my favourites as a kid. His theme music was simple but awesome.
  7. Completely forgot to post this one I completed Donkey Kong Land 2 a week or so ago. Took a bit longer than i expected as due to the good ish weather, I've been having my lunch break out in the work garden the last few weeks so I was only playing when the weather was crap. Anyways, enough about the random UK summer weather. This is definitely a step up on DKL1, graphically some small improvements. DKL1 seemed to be pushing the gameboy to it's limits so there wasn't much more they could get out of it. Level design is definitely grander in scope. Some really long levels here, challenging but also frustrating at times due to the limitations of the gameboy. I'll be swimming (urggh... I'll get back to that) and an enemy would just appear on top of me. The swimming levels, I hate them in every game. Too many here for me. Music is great for them though. Sound wise, usual catchy stuff, not really an improvement on DKL1 but not a downgrade either. Definitely takes a lot from DKC2 which isn't a bad thing at all but maybe too ambitious for the gameboy. Not a lot of save points here and for a game I'm trying to squeeze into my 45 minute lunch break, it wasn't ideal. Onto Donkey Kong Land 3 next to complete the gameboy trilogy.
  8. I hate watching England. There's just nothing there. Pass sideways, pass backwards, refuse to take on anybody. What must Palmer and Gordon be thinking. Reminder, Palmer was the most in form player of the last few weeks of the season.
  9. Apologies for choosing the wrong course at the start. I wasn't aware it was a theme night.
  10. The next game in the GBA lunch break series is complete. Seeing as I'd finished the Donkey Kong Country trilogy and Returns recently, my next game series to play made sense really. Donkey Kong Land This game has so much charm, it's hard for me to find any faults with it. This was a joy to play again after so many years. Graphically is really pushes the Gameboy with the level design and the character models. Sound/Music - Rare did a fantastic job with the Gameboy limited sound chip here bringing some of the classic tunes from Donkey Kong Country here along with some very catchy new ones. It's actually a really challenging game at times. I was surprised by how long some of the levels were. Boss battles are okay, they keep it simple with the limitations of the Gameboy so nothing too challenging. Next up Donkey Kong Land 2 Only played a couple of levels so far but the jumps feel really floaty compared to DKL1.
  11. Credits have rolled on Donkey Kong Country Returns It's been well over 10 years since I last played this so it felt like a new game playing through it. Also, it's been so long since I sat down and put a few hours into a Wii Game with the Wii remote still being really comfortable to play with horizontally. Anyway, onto the game I really enjoyed playing through this again after so many years. Not the most challenging game but I wasn't going back and collecting everything to unlock the 9th island. I can imagine that's where the proper challenge comes in. Graphically, it looks fantastic on my Sony Trinitron CRT TV, vibrant colours and some stunning graphical styles on display on certain levels. Controls, apart from waggle controls, which are horrible, Donkey Kong controls perfectly. Music, I like how it borrows sound bites from the iconic DKC tunes as you would expect but there's nothing really memorable here. Humour, there is none. A couple of the cut scenes got a chuckle out of me but the Rare sense of humour is really missing here. Cranky Kong acts like a completely different character. It feels very safe at times compared to the DKC Rare Trilogy but Retro probably didn't want to take any risks or Nintendo just wouldn't let them. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will be played but it won't be my next game.
  12. Everdrive so any game released on the GBA. if you have any recommendations, let me know. I'm thinking Super Mario Bros.3 and playing through all the e-reader levels first.
  13. The next game in my GBA lunch time gaming was completed today. Rock n Roll Racing I played this so much on the SNES back in the day. Remember being blown away by the soundtrack and the commentator so it was a pleasant surprise when I saw this while browsing for my next GBA game to play. Soundtrack and the commentator are still fantastic after all these years but do get a bit repetitive after a few hours of playing. The graphics and course design are spot on with as expected more challenging courses as you work your way through the different worlds in the game. Had to do a bit of grinding in the last couple of worlds as I maxed out my vehicle thinking it was the last one to unlock only for the last vehicle to pop up so I screwed myself over. The vehicle upgrade system is simple but works so well and is so rewarding when you start putting wins together and the cash starts rolling in. Now what do I play next on the GBA...
  14. I brought my A game last night, still wasn't enough.
  15. Well I didn't brake so meh.. only time I brake in Mario Kart 8 is on 200cc. I'm sure I got hit by something that slowed me down but I definitely didn't brake. Can't explain that one. Can't see anything in your posted video.
