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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Classic what you playing the most?
  2. Boom knowledgeshot! Dante you are a living genius. The vetran who keeps on giving!
  3. Wow old school? Do you still have your classic hair? Who was that chick you went out with? Was that you I swear you had a romance before jordanletty took over the NE romance board. Or was that Apple?
  4. Wow your kid is cute Mr Odwin. Taking after the mother I guess! I jest I jest. Thanks for the link.
  5. niceworld! How you finding live?
  6. Think you mean Svt4Him not Ford Prefect.
  7. Im betting teh admin emailed was Svt4Him or if he was ever an admin Fordprefect. They were two diversive characters.
  8. Almost definatly getting a 360 with gears on saturday. 360 GET! If you get an add from some loser with haden in his name you will know its time to reject that invitation! Only kidding accept I will be an easy kill in gears!
  9. Damn Dante you have to release some memoirs for the forum Oh god he was insane but no this guy was funner insane he came back and did something to do with a fountian in his home country that got on the news abouta year back. Oh dear god.
  10. Hmm there was another guy to who did pranks and stuff. But yeh fordprefect jesus, he made a comeback not so long ago? Yes I rememrebr those guys I used to love it when they used to post pictures of their sleepovers.
  11. Wow Pesten blast from the past. Who was that mental guy back in teh day? Lammie? Maybe thats wrong.
  12. Your straight wtf? Please at least say you are bi curious or have let your gf stick a dildo in you I mean cmon you intolerent son of a!
  13. 4. 4? Unless you mean rts ones in which case 3.
  14. lol this is the reason I come back to this thread what a classic. Do you have to like pump it when u want it to cum lol. And what do you put in there for the liquid?
  15. Oh god this thread has descended into Will and Grace live. Which I watched last night! So I cant speak. To be fair I only laughed when the characters laughed when they werent meant to as it was live. That was pretty cool.
  16. Na its tehm on Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway a Turner painting. And dont ask me the legend Konfucius made it for me im pretty sure he still posts here although I dont see him as much now. Oh wait I guess I can answer your question by saying there is no effect apart from I think he changed link and epona to fit in better to the painting. Not the otehr way round.
  17. Ah shit this looks ace godamnit 360 or new PC? Damnit damnit.
  18. Jesus thank god some good news.
  19. This game could be quite important for the Wii. I want to see how realistic controls on the wii can get. With wii tennis we had potential to change the spin type, hiegt and direction of shots. But direction was imo botched by the fact its to do with timing not placement. Also you cant control the power of shots in as satisfying way as wii bowling and at the net your power was limited. Also there were to many canned animations. To be fair this made it damn accesable but I want to know if there is more potential to the wiimote so im hopeing for good impressions from leipzig on this one.
  20. Men and women are different though I dont see how you can have equal rights when say a woman hits a man compared to a man hitting a woman. I guess it will be up to the damage done by say a punch so fairness wins even though equality doesn't but the rights are equal. I think that makes sense.
  21. Wow so much better!
  22. Oh ok its just in the context it really looked like wank instead of the other meaning. I was gonna say either hes a monk or someones telling porkies.
  23. Ah jesus I watched that MP2v3 comparision before and I havent completed MP2! Needless to say I switched it off really quick lol. I think the checkpoint system means backtracking wouldnt be so bad now so I hope they dont take it out completley and yeh I like using the map to.
  24. Sieorusly though this vid makes it look sooo sweet! Ironically at the bit where tehy said it doesnt look amazing at 5.10 that organic enviroment I thought looked incredible. Also thank god for resi 4 style checkpoints! Im so hyped for this now.
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