  16. Finished and then got the Platinum trophy on Spider-Man: Miles Morales over the easter weekend. That's back to back platinum trophies. @Hero-of-Time is no doubt very proud of me. I wasn't expecting much from the story but I was surprised as I thought it was pretty good, especially the ending. Having to do New Game Plus to get the platinum trophy unfortunately highlighted how short the story was if you didn't bother with the side missions. Regarding the side missions, I really enjoyed them, a nice variety and while I normally hate stealth in games (I don't have the patience), I completed quite a few of the enemy bases without being seen. The postcard scavanger hunt one was probably my favourite side mission. Quite touching with the messages from his dad. Gameplay was spot on as expected with Insomniac. As with God of War: Ragnarok, it looks great on the PS4 Pro. Now I really want to play Spider-Man 2 but I don't want to buy a PS5.
  17. It's one of the few reasons for me to get a PS5. Annoyed it didn't get a current gen version like so many others did. Holding off on PS5 for now until they reveal the PS5 pro.
  18. Went with Rock & Roll Racing as my next game. Didn't realise it got a GBA port. Put so many hours into it on the SNES. Got an everdrive so I've got the modded rom for SMB3 with all the eReader levels
  19. Completed Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! today and that is the DKC trilogy done. Graphically, it's the best of the three even though the GBA struggles with some of the water levels, I was struggling at times to see enemies which I didn't with the first two. I thought the music was fantastic, back to the catchy tunes of DKC 1 after the dark tone of DKC2. I was back humming the tunes after my lunch breaks for the rest of the day. Interestingly I discovered while searching for certain tracks on youtube that the GBA soundtrack is completely different to the SNES version which I'm sure everyone on here was already well aware of. I absolutely adore Rockface Rumble, like I couldn't stop smiling and humming along whenever this played. Gameplay, top notch. Level design, felt a bit all over the place at times. Like they used scrapped ideas from 1 & 2. Some of the boss battles were very random. I think DKC 2 is the more complete game but this one runs it close. Oh and I hate Kiddy Kong, that incredibly annoying cry when he dies... hate him. When I've finished Spider-man: Miles Morales, Donkey Kong Country Returns is next up Not sure what my next lunch time GBA game is, maybe the Super Mario Advance series...
  20. I had no idea what was going off, I thought we just had to race round collecting coins. It was only near the end of the first battle when someone drove into me nicking my coins did it click. I left after the first bomb battle, wasn't for me so I went back to watching football.
  21. For any Robocop fans out there, Robodoc is up on Amazon Prime. My favourite film so looking forward to watching it.
  22. Yeah, I kept meaning to post about it. I enjoyed it but I did not enjoy fighting the EMMI's at all. I think the game would have been better without them. Some really good challenging boss fights with simple but stunning graphics. Music was top notch as with all Metroid games. I think I rate Samus Returns higher, I don't know if it was having access to the map on the bottom screen that made it a less stop / start game, I dunno. I just enjoyed it more. Interesting to see what they do next, Super Metroid remake?
  23. Finished Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest today. Really enjoyed this, oddly enough I'm kinda glad I accidentally deleted my save after the first 3 worlds as I was very much on the fence whether it was a downgrade on DKC at that point, replaying those 3 worlds again changed my mind on that. Definitely a better game than the original, the level design is perfect and the music while it isn't as catchy as DKC, it feels more atmospheric. With DKC I was humming the tunes for the rest of the day after playing it during my lunch break, with this, nothing but I get why they mixed it up for the sequel. The boss battles are certainly more challenging, I was struggling with the final boss and his "disappearing act" right at the end of the battle. Eventually I got the pattern and that was that. It's crazy that it's taken me 28 years to play this. Next up in my lunch time GBA gaming and to complete the trilogy - Donkey Kong Country 3
  24. It's killing my knees but it's great fun. I've not played it as much as I'd like so far. God of War: Ragnarok took over my game time post Christmas and now Metroid Dread has took over. Seeing this has pushed me to play it tonight.
  25. Usually doesn't bother me, no league points on the line like you said so no big deal but that race... I was getting hit by everything. When I start getting angry with the game, that's the time to stop. I was having an ok ish night before that with 2nd place in both GPs.
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